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The Skakdi Chronicler

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Everything posted by The Skakdi Chronicler

  1. Oh High Collector of Collecting, What Have You Collected For Your Collection?
  2. I prefered the Mata-Nui area. It had alot of mystery, which was really desirable for me. Metru-nui wasn't to bad, but Mata nui is definitely my favorite
  3. Hogwarts is based on a school in England, actually Yes, but based on facts given in the series and other official media, it hints that Hogwarts is located in Scotland
  4. A Tarakava, They are so cool Would you rather be fused with a moldy tuna fish sandwich, or with a rotten egg
  5. DELETE! The Entity in a southward direction of my location can lick their elbow
  6. Toa Inika Kongu! My mom brought me to walmart to get me some lego's. I was four at the time, and my mom wanted me to pick a lego batman or something like that, instead, I chose Kongu. Best choice I ever made.
  7. Jenny, the Doctor's "daughter" is David Tennant's actual wife Laser is a acronym for 'Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation Hogwarts is located somewhere in Scotland Grumpy Cat's real name is Tardar Sauce You can shoot an Enderman with a bow and arrow if it's far enough away The Enderman sounds are reversed, down-pitched words like "here" "Hiya" and "Forever" Snow Golems have their original face behind their pumpkin. Time travel IS possible.
  8. This is Epic! He has a smooth, but dark and menacing appearance. I wish so badly that he was set, because if he were, I would by him in half a heart beat. Your craftsmanship is truly remarkable, good work.
  9. No, I'm a Satyr, get it right! TPBM can almost perfectly impersonate a villager from village news
  10. I'd say Kongu because he was my first set, but my favorite is Hydraxon. The set was cool. He had an awesome personality. He rocks!
  11. Wow, these are really good! My personal favorite is the Rahkshi, though I also really like Kopaka. I agree with most people about the bulkiness of the characters (especially Gali). Otherwise, great job!
  12. I'm not sure if you can (or will) do this, but I'd like the Toa in my sig animated to be launching a Rotuka, but if you can't (or won't) can you make a smiley-to-purple Suletu.Thanks
  13. I......am...............speechless. These are absolutely amazing! I am a big fan of Maloko. The idea of a giant eye is simply fascinating.
  14. I said yes. As long as we have characters, we might as well know what they look like.
  15. How about bow with some elemental arrows of sort, I have noticed lack of range weapons similar to this in Bionicle.
  16. Self-explanatory title. I'd want chain lightning, or power scream, they just sound so awesome, but I'd overall prefer chain lightning because it sounds so powerful.
  17. Hydraxon is my favorite overall, though my other favorites are listed below: Titans: Hydraxon, Lesovikk, Gadunka Barraki: Takadox Toa: Hahli
  18. Granted, but people don't read fragile signs and it broke in half. I wish I had a third eye
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