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Everything posted by jed1ndy

  1. This is fantastic! I can't wait to see more!
  2. My new vote (between the three way tie) is for the inconspicuous Party-Goer.
  3. I vote myself. (For my actual vote, I'm gonna be random and vote for Wade)
  4. I have 3 of the five exclusive 2015 masks, those being the NYCC Tahu Mask, the Hero Pack, and three of the SDCC Skull Scorpio masks. I used to have five of the SDCC mask, but I gave 2 away to Mask Collector.
  5. May I please be added?
  6. Realistically, it's probably going to end either the next round or the one after. With only one attempted murderer left, it's highly likely that they will get caught, and that everyone else will win.
  7. I forgot to post a comment on the fantastic chiptune version of the song! (Ironic, if you look at my avatar, and the fact that a couple years ago I made a simple chiptune version of the Chronicler's Company theme.) If I were to have only 1 gripe (and it's a really minor one,) it's that it's too complex for a NES (if that was what you going for) - other than that, it's perfect!
  8. Can I worship you as a first ever person to join my first ever BZPower game? I mean, if you want to, then of course you can. But if not, then I don't really find it necessary.
  9. So he really is gone? Not "dead" gone, but "gone" gone? As in, gone from existence? I mean, I know that's what the new round seemed to describe, (with his body and cuffs disappearing completely,) but to have him erased from history as well? That's just... ...2meta4me.
  10. Did anyone notice that all of Tarekada's existence in Round 2 is no longer there? Is that an error?
  12. Sorry, the post has been fixed! (Although that WAS kind of the point...)
  14. A bio of the female Toa during the newest year of a constructional action-figure line by the number-one toy company in the world.
  15. Ba. Hababa. Hababadegada. Hababadadaba. Hadebadegadega, hadada. Hababa hababadegadega. Ba. Ba. Bababa. Babababa. Bababababa. Ba. Nba.

    1. Ghidora131


      *comes months later*


      And, what did you say back to him?

    2. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      Where did the bad man touch you?

    3. Ghidora131


      Is there an herb for that?

  16. I'll take spot ten! (Please!)
  17. Okay, thanks! (I had forgotten about Wikipedia's existence)
  18. I was just curious, does anyone know who composed early music for BIONICLE? Specifically, the music used in the "Resume" video, the Toa teasers, and the TV spots for 2001.
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