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Everything posted by jed1ndy

  1. I just went to my local LEGO store, and they're available there as well. And, just like online, you can get them from buying ANY set whatsoever. Also, the preliminary Mask of Creation is still there, and not just a Europe-only thing. EDIT: Pic: http://i.imgur.com/g6NjYso.jpg
  2. Yes, you can get it from the LEGO Store, as I just picked mine up. Since BIONICLE isn't selling too hot, at least in mine, it seems you can get it from buying ANY set (not just BIONICLE). EDIT: Pic: http://i.imgur.com/g6NjYso.jpg
  3. What? No. Lego's JUST introduced a new style of mask. I seriously doubt they'll abandon that so soon, particularly when the new masks and heads have been so generally well-received.The only possibility with G1 compatible masks would be a re-release of the Vahi, but like you said, the new heads hve been generally well-received (except for the looseness in some ) that it would be better to release a Gen 2 Vahi Speaking of which, where did the original orange Vahi come from? Not from the mask packs, if I can recall The orange Vahi was originally going to be included with the cancelled BIONICLE game, Legends of Mata Nui. When the game fell through, the mask was given out as a promotional item in Wallgreens. Also, on the subject of a Vahi promotion: It won't happen. In fact, it physically CAN'T happen, as more than 99% of all BIONICLE molds have been trashed and discarded.
  4. Oldest BIONICLE set: 8534 Tahu First LEGO set: 7110 Landspeeder Oldest LEGO set: 363 Hospital with Figures / 367 Moon Landing
  5. At the moment, there is no official way to get the song without background noise (obviously). In order to find it, there are a couple options: 1. Wait for LEGO or Rune Busch Klausen (the composer) to release the music. OR 2. Download all appearances of the music (without any narration) and try to edit them together. I've been able to identify at least 3 original peaces in the animations. Hope this helps (doubt it will though).
  6. No, they aren't designed to be looser whatsoever... An axle is an axle is an axle. There SHOULD be no difference in their tightness. The brick yellow and light grey connectors are looser than the bright blue and black connectors due to the fact that the mold on the blue/black pins are friction pins compared to the standard versions, which are the grey/tan ones. The reason the grey ones seem to be looser is due to their age. Fun fact: The frictionless pins were made in black originally in the 70s/80s, recolored to grey in the 90s, and brick yellow in the early 2000s.
  7. Yes yes I know about the memes, but using "every" without a limiting qualifier isn't that productive, and "sets" in this case doesn't count because the thread already specified the sets; saying all are the worst indicates they are worse than something else, which necessarily isn't them - which isn't what this thread is about! Don't take this seriously, my serious response is intended to be taken jokingly! etc. I'm not grumpy. No really I'm not. Don't call me grumpy you young hooligan! :] Perhaps it isn't productive answer. But then again, perhaps it IS the most productive answer, because it gives us a wide range to work with (the entire theme), and as long as we have this wide range, we can say "Somewhere in this specified quantity, there is, objectively, the WORST of this category." Therefore, we can all agree that, objectively, this is the correct answer.
  8. What part keeps falling off, the socket joint or the axle joint connected to the ball?Um... The entire left arm falls out and I have to shove it back in.I was trying to ask what pert keeps disconnecting, but looking back my wording got kind of jumbled. I assume you mean the axle comes out of the gearbox. My first guess would be a loose axle, though I'm not sure how it could be that loose. Maybe the gear it connects to is loose or cracked. I'd say to check how you assembled it, but I can't imagine any kind of error that would result in the arm "falling out" as you say, aside from leaving the gear out entirely. Unless you mean the socket disconnects, in which case a cracked or defective socket might be the culprit. The set looks fine to me....It could just be an odd axle or socket, then. I notice when trying to disconnect the arm from the balljoint, the axle tends to slide out. If it just slides out on it's own, or the arm just falls off the ball, it could just be worn out, or a faulty mold. The most I can suggest is to try find a replacement axle or joint on BrickLink for cheep, or if you have another CCBS or Technic set you don't mind taking apart, replacing it with one that definitely works. I hope for you the best in fixing your BIONICLE sets.
  9. ALL the worst BIONICLE sets? Alrighty then , I know this opinion is going to be quite controversial, but all the worst BIONICLE sets are... Every set. Ever. I did it, I found the truth. I found all the worst sets. It's all of them.
  10. A goose, obviously. WYR live in the Bellingshausen Sea or Peary Land?
  11. I would rather be writing a fanfiction; having a fan fiction written about me is just creepy. WYR be born with progeria or diprosopus?
  12. For me, it's honestly a tie between 3 sets: 700/1 Gavæske 700/2 Gavæske 700/3 Gavæske These sets were so revolutionary with their design, they inspired a company's design for 66+ years!
  13. It's great to see this finally around. Let's hope that this will be a success and will evolve. Also, my LEGO ID is J1DY. I don't think I'll post anything, but you never know .
  14. *raises hand and squirms in chair* I DO! I DO! I have ALL THE SETS!!!
  15. Are friction extenders these? Onua doesn't have those. And the looseness is on both arms right out of the box with Kopaka so it would be very strange for both to be messed up if theres some kind of problem with the pieces.Onua does have those friction pieces on his arms. They may blend in with the grey knee/elbow joint, but they're there.
  16. My gears are actually quite stiff. I actually have trouble turning the gears at times, due to how stiff they are.
  17. 2 days ago, I was able to pick up Tahu at a Target, Kopaka at another Target, and at a Toys-'R'-Us, 5 Protetors (no ice, unfortunately) and the $15 Toa. The Protectors are nice, for the size that they are. I like their color schemes, and how they all have a distinctive transparent color to distinguish them. They're blasters shoot REALLY far (too far, in fact; good thing they include 6-8 extra studs). The blend of the solid and transparent colors for the mask is also nice, and if anything, is proof that the LEGO Group could do the MoUP as a blend of Black and Trans Red, if they wanted. I find interesting how the Protector of Stone has Trans Light Blue eyes, while Pohatu has Trans Neon Green (I think that's correct?) eyes. My only major complaints are that the missiles are WAY too easy to lose, and for the Protector of Fire, his arms only have 2 points of articulation (even worse, they're knee joints!). The Toa are also really fun. The gear functions add complexity back into basic constraction models, (not that basic constraction models couldn't be complex,) and the dual-functionality of the weapons add even more playability. Each of the Toa's characteristics give them personalit, i.e. Pohatu is short and leg-heavy like a real runner, Kopaka is big and bulky, and could lead to easy slippage on ice, and Gali has slightly more feminine portions than the others (but that may just be me). The inclusion of the Golden Mask of ______ and Skull Spider (or Scorpion!) give the sets actual conflict and scenarios strait out of the box, instead of just a figure. Overall, these sets are fantastic.
  18. Granted. It blows out every disc you put in it. I wish I had a Pahu and a ufaH doll.
  19. Eat a Ta-Koronan steak. And then a Pahu. WWYDI You woke up and found out you were ufaH?
  20. 4 / 5. 「メルトダウン」 by 天谷大輔。 EDIT: Link - http://bit.ly/doukutsu-ost-jp (mdown.mp3 OR mdown2.mp3)
  21. Define 'surprised.' Is ufaH better than Hafu?
  22. A wooden stick figure (with a turbine on his head) who is named "Packages in Romania."
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