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Everything posted by Akavakaku

  1. Anyone? Neither of my characters would likely attempt to go out alone, but I missed the time when the doors opened.
  2. Was out for an hour, missed 3 pages... Anyone who could team up with Mahrika and/or Vir?
  3. Ok, I'm confused. Is Deadeye's post about the "newcomers" in response to mine?
  4. IC Mahrika Terrain Crawler Mahrika was no paragon of courtesy, but he wasn't rude enough to totally ignore a comment directed at him, as this green Rahkshi had. "Did you hear me? Or do you need to have Palma check your hearing?"
  5. IC Vir and Mahrika Causeway -> Terrain Crawler Vir had almost fainted from shock when what they'd believed to be a colossal sea monster had risen from the depths. Now that they were going inside the thing, presumably to travel in an enclosed space beneath the sea, they weren't much more comfortable. Deep water wasn't something they liked the thought of, much less being inside what looked to be a modified Rahi corpse. Mahrika was amazed by the vehicle. Was it really the remains a Rahi, or just a cleverly shaped machine? And it seemed like it could crawl along the seabed, at quite a pace if its speedy appearance was any indication. It occurred to him that once his adaptation power was of a higher level, he could explore the sea for himself and find out firsthand what creatures lived in the deep. As there were few remaining seats, Mahrika and Vir ended up on either side of a green Rahkshi with different-colored eyes, whom nobody had apparently wanted to sit near. "This craft is amazing," said Mahrika as a greeting. "Do you think they really made it from a Rahi?" OOC: Ok, Dodge sounds even more than usual like a robot.
  6. IC Vir Corridors, near Refectory -> Causeway Vir sighed. "Well, you don't have to come, but if you change your mind I'd like to join your team." Vir hoped Melody did reconsider. They walked off to the Causeway.
  7. IC Vir Corridors, near Refectory Talking to Melody Vir was torn: miss another assignment, or leave behind the only Rahkshi in the school whose personality was anything like theirs? "Are you sure you don't want to at least see what it is? I heard the last assignment wasn't bad."
  8. I'm really happy about Tahu being lost and confused. He has innate (or perhaps muscle memory) battle and lava surfing reflexes, but intellectually he has no idea what he's supposed to be doing, and it's a great way to give him some character development.
  9. Out comes a gostraightip. In goes a miniature ostrich.
  10. The first Endless round you play each day gives you a new armor piece. You can get all the armor quickly by changing the date on your device.
  11. IC Vir Corridors, near Refectory Talking to Melody Vir mentally kicked themself for assuming that Melody's armor wasn't painted. "Oh, I'm Vir." The Porters' message echoed through the halls. "Huh. That sounds interesting... do you want to go see what that is?"
  12. IC Vir Corridors, near Refectory Talking to Melody Vir was stunned by the white Rahkshi's polite reaction. "Yes, I'm fine. Uh... no offense, but you don't act like most Kurahk." IC Mahrika Refectory->Causeway Open for Interaction Mahrika was returning his emptied bowl to the stack by the kitchen when a Porter gave the announcement. What would it be this time? He wanted to be there, if only to see what new madness Tridax had engineered. Following the crowd, he soon reached the Causeway.
  13. This made me so happy! I can hardly wait to hear the next chapter!
  14. And more importantly, many players will already have knowledge of them, and can look them up if they don't.
  15. "...and Disintegration, Heat Vision, Shapeshifting, Molecular Disruption, Stasis Field (forgot Whak and Flash were Stasis... well...), Confusion, and Sleep, unless I'm forgetting something." I know there's Love Guurahk, and there might be Disruption- and Confusion-Rahkshi whose names I can't recall. Not active characters, though.
  16. It exists because Tuyet was able to convince the people of Metru Nui that Toa (and anyone else) who disagreed with her were crazy , and that they needed to be locked up. The corrupt project managers Toa Gali and Karzahni want to use the patients for experimentation and unethical medical "treatments." Perhaps they want to add to Tuyet's army of brainwashed crazy Toa. Given the choice between a fan-setting and a functionally identical canon one, why choose the former when the latter already has all the work cut out for you? If you wanted an RP about a village of more-powerful Matoran on a small, inhospitable island, you could design your own setting, but why would you when Voya Nui has all you need?
  17. *sigh* onto the next powerBy my reckoning, there's still Mind Reading, Ice Resistance, and Gravity.
  18. I still think it should be the Ga-Metru Reeducation Facility; that way it better explains why the place exists in the first place.
  19. IC Vir Corridors, near Refectory Back from their peaceful visit to Nyrah, Vir headed down the hall towards the Refectory. Still amazed that a fellow student had been killed by another, Vir didn't pay as much attention to where they were going as usual, and walked right into another student. To their horror, she had pure-white armor: a Kurahk! Of all the most fearsome students, the Anger-Rahkshi were usually the worst. Unlike Vir themself, most seemed constantly enraged. Vir took a step back and started to panic. "Aah! I'm so sorry!" OOC: That's Melody.
  20. Tiragath, do you mean hand to hand?
  21. I don't think the Toa's names are Okotan, since they don't appear to be native. But maybe... toa: master; adept. If "Toa" is the Okotan word for "master," then it would explain the Okotans calling them by those two titles interchangeably. Furthermore, since the Toa themselves regard "Toa" and "master" as two separate things, it would explain their intentions to become the masters of their respective elements.
  22. They were specifically said to be "like a Bohrok, but huge" in the novels.
  23. Hey, it 'snot anything personal.
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