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Everything posted by Ford

  1. Ah, the old "Bionicle saved Lego!" argument. Bionicle is only responsible for Lego's current success because in an era of failed themes and poor management, Bionicle was the least bad. It kept them afloat in a rough patch, but it was only a small factor in their turnaround. In any case, the fact that Bionicle helped Lego more than a decade ago does not entitle Bionicle fans to special treatment. Lego is more than just bricks, but bricks are their bread and butter, and they're what the vast majority of Lego fans are interested in. Happiness as a Bionicle fan requires recognizing that your particular interests pur you in a small but dedicated bloc of the wider Lego fan community. I agree with all of these points. Bionicle is just ONE theme that Lego has to offer among the multiple System themes the company has produced. If anything, I could quote someone else on this matter: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few..." (Yeah, I went there ) What do most people like about Lego? For starters, the Minifigure! It is, to many people, the icon of Lego. It's even your avatar, Salvus! The point is, what sticks out more to the majority of people in this world: The Minifigure or the Kanohi Kualsi? I bet that if you surveyed 100 Lego fans at random, only about 10 or 20 would know what the Kualsi is, let alone what Kanohi means. That means there are 80-90 people who do not know this information and would rather settle with the Minifigure. It is all about popular demand, and right now, old and discontinued parts are not in popular demand, but discontinued. Just settle for what you have at this point, I guess, and I apologize if this is either rude, lengthy, or a little bit of both.
  2. 'Fraid not, don't hav ean account. But anyway, glad ya liked it How about a link to your Deviantart?
  3. This picture is so fear inducing that if this were real, I would run as far as possible in the opposite direction. This interpretation is most awesome. I also love how he has visible bones; it makes him feel like he split off from a completely different being... which he did!
  4. I like the official and the fan art. I don't see why people do not like the animation art; I think it looks pretty good.
  5. I agree that the originals were better, but as I was saying earlier, the new takes on this classic have been... laughable... The minifigs would be interesting to see, though. All I can think of now is a set featuring an infinite jumping Knuckles and stupidly shallow water which causes immediate death. Imagine Knuckles as a big fig... ***************************************** ...And so came the end of the world...
  6. *insert CCBS here* Seriously, that's all you'd need. Slap a small torso on top of a big torso and bang, four-armed aliens. Maybe even six-armed aliens. Meh, I wouldn't be too interested in a skeleball Fallen. And so ends THAT discussion. I may be joking, but what if they did a new Sonic the Hedgehog theme? I'm sure a theme based on Sonic Boom would be the best thing ever, and would not be a complete and utter failure. Just think of how bad things could be
  7. Fixed that for ya It did not require fixing. I meant what I stated.
  8. I don't know. I always thought it was interesting that they put him in there, especially after the big reveal at the end of 2012.
  9. Did anyone ever notice that Velika was in "All That Glitters..."?
  10. I am one of those very people who have been made very happy today
  11. Ford


    What are your thoughts on Lego keychains? Do you have any, and can you name them? I like the minifig keychains. I have a few of the older Star Wars minifigs as keychains as well as Johnny Thunder, and more recently the Titanium Ninja. I have those last two on my music bag atm.
  12. I built it. I love it. Nothing more can describe my satisfaction. It is simple but genius.
  13. Oh thank you! If you want, I can take some pictures of each part disassembled so you can see how she's constructed if you want to do something similar. She's actually a very simple build! I think I can piece it together on my own, but the torso I could use a little, teensy-weensy bit of help with.
  14. I might try making a mock-up of this in spare time. The design is fantastic, and it just feels so original! The model looks pretty solid and sturdy, and the colors are pretty evenly distributed, as well.
  15. Yeah, I agree. If I open the video in another window and listen just to the voices you can clearly tell the voices apart by their inflection. Now, whether the voices (and lines) fit the characters is a matter of opinion, but I think they suit them reasonably well. I'm not happy with everything in these animations, though. In particular, Onua's height bothers me. I understand that it's more or less necessary for the scene where he picks Tahu and Kopaka up by their masks, but one of my favorite features of the new Onua set is that despite his muscular design, he and Pohatu are back to being the shortest Toa, just like they were in the 2001 and 2002 sets. In this animation, Onua is easily the tallest. Other differences from the sets have generally been minor stylistic changes, but this height discrepancy really stands out, and sadly, I think we're unlikely to see it corrected in future animations. I think all of the Toa in the animations are about the same height, except for Onua towering over the others. Personally, I like this design choice. It makes me see the Toa as if they are on a level playing field and have an equal amount of control over their respective elemental powers. By this logic, it would make Onua the most powerful, but I will quickly disagree with that. I was always the smallest kid in the class, but according to my karate instructor I can throw a powerful punch. Size doesn't matter in terms of power, I guess.
  16. Depends on what the stores near me will have. I'd like to get Skull Grinder vs. Mask Maker first if I can, but it all comes down to availability.
  18. I'm not a big fan of the left arm nor the Bohrok feet, but I guess it works. Basically what Aanchir said about that. As for the colors, they're okay. It's hard to tell with the lighting, but it seems like the colors are distributed pretty well. The name is pretty cool, and I love it when the bad guys become good, and then the good become bad. It makes for some pretty interesting story dynamics.
  19. Yes. Also, did anyone notice that most of the Toa came into the scene just outside of the entrance, while Tahu entered from the entrance? Presumably he created a giant lava fountain and surfed his way there. Or he turned evil. Because in LEGO media, it's always the white guy that dies, and it's always the red guy that turns evil. Technically, in Ninjago, the first of the Ninja to turn evil was Cole (when he was hypnotized by Skales). I don't think Kai has ever turned evil except in "The Ultimate Spinjitzu Master" when all four original Ninja were corrupted. Nya was the first one the Overlord corrupted with his dark matter, though, so I guess she counts. I guess so, but just remember Web of Shadows.
  20. Pepper Roni, Johnny Thunder (more than just some cameo), a few of the Agents characters (Not to be confused with Ultra Agents), and maybe a Protector.
  21. Yes. Also, did anyone notice that most of the Toa came into the scene just outside of the entrance, while Tahu entered from the entrance? Tahu as disguised alternate dimension traveling Makuta Teridax behind the skull villains, LoSS, and Okoto-Makuta breaking the sacred law and making the MoUP confirmed. Current quest: lead everyone into ancient city to be exterminated by skeleton army. It all makes sense now! That Tahu is fake, so he leads the team into danger, then the real Tahu comes in and saves the day! Nice job Lego; as if Tahu has not been drilled into our skulls enough, I now can come to terms with it.
  22. It is the first time that they have met, and we have not ever heard the Toa refer to each other by these familial terms, at least not yet.
  23. Yes. Also, did anyone notice that most of the Toa came into the scene just outside of the entrance, while Tahu entered from the entrance?
  24. You, sir, are about to combine three of my favorite things into one! (Well, two of my favorite things, really. There is no chocolate involved. )
  25. I agree. I feel like the narrator could have tried just a little harder to give some of the other Toa some form of expressiveness. I liked the episode, but I would have enjoyed it more if the narrator stuck with the same tone as with the promotional videos, where he at least tried to make the Toa stand out from one another.
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