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Quisoves Potoo

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Everything posted by Quisoves Potoo

  1. Well, now that I've got voting started, I switch my vote from QP to xccj .
  2. I vote Underscore, in lieu of a more compelling candidate.
  3. I genuinely cannot tell if you are serious or messing with me. So, it's BZP Mafia as usual, then.
  4. I'd appreciate it if such things were in the OP. They tend to inform one's in-game choices.
  5. We need a fast game to get us out of this slump. I throw my support behind Blade. Also, my health, while still precarious, is gradually on the mend, so I might be up for hosting another game soon. Just getting that out there.
  6. I'll vote Valendale, seeing as Fisher's claim is innacurrate, to the best of my knowledge.
  7. Bunthorne or Omega, on the other hand... Anyway, while I can appreciate firsthand the trials of starting college, it is important to note that Mafia is a game, and thus participatory. There'd be little point in reviving this if most of the players had lost interest. I say we give this five more days, at which point, a new game will start. Agreed?
  8. Lyur Poppycock! I buried him myself! Necromancy ain't cheap, y'know.
  9. The problem with this is that it can create situations in which, at best, the Mafia has a 50% chance of not losing a man and, at worst, the Village can accidentally hang multiple Mafiosi.
  10. This is simultaneously hilarious and tragic, all the more so considering that this was absurdly stacked against the Village. Good game, Village. That said, it's not your fault that the game went haywire (it seems like a simply enough variation on Mafia.) I have a beef with the Village's odds being so low, even with a near-perfect performance, but that's the only negative I can think of. Kudos for extreme punctuality. This is a healthy trend! EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot something. Multiple Mafiosi being able to show up on a suspect list is exclusive to this game, right? Because otherwise, it's extremely unfair for them, lowering as it does the odds of their survival.
  11. Y'know, barring some devious twist, the Village has already won. It would take six Days and Nights for the Mafia to triumph, but at most four for the Village to hang the last Mafioso. Also, is it just me, or are the identity of the Mafioso and the clue thereto incredibly obvious?
  12. So it seems I was right about the clue, simply wrong in regards to whom it applied to. Good hunting!
  13. I vote Nik the Three, I guess, seeing as I'm too tired to get any good reads.
  14. The fire seems like a far too obvious clue. Is there anyone else it might point to? Could the "pet RNG" be a clue? Because there's a player named Nik the Three on the list.
  15. Sheep? Sheep! Where? Where? I've got to get out my lance! At least it isn't windmills.
  16. I think that in the future, if you're not sure what to do, you shouldn't hesitate to delay. A promise assumes a certain reason. As long as you have good cause to hesitate, then none of us are going to fault you. If Voltex can do it, so can you. That said, you acted in a respectful manner, and I don't think there's any need for anyone to get riled up. It's just a game, after all. Though if ToaK wants to host his game alongside yours, I won't object. Desolation (through no fault of its hosts) isn't moving at the fastest pace, at the moment.
  17. Oh dear, how did I miss that there were two suspect lists? Well, in that case, I vote Blade.
  18. Wait a second, I thought that the identities of the lynched were not disclosed. Anywho, I see no reason why the Mafia would not send FF a second time, seeing as he's confirmed scum. Speaking of which, Xae, Jed, really? I vote FF.
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