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Everything posted by Mate.397

  1. Well only few insects have thick or fairly big legs compared to the body so technically it's still accurate in size ratio
  2. They're more or less the same size, I might have accidentally made him a little too hunched back-ish I literally pointed this out in the description of the first post, please read it again. Eh not really. When a Toa becomes a Turaga their mask becomes it's noble version. For example, a Great Huna would become a Noble Huna. A Great Avohkii would become a Noble Avohkii. The masks don't change into totally different masks, like say, a Hau becoming a Sanok. Have you compared Toa Vakama's mask with Turaga Vakama's? They aren't even similar, let alone the rest, maybe Nokama has the most similar looking. I mentioned this as well, enough with the stupid nitpicking about the mask.
  3. They're more or less the same size, I might have accidentally made him a little too hunched back-ish I literally pointed this out in the description of the first post, please read it again.
  4. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Chibi-Teridax-164731179 : if you dare call me cute you are DEAD! http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Mini-Teridax-back-484006288 http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Go-My-Sons-164780596 http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Epic-Midget-Fight-164780471 Originally i wanted to build a mech with a minifig in it but after finding Icarax's Kraahkan I couldn't resist building a mini Teridax, maybe later I'll do the mecha too sometime.
  5. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Two-faced-Beetle-401229856 After the rebirth of Spherus Magna the creatures of Bota Magna that were once sealed away from the rest of the planet are now free and roaming around again. This bug here is most common in swamp like areas and often ends up as a meal for bigger creatures, thus for defenses this creature has a hard shell with spikes and on the abdomen a growth that makes it look like he has a second head that watches the predator. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Two-faced-Beetle-Back-401230655 http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Two-faced-Beetle-side-483960747 http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Two-faced-Beetle-Belly-483961021
  6. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Bionicle-MOC-Sentinel-Turret-154911380 An all terrain automatic turret, controlled by AI, equipped with light machine gun, laser aim sight, night-vision, thermal vision. and advanced radar system. it was designed to defend, prisons, VIPs and banks. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Turret-close-up-154911692 http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Turret-back-154911749 http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Turret-side-154911825 http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Turret-on-duty-154911960
  7. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Turaga-Takanuva-132978229 As we know Toa Takanuva had traveled my alternate realities and met various versions of himself or others. In an alternate universe which was called Kingdom, Toa Takanuva visited. his alternate version used his powers to create a new toa team, and transformed into a Turaga. ​This is my imagining of the Toa of Light turning into a Turaga. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Turaga-Takanuva-side-483954506 http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Turaga-Takanuva-back-483954815 And I'd be grateful if the pointless argument about my mask choice would be dropped, everybody knows the masks morph when a Toa transforms into a Turaga, there for my choice makes just as much sense as any other.
  8. evidently the people who pick fan-created content for the front page disagree with you. So he's a premium member and? I made some cool creations too but this site didn't even give a about it, just kept commenting on someone's 5 minute MOC and how "cool" that was. And you still didn't answer why is there such a hype.
  9. It's a nice looking MOC but what's the hype for? So he didn't post a here for a while and? It ain't frontpage material.
