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Everything posted by Mate.397

  1. The silver looks unnecessary and it's really not fitting Bitil as armor, for weapons their okay, the idea with the zamor launcher head s not bad but not the best execution in my opinion
  2. I don't know why but I'm starting to get the feeling people are not clear of the meaning revamp. Slapping different armor plates and adding one or two pieces won't make it a superior version of the set or any unique for that matter, this feels like a lazy way out. Edit: See the BBC Guidelines on constructive criticism. -Wind-
  3. I'm having mixed feelings personally, I have a fear this movie will also just simply join the sequel-milking band-wagon as many did before, I really hope I'm wrong though.
  4. With all due respect but these are just simple HF set modifications, nothing more to be honest, I will give credit to the biological descendant idea but the execution needs a lot of work, digital or not.
  5. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Shrahn-the-Spider-Queen-2014-redux-435244598 Did some improvements compared to the first 2009 built http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Shrahn-the-Spider-Queen-pic2-136741327 trying to make it more accurate to 's art of this character http://raindh.deviantart.com/art/Shrahn-135998127 Torso: http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Shrahn-Torso-435245654 I tried to make the body more feminine looking yet big enough not to look too small. Abdomen: http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Shrahn-Abdomen-435245866 Her abdomen is quite heavy x.x not that I have anything against big booty and I know it looks hallow but I couldn't really add anything else other wise it would be too heavy for the pieces to keep it's self up. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Shrahn-Abdomen-2-435246293 Other view of the abdomen, showing the web/egg laying part of the abdomen. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Shrahn-Abdomen-3-435246548 An upper view of the abdomen. Her Royal Guardian: Since I re-created Sharhn I thought it's only fair to re-build her guard too. Though he is roughly half her size, still his loyalty cannot be questioned. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Shrahn-s-Royal-Bodyguard-435242598 Torso: http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Shrahn-s-Royal-Bodyguard-Torso-435243868 A close-up shot of the torso Abdomen: http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Shrahn-s-Royal-Bodyguard-Abdomen-435244188 Shot of the abdomen
  6. I can see what you mean, though I'm out of the right pieces in yellow, plus a mech technically doesn't have to follow strict anatomy proportions , thanks for the feedback though =D
  7. It's nice indeed, but shouldn't this be in Sets rather than Creations?
  8. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Evo-XL-432182841 Finally managed to get this guy for a good price even with delivery. As you can see I fixed the horribly made arm with the hand so now it can actually move around, I also attached the missiles to that arm since the launcher is on that shoulder. The other arm has a better weapon, a triple barreled plasma gun. And last but not least making actual working legs. Plus I also positioned the container closer to the mech since why would anyone put it so sticking out? Arm: http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Evo-XL-Arm-432183539 Gun: http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Evo-XL-Gun-432183677 Feel free to comment...
  9. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Bulk-and-E-MU-430369206 Just got this guy in the mail today, I only need Stringer or at least his helmet I tried to buff up Bulk so he looks more like a tank, sorta, in the right hand there is the blaster and on the left arm is the riotshield that end in a blade. On his back there is a missile launcher, can be equipped with heat-seeking, dumb-fire, flare you name it. And to help him out here is the Enforcer - Machine Unit or E-MU for short. This little guy came to my mind when I tried to think of something for Bulk, like a turret or such, but then I remembered the Moas from Warframe so I thought make it a biped chicken robot It's weaponry can also be changed, but that means changing the head too, for this one it's heat-seeking missiles and has two laser targeting pointers for the targets. The actual eye is right under the laser markers and can be covered up with a plate of armor. Back view:http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Bulk-and-E-MU-Back-430369272 Bulk Shield arm:http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Bulk-Shield-Arm-432182370 E-MU head:http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/E-MU-Head-432182513
  10. Awesome work, that trans-green Miru is something I rarely see, I should really get my hands on one though, but still nice work
  11. if you use smaller pieces you can achieve the same bending with lesser length
  12. The roller-skate feet idea is cool, but the way it looks is very off, as if it has missing pieces or something, otherwise the MOC is good
  13. Have to admit he does look like Jinzo, none the less nicely done
  14. It's a nice MOC, only things I'd say about it that the back and the front crotch area looks a little bare, but other then that it's not bad.
  15. That was the 2nd I made http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Turbo-AA-gun-168697039 http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/City-Turbo-revamp-167358141
  16. It looks quite nice, though those metru legs as armor seem a little too much in my opinion
  17. I have Fire/Torch and City/Turbo built, there's a few more to go plus the combos
  18. Blind Justice: http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Judge-Blind-Justice-423282354 Corrupt Power: http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Judge-Corrupt-Power-423282439 Update: now it's fully complete So a bit of explanation about this guy. His original design was based off of a request MOC asked by ask him if you want to see that MOC, I didn't keep the photos of it since it's not really my creation. Moving on, since Judge/Jet is the "law" on the Slizer/ThrowBot planet I based his looks on Lady Justice hence the scales in one hand and the sword in the other. Also made him have two heads, one being blind but seeking justice other being corrupt with power, doing as he pleases, kinda like Two-Face from Batman I also tried to keep his odd looks since the original set was quite odd looking even among the sets in general. Backview:http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Judge-Jet-Backview-423284586 Since I didn't want to use the old propeller thing for him to fly and wanted a different jetpack design, I used some pieces I always wanted to put in use like those Hero Factory Shiled pieces from Waspix, plus some relatively fresh pieces from BrickLink like those black wing pieces. Left Arm:http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Judge-Jet-Left-Arm-423284985 True I did use the arm design from Sidorak but I also made it work well with the Stormer blade and also to have an actual hand along with the blade. Right Arm:http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Judge-Jet-Right-Arm-423285339 The right arm is relatively simple since that only has to hold the scales and nothing more.
  19. I did what I could with my supplies, just gonna add some more blue to replace black parts that should be blue.
  20. Not bad, though those Hordika neck-piece ball-joints are sticking out a bit, feeling a little empty
  21. Nicely done *blinks* oh uh... *poofs back 80 years*
  22. Update: After some suggestions from and I'll refer to this MOC as inspired by Joltik rather being an actual representation of said Pokémon http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/595-Joltik-421709147 The idea of this little fella has been lurking around in my head for a while now, and since I have enough specific pieces and put it together once I got back from the movies. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Joltik_(Pok%C3%A9mon) http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120129155818/pokemon/images/9/90/Sylvester_Joltik.png Size-wise this this MOC is a bit smaller than a Visorak set, so I think I came to the 'actual' size as much as possible.Here's the comparison and the info about this little critter, if anyone wants to know. To be fair I'm not a big Poké-fan myself but this little bug was cute enough to build it, thus achieving 2 things at once: 1. Pokémon MOC 2. Mainly Yellow color scheme.I will try to change the black pieces to blue as well, and replace the eyes with trans-blue counterparts. Sideview:http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Jolitk-Side-421711474 Backview:http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Jolitk-Back-421711945 Underview:http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Joltik-Underview-421712226 Joltik Hug:http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Joltik-Hug-421713196 Joltik Noms:http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Joltik-Noms-421713995(the picture did get a little out of focus at the head, don't know why)
  23. It looks neat, I like the robust figure of the character, one thing though, is the limb articulation okay?
  24. Thanks I might put those somewhere else though, not sure
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