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Everything posted by Ford

  1. Earth: Solid color scheme, great parts, torso is genius (it starts here, and I'm using that word a lot, so deal with it), weapons are nice, and overall is one of the more involved builds for the Protectors. Jungle: I just love everything about him. The color scheme, the weapon (which is genius, I mean absolute genius!), and the build are great. Stone: I love the inclusion of trans-lime green/yellow, as well as how he just fits in with Pohatu. The staff is great, too. Water: The color scheme makes this Protector really resemble the element, including mostly trans parts. The weapon is also genius. Fire: I feel like his arms are lacking in proportions to his buff-looking torso. Also, what are the weapons? Swords? Yeah, okay, Ice: Aside from the weapons, I feel like this guy was an afterthought. It's basically a slimmer version of PoF but with more of the new armor add-ons. Personally, this guy was an instant parts pack.
  2. Awesome! I've never seen that Battle for the Region of Fire insert. Really nostalgic! Reminds me of similar inserts they had in 2005-08 -NotS My favorite is the one from one of the 2004 comics. That one always looked awesome to me.
  3. "The masks gather and control elemental forces"? Who says the masks do this this gen? So far all we know is the Mask Makers made elemental masks and so far perhaps only the Protectors and Toa have any form of elemental power brought on by said masks... Now the Toa masks are said to enhance the Toa's elemental power, but not really to what extent. Also no lore on the level of power the Protector masks have if any... The only think we know is that the Protectors seem to have a different, perhaps powered perhaps not, Mask of their tribe's element. Anything more than that is hearsay and headcannon. Further more we don't have any information on what level of elemental power the tribes as a whole have if any. Do water villagers have underwater-breathing capabilities as in Gen1? What about Fire villagers? Are they so named not for their elemental affiliation but rather color or habitat? Think about real-world comparisons... Take somebody who grew up and lives near one of the poles and then an islander as well as somebody who lives in desert dry climates.... The person who lives near the poles will have adapted to that environment, possibly wearing white and being able to breath the cold thinner air of the Arctic's... Now an islander lives near a volcano, is use to a more tropical climate and has adapted accordingly... Rinse and repeat for the Desert dweller. None of these people have elemental powers only they have adapted to their people's place of habitation... The Protectors as village shaman/elder/leader could have some form of elemental magic given to them by the masks of power, however what that power is still seems to be determined. The Toa on the other hand pour elemental control being extraterrestrial and not from Okoto originally. So far we could surmise that being that the Toa came from the sky and thus stars or planets of their own they did/do not come from Okoto originally. Now this could change in that in this gen, the Protector's could become Toa under some means. As there is nothing released stating that there is a biological connection between Okoto villager and a Toa... speculation is all we have... Though this brings up an interesting question... Regardless of where the Toa do or don't originally come from, the Mask makers if not Ekimu specifically knew about them in advanced as he would have needed to create their golden masks of power and hide them prior to the falling out with Makuta. Also I think I remember seeing somewhere that the temple of Time ritual was told to the Protectors at the time after finding Ekimu's body. Being revealed to them in much the same way the Toa learn of his burial location after beating the LoSS. So the protectors for what they were may not have known about the Toa prior to this time... Generations had past between the time of the mask makers and when the Toa were summoned to Okoto. By this time the Skull spider menace had escalated and maybe the LoSS evolved or was created from or by Makuta... You really do enjoy ripping into my statements, don't you? The Mask Makers made masks using the elemental forces of the island. It said so in the first video we got. All I did was change the focus of that statement to "the masks contain elemental forces". It is true with a minor effort of deduction. By Mask Makers being an important enough job to have its own title and armour colour (which other tribe wears gold?), I dare say that Mask Making is a specialist skill. Villagers could make a knife or bow, but not a Mask. I won't bother with the rest of your post, though it raises good points. I just wanted to clarify how you think what I said about masks is incorrect. I didn't think this would controversial. Please stop.
  4. How tall are they in comparison to Toa Mata? Either shorter or around the same size as the Toa Mata. I gauged their sizes to mimic their heights from the sets: Kopaka, Tahu, and Onua are all the same height, but slightly taller than Gali, Pohatu, and Lewa, who are also at the same height.
