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Everything posted by bionicleFanatic

  1. (BTW, don't do the whole law thing, so... Muhuhuhhaha, I win > [] []) Granted, only it's been dropped in a gutter at one point :\ I wish blender wasn't playing about with me :\
  2. Granted. The UN closes Lego down for being a safety hazard [] I wish I knew how to drive :\
  3. Granted. Someone comes to your house to take care of all family business. :cool: [] I wish I had a mountain of charm and courage []
  4. Granted. They are three years old. [] I wish I didn't have to make a video... []
  5. Granted, an army of Chitauri attacks your home [] I wish had The Bus set from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. []
  6. The Duplo Train game :| ...Seriously though, it's probably Minecraft [] It's an absolute nightmare when you're not used to the terrain, or when you're not equipped properly, or when you're fighting the enderdragon with only three arrows left (have done, and I won []). When you get used to the game it's a lot better, though []
  7. Fanatic Studios® are now on Twitter! [] Follow us for exclusive OOG updates! https://twitter.com/Fanatic_Studios
  8. Would you mind terribly if Okoto Online Game is added here? [ ] Much obliged [] Forum: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/15992-okoto-online-game-chapter-i-released/ Play Online: http://goo.gl/Sg8CWv Walkthrough: http://goo.gl/hQ1PWI
  9. We reached 150 plays today, so I made up a little something for the fans: a look at how the new masks of power would have looked like if they'd been 2001 Kanohi: Stay tuned for more updates []
  10. Well, if this is the game they were talking about, it looks like we won't be getting an official MNOG-style game :\ Is lego so full of itself that it thinks all the set features were what made Bionicle popular? They should have rehired Templar Studios... On the plus side, now OOG is gonna take up the slack [] []
  11. Oh man, the whole show is ruined because of that. :| I have no idea [] It was spontaneous [] As most of the show is, come to think of it [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grammer Freak, Season 1 Episode 3. botven; And welcome back to Grammer Freak! (Funds where so low that botven is Playing the theme music live this time, with double notes and bad tempo:joking:) botven; -Gets back onto podium- Thank you, Thank you.. Grace; Why are you saying thank you when no one's even clapping? botven; Graaace.. You had to point out the obvious, didn't you? Bonsey; Well, someone had to. botven; Of all the people who could have, she did. T_T Tanner; She pulls it off the best botven; -Clears throat loudly and gets taken away with crupe- Grace; Yesss! Our plan to get rid of the host has worked again! -High fives zapty who randomly appeared.- Zapty; What's wrong with botven? Tanner; He got a cough or somethign Grace; (Grumbling) Typo, Tan the man.. Zapty; Must send him a get well card. Oh and remind me to give back those DVD's I borrowed off him. botven; -Randomly appears in good health- But I don't even know you! And since when did you borrow DVD's off me? Zapty; Since you let me borrow them Bonsey; I can't get a word in edgeways... Grace; How 'bout trying sideways? Bonsey; I'll have a go... Zapty; -Starts singing about trains- botven; Go away, Zapty, you're not even meant to be on till next season. Zapty; Gasp! I'm not meant to be on till next season! -Gets attacked by a random pruple pig then falls down a none-existant trapdoor.- botven O_o Okaaay. Anyway, welcome to this episode of Grammer Freak. First off, let's have a look at the mailbag. -Opens the bag, takes out a freedom-fighting wallabee, Then picks out a letter.- Grace, this one's for you: Are bad spelling and Spam related? Bonsey; If someone spams with bad spelling, then they are! Wallabee; HONK. botven; Grace? What's you opinion? Grace; If you write whilst eating the sandwitch, then yes.
  12. Granted, instead you are shocked by 5000 volts from a car battery [] [] [] I wish I could have a doughnut... [] []
  13. guise, i'm rally sorry, but I just cant find enuf time to do this gaim so im puling the plug ...Just pullin' your leg [] I've finished the Legend of the Mask Makers cutscene (FINALLY! []), and I'm wrapping up the final loose ends before a release probably somewhere around Feb. 30th [] Also, I got my first Bionicle 2015 set today, so I'm extra-excited/inspired []
  14. Granted. Cue the world- ending flood [] I wish I had a superpower... []
  15. While I do think the post above (wait... the post above the post above []) is worthy of a like, I think the original poster's question was more "When will the Official Bionicle Storyline reach it's full potential?". Because honestly, that's the one everyone cares about. That's the one people keep visiting the new Story page for. I'm not saying that people's own storyline's are any less, (I've made up my own complex AU), but the official one is the one everyone talks about, rallies 'round. And don't ask me about Bionicle reaching it's full potential, because I'm a bionicle nut, so, I'm biased [] Yah, that's my two cents worth []
  16. Updated the original post with a link to the new walkthrough, written true MNOG style []
  17. I think people underestimate kids a lot: they understand it all right. Wether or not they find it squeamish or not is a matter of personal taste. For me, I'd take a little grit over legends of Chima anyway... [] (For the note, both Marvel and Transformers have multiple AUs. Kids understand it perfectly [])
  18. Fanatic Studios®: we work fast when there's a niche or a deadline [] [] XD This actually made me LOL []
  19. Well, that was.... singularly unfunny :\ Or were they even trying to be funny? [:S] It's hard to tell... :|
  20. Granted. A shadow leech gets you instead [] [] I wish I had 20+ Heroica sets []
  21. Is secretly linked to the KKK, who are under the payroll of Obama, who is an atlantean and came to earth via flying pyramids, and wanted to rule everyone, but King Arthur stopped them (who was an asgaurdian warrior), so instead they're trying to take over the world by poisoning the peach supplies, helped on by government spies, Elvis, and a mutant, talking T-rex. Oh, and David Cameron is secretly Hitler's son. Just sayin' [] [] [] [] Conspiracy theories, []
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