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Scenario 1: The Enterprise of Star Trek Enterprise discovers current Spherus Magna Scenario 2: The Enterprise of the Original Series discovers current Spherus Magna Scenario 3: The Enterprise of The Next Generation discovers current Spherus Magna Scenario 4: Current Spherus Magna is discovered by the Voyager from Star Trek Voyager Scenario 5: Q teleports current Spherus Magna into the same system as Deep Space 9 Scenario 6: Current Spherus Magna is discovered by the Discovery Bonus Scenario: Current Spherus Magna is discovered in the mirror universe Discuss what you think would happen if Bionicle was placed in Star Trek. The Scenarios are placed above.
(Note: anything in default font is current information, while anything in Lucida Sans is from four years ago) Greetings, welcome to Bionicle: -Star Trek- Obviously, these comics are based on the Star Trek franchise, with The Next Generation mostly in mind.Anyway, all credit for the kit goes to Dark 709 for the awesomeness that Chimoru Omega is. I must also credit Gene Roddenberry for creating the Star Trek franchise. Disclaimer: Star Trek is a property of Paramount. I do not attempt to claim the franchise as my own in any way. This comic series falls under the category of a non-profit parody. Now, with that out of the way, let's get started. Season 1 Episode 1 -unfinished- Last Update: December 6. 2011 Episode 2 -coming soon- Note: Episode 1 is still under construction. I just wanted to show you the beginning of it, or what's already done. Consider it, not a preview, but more like a short part 1. Hope you like it... Comments and Criticism appreciated. Four years later update: Well well. I was hoping someone else had made a good star trek bionicle sprite comic, but when I googled it, this was the first thing that came up. I guess this means that the responsibility of creating a star trek bionicle sprite comic falls upon my shoulders.* Mabye I'll update this finally, although since I've lost all the materials I used to create this originally, I guess I'll have to start over again. Consider the unfinished Episode 1 a prototype pilot episode, while the (hopefully) upcoming new episode 1 will be the true pilot. Oh, and I will be using the original chimoru omega, due to the simplicity of its style, and the ease this allows in modifying the sprites, and producing new ones. And since I'll very much so need to create many different characters for a varied cast as well as a large story, this is for the best. I may take this story in a new direction too, so look out for some original concepts and deviation from the standard trek formula... Live long and prosper. Update 2: *: It seems I have been lied to by google. There was in fact an other star trek bionicle sprite comic, but it didn't come up in my google search. I had to check out the comics wiki to find out about it. Regardless, I still think it's a good idea to bring this one back. Can't hurt to have one more star trek bionicle sprite comic, especially since the other one is no longer around.
WHELP. Someone. Just had to keep talking about Star Trek Online, and I spent the day downloading/playing it... Now I'm hooked. Playing as a fairly handsome blue skinned andorian named K'ous. I've never watched Star Trek completely, but I know enough to follow along. I'm really enjoying everything so far though.
Switch Khan with Malcolm Reynolds...
HeavyMetalSunshineSister posted a blog entry in blogs_blog_1774
...and Star Trek Colon Into Darkness becomes a much better movie. Why? 1. That's the Captain speaking, right there. 2. "Khan" was basically the hero anyway - he exposed a corrupt, war-mongering admiral, went toe-to-toe with the Federation to save his friends, and got shot in the back by Kirk and Scotty. Keep Burgerking Custardbath in the role, and it's just Sherlock Goes to Space with thirty minutes of desperately scrambling to make him the villain at the end. Swap Mal in, and it's just another day at the office. 3. [All glory to the greatest webcomic on Earth. Fan poster by offsite artist deino-erd.] -
Hi guys, so, a while back, I had the idea of making a BIONICLE Into Darkness trailer. It has now become a reality... LINK (If anyone knows how to embed a video, please tell me.)
Hi guys, I've decided to do a trailer mash up for Star Trek into Darkness. Basically, these are my cast choices (based on appearance in the trailer). Kirk (Takua/Takanuva, Vakama) Spock (Jaller, Nuju) Admiral Pike (Norik) John Harrison (Villain) (Makuta, Tuma) Bones (Whenua, Onewa) Sulu (Lewa, Kongu) Uhura (Nokama) Scottie (Matau) Please comment if you have any suggestions!
Star Trek Into Darkness synopsis revealed!
