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Everything posted by Akavakaku

  1. That Brutaka is amazing! He looks so real and 3D. But the sword looks a little strange, as though the two sides are at right angles to each other.
  2. Being alive, the Ignika could mutate itself, and at one point altered itself to have the power of Conjuring, which in turn allowed it to use any power it could imagine, hence its insanely many, seemingly unrelated abilities.
  3. [Do not mention leaked content. -bones]
  4. I love them! My favorite is the chameleon.
  5. *Emerges, gasping, from a sea of unread posts*
  6. Uhh, Spiriah, technically? Is a traitor and con artist, turned against Mata Nui, works in the sports industry, and does NOT wear a Rau.
  7. Out comes a Protocairn. In goes everything that's awesome.
  8. Implying he had it to begin with? No, let's say that, out of pity, the Ignika gave Vezon the gift of sound thinking when the Toa removed it from him. He awakes after the Piraka leave to find Kardas gone and his spear in pieces. After re-fusing it together, he decides to follow the Toa Inika and resume his original plan of stealing the Mask of Life, now armed with the knowledge that he must not directly touch it. He catches up with the Toa in the cord, and lies to them that he hadn't wanted to fight them, but was forced to by the Ignika, and now wanted to atone for it by helping them. They are suspicious, but allow him to accompany them. When the Zyglak appear, he uses his spear, fusing several into a monstrosity too huge and misshapen to move, and splitting others between their moderately cruel past selves and their viciously evil current selves, causing them to fight each other. When they emerge into the ocean, the Toa are changed by the Ignika into Toa Mahri, but Vezon is mutated by the water, becoming a water-breather with his spear fused to his arm. They battle and defeat the giant venom eel, then go to Mahri Nui to request the aid of the Matoran. Believing Vezon to be a Barraki and the Toa to be new Barraki allies, the Matoran attack on sight, forcing them to retreat. The Barraki encounter the Toa and Vezon and imprison them. Maxilos/Teridax quietly breaks Matoro out, then the other six manage to escape on their own. Matoro and Teridax have their adventure, while the others obtain Cordak blasters and reach the airweed field in time to defeat the crabs attempting to destroy it. Seeing this, the Matoran accept them as heroes and name them the Toa Mahri. Matoro returns and the seven split up to search for the mask. Vezon is found by Hydraxon and uses his fusion power to split the jailer into a lifeless caricature of himself and Dekar. Zombiedraxon tries to kill the Matoran and Skakdi, but Dekar defeats him, despite being very confused. Vezon introduces himself as a Toa Mahri and leads Dekar back to Mahri Nui, where the other Toa besides Hahli have gathered. They go in search of her and find out Mantax has the Mask of Life. While the Toa are evacuating Mahri Nui, Vezon sneaks off and finds Mantax. He splits him into his air-breathing old self, which drowns, and his mutation, which swims away, and takes the Mask of Life, careful to wrap it in seaweed, which mutates into a stone-hard shell. The Barraki meet as Mantax instructed, but due to his absence they went in search of him and found his shark-eaten corpse in his lair. They split up and search for the thief. Vezon goes to Mahri Nui and treads water just above the main air dome. When the Barraki arrive, he threatens to drop the mask into the city's air-filled interior, where they can't go after it. A lengthy series of negotiations ensues, with the five Barraki offering greater and greater positions in their future empires. But before long, Zombiedraxon arrives with a squadron of loyal Maxilos, and they begin attacking the Barraki. Vezon tries to get away, but Teridax/Maxilos follows him. Ironically, Vezon uses Teridax's own spear to split the Maxilos from his essence, which drifts off into the sea, while simultaneously being hit by a bolt of black fire, which kills the Skakdi. Then the Toa show up, incinerate Zombiedraxon, and find the dead Vezon with the Mask of Life. When Matoro touches its shell, it turns back to normal seaweed and falls off, allowing him to carry it down to the Great Waterfall. The Toa then destroy the Cord and Voya Nui returns to the Southern Continent. As per Matoro's last wish, they are transported back to Metru Nui and given the ability to breathe air. The Toa Nuva awaken Mata Nui, who fixes Spherus Magna by drawing on the combined power of the Masks of Life and Creation. But legends say that an evil force is stirring in the deep... EDIT: Oops, didn't see this one was already answered. If Naho had defeated Eliminator.
  9. I simply didn't know Turaga were stronger than Matoran. As for intelligence, I'm not sure that becoming a Turaga improves your mental faculties. I think it's more that being a Turaga allows you to develop your wisdom in a way that you wouldn't as a Toa or a Matoran. Whether this would translate to any measurable product, I'm not sure. I wouldn't necessarily expect a Turaga to be any better at beating a test of logic than they were as a Toa, or as a Matoran. As for the other point, I think we should throw out the idea of balancing different species. In a one-on-one fight between a Toa and a Matoran, the Toa would win, no question. (Toa Nuva vs Voyatoran doesn't quite count, since the Toa were unwilling to hurt the Matoran.) Matoran have some advantages Toa don't, but in the majority of situations Toa will always beat Matoran. And that's not even getting into things like Makuta that could defeat Toa as easily as Toa defeat Matoran. But that's not a problem. Some players might enjoy the difficulty of going as a Matoran on a team of stronger characters such as Toa. Or the Storyteller could simply require all players to be Matoran, and present them with appropriate challenges. There's no good reason to sacrifice plausibility to give a Matoran fair odds against a Toa.
  10. Amazing work! The MoEE and updated Mask of Healing are my favorites. But perhaps the Olisi's surface is a bit flat, not as defined as in its illustration.
  11. Incredible! Have you considered modeling an entire set?
  12. Another nice one, if a little brief.
  13. So cool! The shape is beautiful, and the Bionicle parts work very well.
  14. This is amazing! The hips could do with a little more armor, though.
  15. The Kanohi of Creation, Fire, Earth, Stone, Ice, Water and Plantlife resemble the respective Okoto masks.
  16. I'll wait until we see Onua using his powers to decide anything regarding that.
  17. IC Mahrika Malebranche Jailhouse "Will you stop that? You're not breaking out of here by scratching the walls."
  18. You don't need a Spear of Fusion to separate a Kraata from a Rahkshi, Scorp.
  19. IC Mahrika Malebranche Jailhouse Mahrika rolled his eyes. "Not long ago I'd have said no one abandons their search party to go shout at a doorman and look at architecture, but here we are."
  20. IC Vir Terrain Crawler "I think... the things you're seeing might be because of something you're... worried about. Or afraid of."
  21. And Vir, and the Ragnorahks.
  22. IC Mahrika Malebranche Jailhouse "What exactly was that supposed to accomplish? If you're trying to trick them into thinking you're a wild Rahkshi and not one from the school, it might be working."
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