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Some Random Phrase

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Everything posted by Some Random Phrase

  1. Alright, that makes sense. Otherwise you could have people jumping in and out and trying to steal each-others and such.
  2. IC Mar'jik: Turning his attention to the Matoran who was hiding in teh storage room, he walked off down the hall, making sure that his footfalls could be heard. Then he turned and stealthily snuck behind the end of the hall, watching the door to the closet. IC Kakarahk: Jogging at a speed that most Rahks would call a sprint, Kakarahk went towards the gym. He should probably find out about this place's layout.
  3. IC Kodrix: HIding in a hallway, Kodrix noticed Kovika walking by. With an activation of his Kaulsi, he appeared next to Kovika, walking beside the Toa. "What was going on?", he asked.
  4. IC Feraz: Feraz continued to wander, looking for the Host.
  5. Velix's forcefield is invisible. You can tell when you're being slowed down when you're running as fast as you can. You don't need to see it to know "Oh, something is making everything slow, punching it in the face is not a good idea." If she was that close, then I doubt she would have been able to skid. The field extends for 20 ft around teh mech. But in any case, it seems I misread your post. Sorry. Yes, they can be used. However, in normal rounds, mech-users will be restricted to the power/weapon slots of their Mech. Your information is flawed. Does that mean if they get out of the mech they will have their standard powerset?
  6. Wait. Have I misinterpreted something, or will mechs be in normal rounds?
  7. IC Velix: Velix heard the sound and slammed a control lever, sending Breaking Thunder stomping back and nearly falling over. Hastily righting it, he looked to see Xara's mech flying toward him. He grasped a handle , and pulled it. Breaking Thunder's Slowness forcefield snapped on, draining EE from everything moving within a certain radius.
  8. IC Velix: Cool. They already had it made, and he had submitted it maybe five minutes ago? Velix grinned as a quick application of his Speed launched him up to the mech's hatch, and he climbed in. The dimly lit cockpit had two screens for displaying what the mech saw, and several joysticks and levers. Velix, grasping the control levers, moved toward a nearby building, hitting a button as he did. The Protosteel triblade slid down Breaking THunder's arm and the plasma coating activated. OOC: Velix and Breaking Thunder Open for Interaction.
  9. IC Lefia: Lefia was very interested when who she assumed to be the Enforcer showed up. She also felt her psiblade vanish. Her Charisma was not accessable. Who did it think it was, this Enforcer? IC Feraz: Feraz quickly made his way to the Knowledge Sector. To his delight, there were computers. Walking over to a workstation(When he could use them, he greatly preferred them to tablets), he turned it on. Ew. This OS was nearly as bad as Pehkuisoft's OSes. Disgusted, he got up and went off to find the Host. He wondered if he would be allowed to connect FIDAT to the system, and if he couldn't he was going to complain about the OS.
  10. Alright. If memory serves, one of the staff mentioned at one point that items like these have been in every tournament, but they are different each time. Am I recalling correctly?
  11. Oh. But in that case, then how do any of them find out in the first place?
  12. Are the fighters informed of the existence of Infinite gems on arrival? The Host message doesn't mention it.
  13. What is this thing, anyway? The update bar thingy, I mean.

    1. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      It's just a thing that displays a message when someone hovers their cursor over your name, or goes here to your profile. A lot of people say something like "Hi, I'm [insert name here], may I feast upon thine liver?".

    2. Ghidora131


      Or post links to various things, use it as a mini-blog, etc.

    3. McNugget


      I believe You answered your own question, its an Update Bar Thingy

  14. IC Lefia: Lefia strolled through the halls, eventually coming upon the Training Sector. Well, well. Interesting. She elected to watch the combatants, having no one to spar with. IC Feraz: Decidedly confused, Feraz opened FIDAT and quickly located the scan he had made of the ghostly being. He added a note to the file: "Intangibility power; seems antisocial". Then deactivating the holographic screen, he walked off, hoping to find the Knowledge Sector. IC Kourahi: Kourahi whizzed through the halls, looking for the Knowledge Sector.
  15. IC Mar'jik: Mar'jik stood near the blockaded door that the Matoran had hidden in, glaring at Mangai. He was about to start yelling at him, before he suddenly thought of something. "Hey, whatsyername with teh launcher. Can I borrow that?", he asked Revenge.
  16. There should be a nanopunk one. I have no idea which island, since most seem to be taken up, but nanopunk would be cool.
  17. IC Velix: As the line died down, Velix grabbed a pen and paper. There was something specific he had in mind. Once, he and several other cops were trying to subdue a criminal who had stolen prototype elemental channeling tech, and one of teh weapons he had used was a strange gun that turned Speed powers into a terrifying gun. Velix finished sketching out the railgun. Next, he turned to defensive capabilities. The technique he had used before had worked quite well, and he decided to use a similar device. Forcefield finished. He finally went for a melee weapon, a moving Protosteel saw. For the structure, he sketched out a generic design, with a note indicating where he wanted the cockpit.
  18. IC Feraz: "AH!", Feraz jumped, and ran out of the room. A few seconds later, he walked in again, with a spear of hardlight hovering near.
  19. IC Feraz: Feraz activated the FIDAT, and ran a scanning beam around the room. He hadn't thought that the figure in teh corner was decoration, and the FIDAT readings confirmed it. "I know you're there.", he said.
  20. IC Feraz: "I have no idea.", Feraz said, trailing off in absentmindedness as he opened the door and peeked inside.
  21. IC Elerc: Elerc sighed as the bottle hit his mask, knocking it slightly askew and shattering on the floor.
  22. IC Nocton: Nocton would not let it end like this.... But he had no choice... As his mind was ripped apart, his last, futile thought, was "NO". A scream of defience, that he would never become the being's servant, a reminder that there was always a bigger fish. His lifeless body sank to the ground. OOC: Nocton dead.
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