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Everything posted by jed1ndy

  1. My picture is the same avatar I use everywhere wearing a Hau. Because bonkles.
  2. Although I've had my account on this site for a little bit, I never bothered to say "hello." I guess it's just not my style. Anyways, hello! In case you don't have eyes, my name is jed1ndy, but it's easier just to call me Jed. And I am... a person. Just a guy. Well, that's not exactly true, I am trying my best to write FDS music, and I am pretty güt at drawing. Also, I barely ever post, so you probably haven't seen me anywhere. I think that's it. So I'm done here. Peace.
  3. Since the masks will be given away the same way as the minifigures, I can assume that they will follow the same format: You get in line outside, on a patio of the conference building; you get up to the front; you show the LEGO employees your badge; you touch a button on a tablet, which gives you a 50-50 chance of getting the mask; If yes, you are handed the mask; if no, you leave, and cannot retry. If I remember correctly, there are about 400 of each minifig / mask. 400‽‽‽ Well then never mind, I guess I won't be getting this one, since it's 375 percent rarer than the clear hau. Man that blows, but I guess we can't all be winners.Edit:This site says that last year there were 1,750 of each, where'd you get 400? http://www.fbtb.net/2014/07/21/sdcc-details-on-legos-giveaway-method-for-their-exclusive-minifigs/ I got 400 from a really terrible memory. XP Sorry for making you panic.
  4. Since the masks will be given away the same way as the minifigures, I can assume that they will follow the same format: You get in line outside, on a patio of the conference building; you get up to the front; you show the LEGO employees your badge; you touch a button on a tablet, which gives you a 50-50 chance of getting the mask; If yes, you are handed the mask; if no, you leave, and cannot retry. If I remember correctly, there are 1,750 of each minifig / mask. (Thank you, steelviper777)
  5. I don't know about anyone else, but I'll be in Comic-Con. The rest of my family and I will be trying to get one, so hopefully, I'll be able to get multiples of the masks. I'll also be posting pictures of the mask (maybe even on Skull Scorpio, which I have a feeling will be able for purchase).
  6. I'm now glad that I'm going to Comic-Con. I'll post some pictures if I manage to obtain it.
  7. It's actually a more complex situation than that. But if historical spoilers count, might as well add the obvious "Lego almost went bankrupt in 2003". Yes, I know that LEGO had an agreement with Kiddicraft about the manufacturing and distribution of their Self-Locking Bricks, and that LEGO did invent and patent the design of the interlocking bricks with support tubes; however, many people think the iconic image of the 2x4 red brick was made first by LEGO. So, while it is true that LEGO did not invent the brick, I do think it could be said that they perfected it.
  8. LEGO stole the brick from Kiddicraft.
  9. We can get simpler: Maktooti wins.
  10. Don't forget the newest meme: The destroyer of topics, Don the Ta-Matoran!
  11. What kind of bugs me about this is the mask could be story significant. In the summer sets, most come with a half gold, half transparent mask, the transparent mask being one that seems to be exerting elemental energy (as those colors match the transparent colors on the protected masks, which also are endowed with elemental energy), which could be the next step into unlocking the Toa's true elemental powers. If this IS the case, and this mask stays exclusive and extremely rare, then I will be very angry, and so will others. That isn't to say I'm against exclusives, though. The clear Mask of Fire has no story significance (yet), and while the orange mask was originally rare, once we found out that the Skull Villains included the blended masks, the promo bags were on their way. So, as long as the exclusive's aren't significant to the plot AND stay rare, then I'm good.
  12. ...What had my comment done?!?!?!? (Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. It keeps happening.)
  13. The brick remover. I think everyone can agree it is one of, if not THE, most useful piece.
  14. It refers to the Character & Creature Building System, based on the fact the system features bones that are made up of ball joints.
  15. That doesn't seem to be correct, since I have a classic space set from 1982 that uses the piece in light grey. I think Bricklink might wanna fix that, though.
  16. But that "overly detailed" stuff makes the OLD Bio different that the rest. But BIONICLE shouldn't have to be different from the rest. Yes, it is clearly not classic System, but the fact that the majority of many of the parts made for BIONICLE could only be used in BIONICLE betrays one of the core ideas of every LEGO sets: interchangeability. Because they looked like no other TECHNIC, or even LEGO, line, they could not be used for anything but BIONICLE. However, once in a blue moon, a good, generic part was made (the Bohrok eye, or the Hordika neck) which could be used interchangeably between themes, giving them more of a longevity. So, when BIONICLE ended, it shouldn't be that big of a surprise that those parts are pretty much the only BIONICLE parts still produced. So yes, although BIONICLE is different than other LEGO lines, it is still primarily LEGO, and shouldn't be treated differently than the rest. (Also, intricate detailing in a small space can lead to thin plastic, causing eventual breaking in small, isolated areas, like the sides of the "jaw" on the '01 Miru.)
  17. Personally, I prefer CCBS over the BIONICLE Build System. Parts from BBS were often one trick ponies, being used only in certain ways. The overly-detailed parts also alienated them from the rest of LEGO, not to mention the thin plastic caused them to break. CCBS has very sleek, simply designed shells and bones, similar to LEGO System bricks. The fact that they all use the same connection points allows for the ability to mix and match parts more comfortably and easily, allowing more potential. Also, the inclusion of the gearbox in the new Master sets, it being a Mata or Metru torso boiled down to it's most basic elements, allows for more potential and possibilities of use.
  18. There is now! I've added links to said pictures in the OP.
  19. The question is pretty much the topic title: Did the Toa have their masks swapped during the design period of 2001? If we look at early artwork of 2001 done by Christian Faber, we can see an awakening Tahu on the golden beach putting on a Miru instead of a Hau, and at the 2001 Toy Fair reveal, the prototype Kopaka was wearing a white Hau instead of an Akaku. Additionally, early artwork of the Doo Heads shows Kick with a head that appears to be very similar to a Kaukau, and Flame with a head similar to the noble Huna. So again, did the Toa have their masks swapped during the design period of 2001? EDIT: Links! http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kEpwZHTXFh4/T4NiIBJjlbI/AAAAAAAAAGM/t75fEEKZm-I/s1600/Early+bionicle_the+birth+of+a+Toa.jpg http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/6/68096/1294326-tahu40.jpg http://www.alteredstatesmag.com/mar2001/graphics/Bio_Kopaka.jpg
  20. I don't know what to say other than: Great videos! Not very productive, but it's what I think!
  21. Yes, you can get it from the LEGO Store, as I just picked mine up. Since BIONICLE isn't selling too hot, at least in mine, it seems you can get it from buying ANY set (not just BIONICLE). EDIT: Pic: http://i.imgur.com/g6NjYso.jpg It has nothing to do with Bionicle not selling well. We've known that the Hero Pack would be available with any purchase for more than a month now. The only reason the Elves polybag is any different is likely because of the general "Ew, pink!" impulse that afflicts too many young boys.I didn't mean that the Hero Pack was created because BIONICLE wasn't selling well, but that perhaps the reason that they automatically throw it in with your purchase (someone next to me was purchasing the Brick Ice Cube mold, and still had the polybag thrown in.) is possibly that over the last 2 months, the BIONICLE display hadn't changed AT ALL. (I still saw the blank spaces in the exact area when I bought a couple sets back in January.) Then again, it could be an oddity at my store, and I don't doubt that BIONICLE is selling well.
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