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Everything posted by Ford

  1. As someone who is studying to be a nurse, and at the moment taking a course on the psychology of human development, this is the number one thing that adults do not, I repeat, DO NOT EVER TEACH CHILDREN. The most common way to teach a child to follow their dreams is to tell them that as long as they work at something, they can achieve it, but this statement tells me that adults would rather want children to work toward something and then just give up because it means absolutely nothing to anything. I have half a mind to bring this up to my professor the next time I see her because this, to me, is unacceptable.
  2. "You won't find a mask more sentient than I." Tuyet (Empress of the Toa Empire)
  3. Let me ask for clarification. I've seen some people with pictures resembling Krana and other Gen 1 masks. Are Gen 1 masks allowed? I thought it was just for the new Gen 2 masks.
  4. "I told you, I AM NOT A PILE OF BUGS, I RULE THE BUGS!!!" Lariska
  5. Yes, I was, and I apologize for responding to this question as late as now. As for the previous post, the Dark Brotherhood could be... The Barraki? Or maybe the Federation of Fear? Wears a noble Rau and pretends to fly in airplanes. I was thinking of the Dark Hunters Um... Anyway, I'm thinking Karzahni.
  6. I'm glad you took the suggestion to come to BZP! Also, I was on your latest live stream, and it was SO MUCH FUN! I would love to do it again, if not be on one of the podcasts. Wishful thinking (hint. hint.)
  7. I laughed Anyway, I think this is going to be a neat contest, even with the flaws that it may have. I feel like they're going to judge based on interestingness (if that's a word). Like a rock shaped like a Hau would have a better shot than a vague face in the sidewalk. *brings out my hammer and chisel* That was my first thought. Either that or chalk.
  8. This doesn't sound ridiculous at all! I've had this problem a few times in my dealings with storing Lego bricks, but only a few times. I'm not really sure what you can do about the situation, however. I would suggest maybe moving the storage bins to a different location and see what happens. I am also strongly against the use of any acidic bug spray, as it does damage Lego bricks.
  9. This is very well done. If I may add on the true name of the movie, as many of the other Honest Trailers have done, I would say... "Bionitrek IV: The Birth of Hero Factory" or "Bionitrek IV: The Legend Discontinued" or "That Lego Movie before the cool one"
  10. Yes, I was, and I apologize for responding to this question as late as now. As for the previous post, the Dark Brotherhood could be... The Barraki? Or maybe the Federation of Fear? Wears a noble Rau and pretends to fly in airplanes.
  11. "I'LL ROCK 'EM AND I'LL SOCK 'EM!!!!" Energized Protodermis Entity.
  12. "Hewkii left me. Now I think I will have a go at someone else... ... HEY, HAFU!" Nektann, the Skakdi Warlord
  13. Sorry to hear about that. I'd do what I can to help, but I have little to no knowledge or experience when it comes to programming.
  14. Onua Gen 2? An insane, spineless man who formerly wore the Mask of Life, but now wears the Olmak.
  15. One thing that I see as confusing about the fight with LoSS in Episode 8 is Pohatu randomly tossing one of his boomerangs at LoSS toward the end. My thought was "Why? What purpose did throwing that boomerang have?" All Kopaka did was block with his shield. That's it. My main thought is the fact that the Toa went to great lengths to get the gold masks in order to fight using their elemental powers, but they are not using their elemental powers here! My hope is that they have a plot device along the lines of "They must find their hidden potential in order to fully understand the usage of their powers" thing from multiple other franchises (such as Ninjago, coincidentally), because this is kind of ridiculous. It could also be the "they don't know how to use their powers yet" thing. Anything is possible. Overall, not the best episode, but at least it's not as bad as some of the previous episodes. It's not bad enough to be laughable among the community, at least not mostly.
  16. "I-i-i-i-if you try to fight me That just makes me stronger I'll just send some Rahkshi 'Cause I can't wait much longer No one around is gonna save ya' You all have no hope And just when I try to make my last move A moon comes up and says 'NOPE'" -A song by Makuta Teridax, a parody of Kanye West's "Stronger" Balta
  17. Agreed. At least you provided pictures. Too bad mine can't do that, as they are kind of skewed when it comes to the layering of the red. You must have gotten the perfect pair!
  18. I tried downloading Shockwave, and I did, and it is still not working. All that happens when I hit play is a screen stuck on 0:00.
  19. Have you tried looking on Vimeo instead of YouTube? https://vimeo.com/2255269 I have. It was the first place I tried and it will not work.
  20. Went with the Rahkshi for this one. Good luck!
  21. I have found that Pohatu's mask is the most loose of all of the masks in this current wave. The best hold that any of the masks get comes from the Skull Spider masks, which contour directly to the new headpiece with little to no wiggling. If only they made all of the Toa masks like that? (maybe there's a chance that such a thing will happen for the summer wave, if not the next batch of Toa)
  22. Dude, Galactic Kids Next Door would be one of the best animated series sequels ever. It's like every part of my childhood that I love is coming back to me in 2015! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_2aDok_CcQ

  23. Dude, I can't wait til we get Friends Story Line and Theories forum topics and canonization debates. I can picture it now: Friends Storyline and Theories Forum Contest Friends-Based Creations Forum Friends-Based Creations Contest And maybe... Friends Fan Created Media Forum Friends Comics Forum Pretty soon, we could have FZPower. O.O Jk lol, I don't mean anything by this.
  24. I wish I could watch this series from the beginning. The links refuse to work for me. I have tried using the links already, but they do not do anything. Fyi, I am running on a Mac OS X Yosemite, with the latest version of Flash player. Is youtube quality that bad that you are unable to upload them there?
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