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Everything posted by Kanakalackin

  1. Why does it feel like I've invaded the BBC forum in the short period of time that I've been here?

    1. AdaptingChaos


      Because you posted topics on the BBC forums? :P

    2. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      Maybe you should post fewer MOCs and spend more time on each one.

  2. Hi guys. After DARKSIDERZ built his Lumai, Sevla, I built one. Both tie into my epic at one point in time, but you'll have to read it to find out. PHOTO GALLERY If anyone can figure out who this is, they're awesome (then again, we're all awesome to some extent). (HINT: It's female). C&C away guys!
  3. Okay, I live in VA. Zip code is 22406. Is that enough? It would be funny if we ended up living, like, 20 miles away or something.
  4. Most of my small black parts got "eaten" up by Lariska's torso build.
  5. Thanks guys! The (upper) torso was the hardest part to make, ESPECIALLY incorporating the zamor spheres. Oh, and I gave her "hair", but you can't really see it.
  6. Sweet! Where'd you get that silver Takadox armor piece? The arm design looks awesome. Oh my gosh! The return of Gavram! But he looks best with the Ignika.
  7. Oh, I see. I'd thought that she was holding a sword. XD No. if if were a sword, it would be much bigger.
  8. I uploaded the photo, didn't I?
  9. Hi guys. Today I built a Lariska. I may not be Chro or fsnorglepuff. But I'm pretty proud of this one.(I forgot her mechanical arm. I'll add it later). "I know where all my enemies are. After all, I'm the one who buried them." And what's Lariska without her daggers? ^^Click for larger pictures^^ I hope GregF (if he's still around) likes this. Seeing that she's his favorite Dark Hunter Feel free to C&C!
  10. What? The rifle or Lariska?
  11. I've got a story in the works for him. If you've ever seen the Speed Racer movie, you'll know what I mean when I say it's like Casa Cristo.
  12. Hi guys, while I was building my Lariska MoC today, I built a rifle. Comparison with Lariska Click for larger pictures! Feel free to C&C!
  13. You can't really see it, but he's got a 2.0 glatorian fist to hold stuff with. I just feel compelled to give most of my MoCs a melee and ranged weapon.
  14. The gun is probably my favorite part personally because I'm better at weapons than bodies.
  15. Oh, okay. I'll remember that next time. I have the clips to make it right now, but Adobe Premiere Elements isn't outputting any sound right now, so I'll have to do some troubleshooting...
  16. I get Chuck Norris really mad at you and he becomes my eternal ally. 'Nuff said. My mask
  17. Hi guys I've had this in the works for a while and I've figured it out! It started as a Frost revamp, but turned out TOTALLY different. Robot Form ^Click for LARGER pic^ Racer Form Haha, just kidding. Here's the real one. ^CLICKY CLICKY^ C&C away!
  18. My favorite part is where Takua goes: "Uhh... Jaller... I think you should get going before Maku actually cliff dives from that.." "HEY JALLER, TAKUA! WATCH THIS!" "WAIT!!!".
  19. Sorry, Photoshop has been really finicky. I've had to re-install it on my D drive. I can get it to you today.
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