Angel Beat posted a blog entry in Star Blogging across the universe
Source: Official Star Trek Topic -
Every once in a while Nostalgia strikes and I take a look at something that was really cool and "in" when I was about 6 years old or so. That usually involves looking at old cartoons. Often enough one finds that what was considered epic storytelling at that age is rather simple in hindsight. But sometimes you find that something that was seemingly boring at the time was actually really cool! The next Generation was the Star Trek show I grew up with. Unfortunately, back in 90s and slightly more interested in a certain brand of plastic building-bricks, it was something that would occasionally be watched. But since the original run ended in 94 and everything after was re-runs, those instances were rare. After all, there was Lego to be built and then there was Star Wars. And as you might guess, as a kid, I was more interested in X-Wings and lightsabers and AT-ATs (Oh Mata Nui, no sportscar will ever be as cool as an imperial walker, hands down! I DON'T CARE IF THERE'S NO PARKING SPOTS FOR AT-ATs, I WILL WALK TO WORK IN IT!)! Star-Trek on the other hand had people in bright-coloured uniform walking around on an absolutely clean Starship discussing the possible consequences of interfering with the developent of other species. Now, that was between age 4 to 8 and it never really interested me. That is until last month. I was stuck in bed thanks to an unhappy stomach. With nothing better to do I finally came across video-compilation of great movie-quotes. Among them the most inspirational quotes from Patrick Steward as Captain Picard. The realisation went something like this: "That show was really cool!" So somehow I've managed to watch the first 4 seasons again since then. I have to say the best episodes have to be those where Spiner gets on his Sherlock Holmes, or those where Steward can fully employ his classic Shakesperean acting or really steps up as an advocate for the equal rights of all living things. I am not a Trekkie by any means, but there is something very enjoyable about watching his speeches. And more importantly, they have some applicability to real life as well. I guess some things you can only really appreciate once you're old enough to know what they were all talking about. Maybe you have something like that from your early days as well. It has nothing to do with feeling older, btw. It's just about looking back at some stuff that's ten or fifiteen years in the past, to see how it holds up today. Now, with that said, I will return back to creating art and studying gamedesign...But first, I will need something to drink: Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
So, I saw Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan for the first time last night and Space Seed, Khan's debut episode in the original series. I love Khan's character. I can't tell if it's because he's written well or if Ricardo Montalbán's mannerisms make him so unique. Or both. This also makes his role as Gutierrez in Freakazoid much more enjoyable (even though he was quite enjoyable to begin with).
- Star Trek
- Star Trek Online
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It arrived.
- Technology
- Star Trek
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...Eeyup. Might've taken it a bit too literal.
Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that being able to work together in a special task force mission is not only important, but great fun as well. Our mission was to destroy a transwarp gateway that was used by a biomechanical race known as the Borg. The new ship you've issued me, the Sao Paulo class escort E.S.S. Angel Beat, really made a difference in the difficult battle. Even the tactical cube that inevitably warped into the system was defeated in no time. As the leader of the "Goddesses" Task Force, I would like you to consider the following task force members for promotion, due to their heroic actions in the Sibrian system: - Serial - Candy - Rho' Tau - Tenebrae - M'Tai They have saved a lot of people today. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.
Ponies? On My Favorite Internet Radio Station?
Angel Beat posted a blog entry in Star Blogging across the universe
More likely than you think! I got a DJ on my favorite internet Star Trek radio station to play both the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic main theme and Pinkie Pie's Equestria Girls. Multiple times. Fabulous. B) -
Just a little update to my Star Trek pony. Altered her hooves, added a cutie mark and her legs are in a less awkward pose. In the following pic, I altered her coat color a bit.
Well, in Star Trek Online I finally managed to get my F2P Beta test character to Vice Admiral, which is the highest rank in the game. Jekri Kaleh is a Romulan who turned her back to the Romulan Empire and started a career in the Federation Starfleet. Anyway, most of the ships she flew in had a name theme, namely My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I named them after my four favorite mane characters and my favorite side character. And here they are: U.S.S. Luna U.S.S. Rarity U.S.S. Rainbow Dash U.S.S. Nightmare Moon U.S.S. Fluttershy U.S.S. Twilight Sparkle Not sure if I'll do both Applejack and Pinkie Pie, since there aren't enough Escorts left to name.
- Star Trek
- Star Trek Online
(and 1 more)
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Myesss, another new one. Will be switching between the two latest ones as I see fit.
- My Little Pony
- BoA
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I recently saw two Star Trek movies. Here's what I thought of them. Don't worry, I won't spoil. First Contact: It was great. It was about the Borg and Time Travel; two of my favorites. I think I still like Yesterday's Enterprise better for Time Travel. The plot was good. Their were a few plot inconsistencies, but nothing major. Too much language, but that's me. Oh, and Data had one of the main roles. The Motion Picture: The plot was decent enough, but it was sooo sloooooow. It would have made a better show than movie. Half the movie is looking at the Enterprise, the insde of the Cloud, etc. The special effects are what you'd expect for that time. It was okay, but I expected more. Sorry, I haven't been in a reviewing mood lately. Varnka