  10. Honestly the MOC feels a bit more like just parts piled one after another rather than actual thought out building
  11. You do know you could've just waited until you get it back right? But at first look it's not bad of a MOC
  12. I like how it looks but isn't there a bit too much red for a Toa of Stone? There's barely any brown.
  13. It's pretty nice, fairly straight forward design
  14. The matoran design I didn't really like to be honest, it just looked so hollow and flat. The turaga looked fairly good but the titan just feels like you went overboard with the pieces, it looks like it's carrying twice it's weight that it should
  15. I admit I might gone a little overboard, but that was not intended I was just working with what I had, glad you like it though =D
  16. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Mata-Nui-2014-Redux-476691598 Now before everybody starts the comment, listen up, there is a simple reason for his mask to be a golden Hau and not the Ignika, as we all know Mata Nui's symbol is the Kanohi Hau there for when Mata Nui as rebuilding his body his memory kicked in about the Hau and technically merged the Mask of Life with a Hau, imagine the Hau ith the Ignika standing figure engraved into it or similar. Same goes for his torso, by default the mask wanted to recreate the giant robot form's figure but for lack of proper materials to work with Mata Nui's frame became more of a mixture of Glatorian, Toa and his robot form. I have no idea how long has this been lying around half built until the spark came a few days ago, plus I had to wait for the cape to arrive via mail which was today, with the cape I wanted to give him a more of an outcast/nomad sort of look, I would have made a custom cape/shroud but I lack the proper materials sadly. hen building I tried to save some of the older designs of the limbs as much as possible but also giving it an updated look. The shield is the same as before you can find that one's built on YouTube made by IBurion if I recall. The sword is my build, took me some time to figure out a fitting enough weapon for him. Detail close-ups: Leg http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Mata-Nui-Legs-476693484 Torso http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Mata-Nui-Torso-476693804 Arm http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Mata-Nui-Arm-476693997 Back http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Mata-Nui-Back-476694357 Sword http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Mata-Nui-Sword-476694185 Comparison http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Mata-Nui-Comparison-476694565
  17. It does looks quite nice indeed =D though my only issues are those stiff ankles, I mean yes it bends forward and back but a bit f side motion is needed for a proper stance/pose
  18. With all due respect but these are just 5 minute creations, a simple Metru built with slight alteration, and the shield are barely have more than 2 pieces... Only Ponos got a somewhat decent shield
  19. I quite like the design, almost a spitting image of the movie version if I can say that
  20. I see you took inspiration from the Ignika board and the Mahri Nui Matoran, it looks okay, but could use a little more adjusting here and there
  21. I honestly don't see much into these creations, I mean they are just a carbon copy of a toa metru/hagah (take your pick) with minor alterations, I can understand being short on pieces but come on...
  22. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Undead-hunters-475542281 Sir Fangar: http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Sir-Fangar-475541449 The reason he looks fairly skinny is beacuse since they are undead their bodies also decayed quite much, as I tried to be accurate to the feline skeleton with an anthromorph perspective, I laso made the big ice bone like pieces on the back above the cape into his ice fur when he is on a prowl or such. I also made his weapon into a more of an ice staff mixed with a spear. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Sir-Fangar-Legs-475541491http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Sir-Fangar-Torso-475541960http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Sir-Fangar-Back-475542134 Mungus: http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Mungus-475539702 Sadly I didn't have the right pieces for the arms, but for now it'll do, slight alterations will be made once I get a bit of re-stock of my pieces, but I'm glad I could make him look like an actual woolly mammoth with more brown, the reason I changed his weapon is simple, since they are technically cavemen they would have spears rather than hammers, when was the last time we saw hammer wielding Neanderthal on cave paintings? http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Mungus-Legs-475539823http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Mungus-Torso-475539962http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Mungus-Back-475540141 Cragger: http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Cragger-Phoenix-Armor-475535910 This time he turned out better to be honest, which reminds me I should re-do the normal version of him, but at least I managed to find a use for the Stars armor piece http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Cragger-Back-armor-475536727 (And please if you bother to check, comment too, thank you)
  23. I see you had an inspiration from Venom =D
  24. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Razar-Worriz-Cragger-473368568 Recently I bought these 3 and just finished making them anatomically correct to their respective species as best as I could, I admit I didn't have many pieces to work with so forgive me if I wasn't able to change every part. Razar http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Razar-Wings-473372913 http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Razar-Tail-473372754 The reason why there is that light grey piece is that since Razar has a hook hand in the minifig version he could also have a re-attached tail too, prosthetic tail-feathers http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Razar-Legs-473372300 Worriz I tried to make Worriz look more like a Werewolf with some extra back fur http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Worriz-Back-473371903 http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Worriz-Front-473371418 Though I must admit his hand wielding the sword didn't come out as planned but it still works http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Worriz-Legs-473371069 Cragger http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Cragger-Torso-473370209 Since he is a Croc I tried to make him be a bit chubby looking, but not too fat, more like bulkier since a crocodile can get quite heavy might as well transfer that trait back to it's anthro counterpart. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Cragger-Back-473370878 I also gave him back spikes, similar to that ones the actual repltile has, though these were dipped in metal to make them even more dangerous. http://mate397.deviantart.com/art/Cragger-Legs-473370617 Fairly simple legs, just wanted to make a bit thicker that's all
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