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Everything posted by bionicleFanatic

  1. What I'd like to know is: What happened to Merlok 1.0? O.o (Please let that be an episode story hook... []) Also, am I the only one finding the short synopsis under each video kind of weird? [:S] It's like a short summary you would find on a designer's notebook, not on a finished site []
  2. Thanks for the comments [] The aim was to keep is a simple, smooth look, as that kind of effect is hard to pull off on a large-scale build (they mostly end up looking like transformers with all the extra greeble []) I know my new human-scale version definitely looks like a megstron/Axonn hybrid []
  3. I was originally going to post this as an entry for the #BionicleMaskMaker competition, but then I found out they had to be human-sized [] Ah, well, waste not want not: Front http://i.imgur.com/aVjROMk.jpg Side http://i.imgur.com/oX7uenI.jpg Other side [] http://i.imgur.com/b9U3vDx.jpg More front [] http://i.imgur.com/2FN406l.jpg Now to work on something a little harder... A full-sized version! [] []
  4. Still going strong with my MNOG craze 8D The light at the end of the tunnel... So I decided to make the Onu-Wahi/Le-Wahi tunnel. The images are quite high-res, but they're worth the wait, if I say so myself :3 Entrance: http://i.imgur.com/lEDyEjB.jpg All that greenery: http://i.imgur.com/DIdWUuT.jpg Very dark in the tunnel: http://i.imgur.com/biaup2f.jpg Resting after hard work: http://i.imgur.com/ng6fKzg.jpg Drop me a comment saying which scene you'd like me to recreate next! (Although I can't do Ko-Wahi scenes. Not until December, that is...)
  5. LEGO UNIVERSE RETURNS O_O ... Seriously, no one's realised this yet? [] If this is the next Chima, there a high chance it'll get an MMORPG, which will probably feel a lot like LU with the hybrid of tech and Knights. Pretty hyped :3
  6. XD excellent work [] I'm going to run this through a quick code tomorrow, and see if it really is 1000 words []
  7. The bushes by the large tree? Yeah, they were the least mnog-y bit. I think I should have used a rounder brush instead of a greeble one... MS Paint... *shudder* []
  8. I have a place near me that looks almost identical to the entrance to Le-Wahi in MNOG I. Shall I templar-up a pic of that, too? []
  9. @T1Shadow :Thanks, it took about half an hour to an hour to create [] Thinking of using this style in one of my games... [] @SkeletonMan: Thanks, and I know, it's the bane of working without a vector graphic application like Flash. This was made in Gimp, which uses static pixels.
  10. I was messing around outside on a road today, playing with a Matatu and listening to the MNOG soundtrack, when I randomly decided to take a pic of a field next to me, and draw it MNOG-style. So, yeah, here it is: And here's the original: Hoping the images aren't too big, it's hard to tell on this messed-up computer screen...
  11. Very nice color scheme, it brings me back to the Power Miners days... Also, the build is reminiscent of the Necrocraft in Guardian Of the Galaxy. Overall a very good nice, set-worthy build []
  12. Just watched this directly after seeing the 2002 news story animations for the first time in a long while. Amazing how such "simplistic" and "low-quality" flash animations invoke a much stronger feeling than the new episodes ever did. I mean, G2 is nice and all that, but watching them side-by-side really brings it into perspective: It's not the Bionicle we used to know. Hoping the books flesh out the world more, but I'm not counting on it...
  13. Yay, my second Bionicle building contest: and this time, it's a really hard one! [] Although the rules link doesn't exist, apparently [] Is this a country-specific glitch, or is it just my faulty tablet? []
  14. Sorry for my tardiness, dropbox was throwing a temper tantrum [] Here are the downloads for both Mac and PC standalone versions: Mac: https://www.dropbox.com/s/23utk52tb4dmaik/Okoto%20Online%20Game%20Chapter%20III%20Standalone%20Mac.zip?dl=0 PC: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lbi0w0csw7e287w/Okoto%20Online%20Game%20Chapter%20III%20Standalone%20PC.zip?dl=0 This kinda negates the playthrough tally which I was keeping, but I don't particularly mind [] 1000 playthroughs is a good enough stopping point for me []
  15. Very nice work! [] Bit of a bluescreen in the last shot of the LoSS, but maybe that was intentional [] But what really stands out is how you've managed to transfer the movement from the flash animation into the sets. I especially like Kopaka's first walking sequence, and his descent down the steps. +1! []
  16. Hilarious again! XD You've got a great talent for rhyming, there []
  17. Thanks very much for the feedback! I didn't know people played it so much as to merit a downloadable version... [] I'm on it, and it will be up by tomorrow [] I'm afraid OOG has taken a backseat at the moment, and the devs at Fanatic Studios (Read: Just me, Mr. One Man Band []) are working on something a lot bigger and better than this game evercould be... B) Keep checking our site for more updates because when we release our latest project, Nothing Will Ever Be The Same...
  18. Why are these not on the front page? XD Seriously, they're pure gold!
  19. Yes! Yes! XD Exactly what I needed! Finally, some Real comedy on the Internet XD
  20. Thanks for the nice comments, guys. [] I feel like I should be wearing shades, for some reason.. O.o [] B) @bonkle: My only other Turaga is Vakama, and I don't have any 2015 fire sets (Yet []), so I'll probably do someone else next time. I might be a while, because I have to wait for inspiration to come to me, otherwise the mocs end up bog-standard and boring. That, and I have such a crazy job at the moment that I hardly get any daylight, let alone time to build. []
  21. Hey all, a fair amount of people liked my last moc (an Axonn-like model), so when I bought some more G2 sets a while back, I randomly decided to revamp Turaga Nuju [] Random, huh? [] (And sorry that I can't post the rest of the images directly onto here, they're quite high-res) Front (Color adjustment) http://i.imgur.com/zMmvdSZ.jpg "We fight together!" http://i.imgur.com/sOoOWqP.jpg Dem eyebrows, doe. http://i.imgur.com/7F1gDCW.jpg Also sorry for the orange-tint, it's because it was sundown at the time of taking the photos [] Let me know what you guys think []
  22. ... Seriously? No one with only the vaguest idea of what a good lego theme is, would complain about HF getting it's inevitable shutdown. It wasn't the worst ever (Mixels... *Shudder*), but it was pretty poor. However, I do think the RPG is a great idea: HF could have been really good too. It was in interesting setting, but the story was poorly executed. RPGs can fix that with a good gamemaster. Kudos to Fisher64 for making this, and may your dice ever roll crits []
  23. That's the Great thing about RPGs: they lay out the boundaries, but really the only limit is your imagination. A bit like lego, in a way...
  24. Ah, that must be it, thanks very much [] Kinda feel stupid for nit thinking if that 9_9 []
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