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Everything posted by Ford

  1. That brings up a question that I have: How do you limit the abilities of a Toa of Sonics? As an example, you could limit a Toa of Water's abilities to control and absorb water by cutting off moisture to a certain room they are in. In the case of a Toa of Sonics, would you have to place them in a room with heavily insulated walls?
  2. What disappoints me is the fact that all of the themes represented thus far are licensed themes (with the exception of Ninjago, I guess). Maybe as time progresses, more of Lego's homegrown themes will surface (like Chima, Pirates, Bionicle, and maybe even Ultra Agents). One can hope. This does, however, look like a way for Lego to cash in on Skylanders, Disney Infinity, and Amiibo. It's just like what happened with Lego cashing in on the popularity of Minecraft, and we all know how that's going.
  3. I smell app-bricks... Maybe the app-brick idea will be used to play into a mobile version of this game. It would be interesting to see.
  4. I wasn't saying that I didn't like the Trans. Light Blue in Gali's color scheme; in fact I think it makes the character stand out more than regular trans. blue would. I understand that people are more interested in concept art and the masks (because who isn't at this point?), but why not please the few and therefore touch all bases? As an example, in the Mass Effect series there are certain classes to choose for your character. The last time I checked the statistics, only about 3% of people playing the latest game in the franchise picked a certain class, while the other 97% chose other, more popular ones. In a panel interview, the game designers stated that interest is what kept that class in the franchise. If it was even just 1%, they would still consider putting it in. The point I am trying to make is that I have noticed a lot of people saying that they want to know why certain design choices were made for the characters this time around, and the best people to answer that question would be the designers themselves. With this, they did not reach that conclusion. I like the video, but as I said, they very well could have gone more in depth with the characters.
  5. I like this video a lot, but they could have taken more time to focus on the set design. I feel like there's been way too much buildup for the masks, with the new contest fueling that drive, and not enough on the sets and characters themselves. A simple question like "Why did you use trans light blue instead of trans regular blue?" could have been answered in this video, but was set aside for the mask.
  6. "Lewa, I love you like a brother. Like, more than Tahu." Tanma
  7. Nuju Hordika This being has a "rotating blade"
  8. If you need some examples, feel free to send me a PM. I'd be happy to help!
  9. It depends. What are you looking to make? A: Toa? Makuta? Humanoid? Half-humanoid, half-animal? Animal?
  10. Linking Gen 1 and Gen 2 together somehow. Canonization of previously unknown Toa Mangai. Theories about other random characters.That pretty much sums up what I've seen lately over here in S&T.
  11. Just imagine Gali with "water-like hair" for just a second... Idk, seems pretty interesting to me.
  12. I just hope that they don't overstuff the 2016 sets with gimmicks pertaining only to that year's motif. I mean, I wouldn't mind a Mahri/Phantoka/Mistika thing, just as long as we get the location to have that. In making the new sets, I think it would be best to stick with the iconic look; I think the 2015 Toa look really nice, no matter where or when they can or could be, and I hope the sets for 2016 have this same thing in mind.
  13. That works too, if you're into that kinda thing. I have a copy of QftT, but I've never finished it to this day. The collision system makes the game rage quit worthy, but that's just me. Trust me, I've raged on that game way too many times; even more times than in the Okoto Online Game. As for the purpose of this topic, I would start off with either MNOG or the comics. You could go with the books, but for the sake of time, the comics would help. Also, once you get to the 2007 story arc you can start reading the serials that were posted on Bioniclestory.com, which can now be found on other sites since the former is now inactive. Start by going to Biomediaproject.com. It has everything you would need and more to get into Bionicle. The comics can be found under "Pictures", and you can either "stream" the comics (which means just viewing them online), or download the comics. I suggest downloading the comics, that way you can get to them at a moment's notice if need be. I even have all of them saved to my computer! I hope this is helpful to you, and welcome to the Bionicle fandom!
  14. It's been a while, hasn't it? Today is Easter, so I have made an Easter special! Check it out here! As for the progress of Episode 8, I now have most of the lines recorded. All I need to do is record more lines, start filming, edit, and post. Expect Episode 8 to be out some time in May. I've been really busy with courses and the next two weeks for me are nothing but due dates for semester projects. Please have patience, and while you're at it you should watch my play through of the first two chapters of the Okoto Online Game here!
  15. The following is a head canon. We all know how Hero Factory ended, or rather how it did not end at all, but I'd like to bring up something I have thought about now after all this time (now that I think about it, it's been nearly a whole year if not over a year since the last HF episode came out, so it's been a while). This will be placed under spoiler tags so that anyone who has not seen or heard the HF story will not be spoiled, but feel free to look anyway if you really don't care at this point because HF is over. If only HF continued, we probably would no have gotten this anyway. If this needs to be moved, please do so, but this is just an idea I had.
  16. The gearbox and head movement doesn't really bother me that much now, but it did when I first got the set. I recently made a few miniature versions of the new Toa using the Protector aesthetic (except Onua uses the smaller, standard sized CCBS torso) combined with the gearbox mechanisms (except for Gali, for reasons) and they all look pretty good. Lewa, however, was the biggest challenge to convert to a smaller size, and it just happened that the gearbox limits his head movement once again. At this point, I really don't mind it much, as the decision was made for the fact that I still wanted him to be unique compared to the others and I still wanted to preserve his dual and gear functions. While not exactly the same as the original, I can say that he's probably my second favorite of my miniature Toa. And if I ever get the chance, I'll be sure to post pictures of them in a BBC forum topic.
  17. A place in the canon storyline. Gorast
  18. Either Hydraxon or Ehlek. Gives Takua the Book of Chronicles.
  19. This is a pretty interesting theory you have here. I think I'll roll with it. I also admire the fact that you have evidence to support your claim, so thumbs up to that!
  20. Cahdok: "I'm the blue one!" Gahdok: "No, I'm the blue one!" Cahdok: "No, I'M THE BLUE ONE!" Gahdok: "Yeah, you're right..." Jaa
  21. This is nice. I'm just going to assume that the y-joints left open on the stand with the Skull Spider mask is for the blended masks and the mask of creation set to come out in the summer.
  22. So, by extension, my parents lied to me with that same exact concept? To put this in perspective, I have set my mind to a lot of things, and have accomplished a lot of things. Some of these include being in a university level concert band two years before I even graduated high school, getting through a rigorous admissions process and getting into nursing school, and even being accepted for a summer internship at a medical school, all as a college freshman or younger. The statement you made showed some negativity which is something, besides pain (and taxes), people try their hardest to avoid in life. To rear children on this negative concept baffles me. My parents were not negative from what I remember, and I wish to follow the same teachings for when I have children of my own. Sure, this world is a pretty dark place, but why make it all so negative? I would make it seem negative, but always provide a positive outcome to combat that negativity. To close, if the statement made before was taken out of the context of this discussion and presented to someone else, the response would most likely be: "It's not that you don't do enough, but the fact that you have done the best you can do."
  23. Being a Toa would be nice. I would most likely be placed into the Sonics element for my musical abilities (in real life). One could make the argument that Le-Matoran are musical, but they tend to live in high-up places like trees, and I am both afraid of heights and allergic to some trees. Being a Makuta would also be rather interesting. Having the ability to make an army of Rahkshi, being able to shape shift, as well as having 42 powers sounds so enticing. I would, however, settle with just being a Matoran or Agori in the end, I guess. I think being either of the two would make for a much easier lifestyle than battling the forces of evil, like the Toa, or battling against each other, like the Glatorian.
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