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The Skakdi Chronicler

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Everything posted by The Skakdi Chronicler

  1. In the land of Drahkan, the dark lord Fordagarth rises again, commanding an army of Soldier-lings! BEHOLD IT'S POWER! Soldier-ling Calm stance Side View Back View Comments and criticism please
  2. Wow, this is really good! I really like how his ice gun is steaming or something like that
  3. Bye Bye, Babylon Scattered you will run Burning in the sun, let it be Bye Bye Babylon Be gone.............
  4. Granted, but the water came from the toilet I wish my wish is a corruptible wish until 10/34/14
  5. I would stop being an optimist entirely WWYDI you were invited to Slenderman's wedding as the cake
  6. A way for the alien slug (who looks like tren krom) that's inhabiting makuta to control everything. My awesomeness
  7. Real name: Spiked Lord Bzp Name: Horned Head Splitter Second one isn't that bad
  8. Yeah, I needed some explanation to how they are more mata-y
  9. Mr. Styrofoam the jello cube? This pretty good and strangely disturbing, keep up the good work!
  10. Wow, I really like Kopaka and gali with these, and I'm hoping, along with many others, that you will make one with all of them.
  11. Yeah, I'm quite aware that its a reboot, I as thinking of some fun way to connect it.
  12. Okay, this is simply as stated, my theory for bionicle 2015 and how it connects to past story. I think that Okoto is on another planet, and is the homeland of most of the great beings (assuming there not native to sphereus magna) and that they were like he protectors, but of an higher intelligent. They, like all the other Okoto natives, heard the story of Ekimu, and Makuta, which helped inspire Kanohi masks and the Brotherhood of Makuta. So about 300 years after the reformation of sphereus magna, Nuparu invents space travel (after being freed from the skakdi of course) through the use of toa canissters, and the Toa Nuva,(except for poor devolved Tahu) are blasted into space. The toa crash landed on Okoto and were faced by the protectors, who told them the tale of Ekimu and Makuta, and rebuilt the toa. Toa means "Master" in the current language. These are just my theories for how the story fits together.
  13. Wow, this is really neat! I like the back story that you made that works with the old story. The body is nice, it's nicely evened out, and the head is quite creative, though I find it kinda strange. It kind of makes him look like a rhino, but besides that, it's a really good build. Good Job!
  14. Awwww! It's a cute little Chibi takua! Nice job on a 20-minute drawing, though I do find his feet seem a little to big in my opinion, it kinda messes up he red-to-blue.
  15. Granted, but they completely ruin the series. I wish I knew the point of this game
  16. Way for the human race to get ideas that the mole people feed of of. Minecraft
  17. I'm currently reading The Scorch Trials, by James Dashner, which is Book two of the Maze Runner Series
  18. Vezon, what do you think of the 2006 sets (excluding you)
  19. Candy found lying on the street, because yo never said if its wrapper was on or not. WYR bite the head off a rotted, dead snake, or cook and eat your own hand (with a little salt of course)
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