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Everything posted by Ford

  1. No. He has other work to do for Lego and with the release of Gen 2 he probably does not want to confuse any newcomers. Even if he did continue from where the story left off, there is no where that the stories can be posted in order to become "official". From my understanding, if he were to post a new story on, say, BS01, people would think it was a fan page, especially if it were done under a pseudonym. He also had no plans. That kind of makes a story harder to write, because he need to come up with some conclusion without dragging out the story. In short, it's wishful thinking, but will probably not happen. Sorry...
  2. I chose "Strong Yes" and "Depends on when asked during Bionicle's run". Toward 2007ish I started to lose some interest, I must admit. I never really had much access to a compute growing up, so I would miss parts of the story which were available exclusively online. It eventually got to the point where I was only following the story and not getting any of the sets, which changed in 2009. You know how far that went... The comics were my main dosage of story material, and considering I only got them every two months (unless it's 2008 and 2009, where you would have to wait nearly four months to get any story material whatsoever!) the wait times were almost unbearable!
  3. "No, I don't want this scratch on my face healed. I think it looks and makes me feel ten times more awesome than I was before. It's like a battle scar." Toa Ignika
  4. I like the Jay mini mech the most. Does anyone know which stores one can find these?
  5. I know right?! Imagine if one of the Toa had that! And thanks man You're welcome If a Toa had one of these, I would just run. I would run far away. I would run very far away. I would even try my best to get off of the very planet that I am on to get away from that much of a destructive force. lol
  6. The fact that the individual Skull Spiders lasted as long as they did surprises me. I like this a lot.
  7. This is why PoE is so hardcore. I love this. So much.
  8. "Adrenaline mode" is the term used to describe the Toa's dual-functioning weapons. Tahu: Fire swords -> Lava surfboard w/ small swords Gali: Elemental Staff (I can't remember the exact name) -> Trident and Shark Fins Pohatu: Boomerangs (a.k.a. "Stormerangs") -> "Jeterangs" and Dagger Onua: Earthquake Hammer -> Turbo Shovelers Kopaka: Spear and Shield -> Skis and Ski Pole Lewa -> Dual Axes -> X-Glider (swords and "wings")
  9. I agree. To play off of the perspective of Pokemon, characters in the game can be generic and still lovable. How many times can we call Joey and have him tell us about his super-cool Rattata? How many times have you heard that "shorts are comfy and easy to wear"? The same goes for Bionicle. Sure, there are generic characters now and there have been in the past. For example, I like Tamaru despite his story not being fully fleshed out. I particularly like the scene he has in MNOG where he is pretending that he is flying in a plane and sitting away from the other partying Le-Matoran. In Gen 2, I just so happen to love PoF. He seems to be the only person on the island who knows what is really going on.
  10. "Welcome, all, to my cafe! Who wants a freshly brewed cup of coffee?" Velika
  11. I'm still not seeing how this story is inherently worse than the previous one. Could it be told better? Of course! But 2001 wasn't told perfectly either; we didn't even get a cohesive plot line for it until 2003! Ignoring how they're being told, the stories, outside of meaningless fluff like a million mask powers and characters, are really on the same level. Sure, Okoto isn't quite as filled out as Mata Nui, but I find that an odd reason to declare this story will forever be inferior to the sluggish behemoth of useless information and tryhard edginess that was Bionicle G1. People seem to be forgetting that one of the reasons that Okoto may not be fully fleshed out yet is possibly due to the fact that the story may need to stay centered on that island. Perhaps there are hidden structures on the island that could lead to future story points? Has anyone else thought of this?
  12. "My mask has headphones! I can listen to my iTunes library wherever I go!" Mantax
  13. Finally saw "Ghostbusters" for the first time. It's a pretty good movie. Now I know what to buy in order to get my Hero Pack!

  14. A quick question about the book coming later this year: How exactly are they going to market it? I ask this because the only way that I ever found out about the books in the past was through the comics. The books didn't get commercials on television, nor did they get much recognition from Bionicle's official website (from what I recall, anyway. I didn't get to the website until about 2005). They were very rarely featured in the Lego catalogs, but that's just it. I think they will put an advertisement in the form of a video with a vague call to action like "The Story Continues" or "Delve Deeper into the World of...". Not to say that those ideas are bad, but just remember that they are targeted towards children.
  15. Great MOC! At first I wasn't all that interested in the way the colors were distributed, but after looking at it for another minute or two it has grown on me. It's a very nice representation of the character! As for the lightning bolt, it's the only amount of golden-brown on the MOC, but I understand why. It is still a nice addition, especially in the way you integrated it. Oh, and I hope you have fun at Bricks Cascade!
  16. I just posted the first part of my play through of this game! Check it out here.
  17. "I am many things, included all in one combiner... Eww" Teridax (The Kingdom AU version)
  18. S: The three virtues... R: Unity, Duty, and Destiny. You like? Me like.
  19. Died by drowning after his mutations were cured. "But I thought I could breath under wa-blub blub... *gurgle*" Tiribomba
  20. Skull Grinder and Warrior. Also, I just noticed that the pedestal/vat thing has protector masks carved on the sides. Neat.
  21. Krekka thinks to himself as he is about to become a puddle of melted components caused by a fire ball created by the Toa known as Norik: Man, the Shadowed One must hate. I mean, he must really hate me if he thinks this Nidhiki character is worth my time. Sure, I may have played the part of the blubbering idiot, but I was always so loyal to him. Why set me up with this wannabe not-Toa? I guess this is it, then. Here with the thing that drew me down to this. Nidhiki... Maybe he'll be dumb enough to save me! Krekka: Nidhiki! Help me! Nidhiki: Nope. Krekka: Help me, or Teridax gets to control the universe! (The fire ball hits Krekka, who is melted upon impact) ------------------------------------------------------------- Gali
  22. ^I second this^ Most of the time you are paying for the name of the product anyway. I'm pretty sure that just slapping the Star Wars logo on the box of a set brings up the price by about $10 (in the U.S. and other currency equivalents for other nations).
  23. I love this, but I feel like Gali loses her touch when she is in the 2001 colors. Also the shading suffers. I prefer the 2015 colors, but I like both nonetheless! Great job!
  24. I need to wait another week before I can (hopefully) get mine. ._.
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