  5. Yes. I can definitely say I agree with this. The episodes are pretty decently paced for their length but it doesn't leave any time for a decent resolution or cliffhanger... it just kind of ends. Wish they could have added like 30 seconds to them. -NotS I feel like the episodes would have been paced better if each Toa got their own episode to get their mask, not just making a montage of all of them getting it. Basically, an extension of the promos would have felt better to me, as it would have introduced the personalities of each character rather than putting all of the character development into Tahu. I understand that whoever is red is usually the poster child, but there are other unique characters here, and don't even say that's not true, because Lego showed all of them in the episodes before AND Lego made them into sets that we bought. These animations are meant to show kids scenarios for them to play with the sets in, but how can they form other scenarios for the other Toa if they put all of the focus on Tahu? Sorry for the rant, but I know it will get better. I just hope it was better already.
  6. I decided to make small-sized Toa rather than dismantling them strictly for parts. This is so I have inspiration to keep them intact until the summer wave, in which I will make small-sized villains and then say that my life is complete. lull
  7. I don't think the mask controls as much as it is used to communicate with the Skull Spiders. In other words, whoever owns the mask will be able to tell the horde what to do, but not make them do anything against their will.
  8. I vote teh stronk yeas. LoSS is great, despite his abbreviation!
  9. I have a request (and sort of a challenge). Make a working tripod that can hold a smartphone.
  10. One thing I have been thinking about: Do you think that Lego will come out with more construction-based cloths? Personally, I would love to see scarves for characters living in cold regions, as well as tattered capes for heroes and villains alike.
  11. Quite handy, in fact. They are great for connecting CCBS to Bionicle G1-based parts. I use many of those >-< parts on my MOCs, and I still cannot get enough of them. They're great! (not from Kellogg's).
  12. I'm telling you: LoSS is a 10/10 because his pecs are his face. That's how awesome LoSS is.
  13. Gee, wonder who posted that... Pohatu and LoSS. Easy choice. I dunno, all I've heard is negative stuff about the LoSS. Is he really worth the 15 bucks? LoSS is so worth it. The function is genius and can hold one of the Protectors, but could use some modding, like adding two legs to the back, in order to hold onto a Toa-sized figure without any trouble. Pohatu is worth it for a few reasons: 4-long silver shells Brown and trans-lime green/yellow (even though they come with PoS) Masks! Boomerangs are amazing, and a new tool for a Toa (that I can think of at the moment)Btw, a few modifications can be viewed in my imgur and Youtube accounts.
  14. It just occurred to me that maybe there are other mask makers out there besides Ekimu and Makuta (besides Vakama ). What do you think?
  15. Surge and Rocka Combat Machine. Great set. Lifespan of ten minutes, then scrapped for parts (which was the reason for me getting the set in the first place).
  16. Answer: Yes. Why? Lego has issues with plumbing.
  17. I really hope these get longer from demand. Hear me, Lego, we NEED LONGER Episodes. In all seriousness, I think this is a good way for the story to be told. I just want to read the books, though.
  18. Where is the Ancient City located on this map? It may or may not be there, but either way I do not see it.
  19. I like this comic. I can see it going places.
  20. I think they should make the masks fit onto the heads better, as with the skull spider masks. Pohatu is a great example of this flaw, as his mask bobs up and down a little too much, and comes off a lot more easily than other masks. If they could make every mask fit on the heads like the skull spider masks that would make the play feature more worthwhile and not as much of a hassle.
  21. Outo: Germaphobe Susurri: well, how does he communicate, or even have a quote, if he is deaf? Unless maybe he gained back some hearing ability? Kuori: d'aww. So cute! Gemma: dem hips do. I mean, c'mon. :/ I like these new Matoran, especially Susurri's design and backstory. That, and Sonics is my favorite element, so it might be my bias...
  22. I think something like the PoF's shoulders would work well for Onua. The idea for the entire team was to make them look more like the proportions displayed in the animations, meaning that Onua would stand much taller and overall be bigger than the other Toa. The thing is, he already is sort of small, so how do I translate it to make him even smaller than that without losing the feel for the character? That's the challenge, that's the struggle.
  23. So, I disassemble the Toa after keeping them together for weeks. I lay all the parts out, then look over at my LoSS, still assembled, and say, "I'm gonna make mini Toa to make you look more evil." And so I did, using a modified Protector/Mask Maker build, and I am satisfied. Each has their own unique spin, and I love that. Onua was hard, though. He doesn't have a Protector build, and varies little from the original set. I might change him later.
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