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Everything posted by Kanakalackin

  1. Fortunately, that makes them easier to round up and imprison for good.
  2. If I gave it a little more weight and had a longer rope, it would actually work. Just not uphill. That would take a winch. Too bad the Tohunga won't stay on without something sticky
  3. Out comes a Husi In goes a Maha, Kholi ball, and Ahkmou
  4. Fortunately, they find artificial strawberry and chocolate flavoring. It's not good for you, but you eat it anyways because it tastes good.
  5. Ok, I'll get 'em up by Friday. It would've been black if LEGO had made the Hordika head-ball-joint-things in black. That's one of the first things I'm doing when I get a 3D printer.
  6. Hey guys, I was bored and built something from MNOG. Wasn't actually that hard. / With the Tohunga (I call him Max )/ This is just a generic design, seeing that I don't have a grey Gali hook. P.S. This is for Slifer3000, who asked for things built from MNOG (for stop-motion I presume, judging from his topics).
  7. Hi guys, you probably all thought that this was an Onua claw, didn't you. Well, it's not. ^Click for LARGER Pic^ I got the idea while tinkering with new hand possibilities. I thought it looked okay, then I thought of a shrine for some reason, and I threw a zamor into it, and then I thought of Bionicle Heroes Nuparu and how much I like throwing atom-blast bombs at Bohrok for no reason. And that's how this came about. It's also pretty versatile as you'll find out when I build a B'Omarr Monk from Star Wars. So, yeah, C&C is welcome.
  8. So that's what ir was. I thought that it was a bat.
  9. I was riding the Tahtorak and incinerate you. My masks.
  10. Fortunately, they found moocow and milked it to make ice cream!!!
  11. Well. If you want to go higher, 5 dollars is about as high as I'll go. It depends if you're in the USA or not.
  12. MUCH better I always kind of imagined him as a mix of Davy Jones and the Kraken.
  13. I linked the thumbnail. I figured that I had put ^CLICK FOR LARGER PICTURE^ enough times that people would know. Oh yeah, and the arms are bley.
  14. I think you mean brickshelf. bricklink is a website where you sell your LEGO wares and buy other's
  15. Agreed. I would've loved to see the Piraka, the gangsta's of Bionicle. Or Karda Nui. JETPACKS!
  16. Yes, much better. Try adding a little more shadow, how about creases in the body?
  17. I didn't give it away, did I???
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