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Sergei Rahkmaninoff

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Everything posted by Sergei Rahkmaninoff

  1. IC: Thurisaz / Gym "Great to have you! There, you're in," the princely Turahk replied amiably as he added the name to the list. That made 15 - one more participant would be good, though not strictly necessary.
  2. Oh. Oops. He had been down on the list I was keeping as 'pending,' and I assumed I just hadn't updated it.
  3. Alright everyone, it's looking like signups are about finished, so the tournament is soon to begin! The list of participants is currently as follows: -Vyper -Exxan -Geuua -Diode -Percy -Glass -Fountain -Rail -Torc -Liar -Paladin -Kaboom -Beat -Shock -Slif If anyone who should be on this list is not, or not on it who should be, please let me know. And if you have someone you'd like to have participate who hasn't signed up yet, it's not quite yet too late for them to get over there and join!
  4. IC: Thurisaz / Gym Thurisaz gave Aerahk a nod of approval. "Not really at the moment, but stay near, I might soon." Quiet but excited, he added with a grin, "It's going quite well. The tournament's going to start soon, I think. I'll just wait a little longer for any last stragglers."
  5. IC: Thurisaz / Gym "Good to have you Beat. I'm Thurisaz," he introduced himself in turn, adding her name to the list. "There you are, signed up!" "Mostly obvious stuff. Don't kill anyone, don't fight using the Gym, that sort of thing," Thurisaz explained affably. "The exact structure may depend on just how many participants we get. I'll explain it all more thoroughly when entry is closed and everyone is here to hear. In the meantime, I'd just need your name to sign you up."
  6. Good to hear! The gearbox is indeed functional; rotating the bigger gear on the back swings the sword arm, as you probably guessed.
  7. Building for BBCC 73 was more fun than I thought it would be. Now looking forward to the voting!

  8. IC: Shock / Gym Shock had gotten word of the tournament, and headed to the Gym to see about joining - albeit with less enthusiasm, and one less friend, than he might once have. Bashing someone might be something to cheer him up, or at least distract him from the bleakness he'd been feeling lately, he thought. He went over to the Rahkshi in charge. "The name is Shock. Sign me up." * * * IC: Thurisaz / Gym "Indeed," Thurisaz replied to Liar, adding the name to the board. "There, you're signed up. Good to have you." He was similarly glad to add Shock to the list.
  9. Thanks! I get the impression you might like the shoulder connection? I promise I chose the Tryna independently - in case something like that might give me second thoughts about the design I wanted, I didn't even look at any of the other contest entries until just now! I'm not surprised though, it's a good mask. Glad you approve! I did consider using a hand piece, but the socket joint feels much more G1, I think - with the hand only introduced in 2009, the vast majority of G1 sets used the y-joint, so I did the same here.
  10. Gallery Among the Northern Continent's most valued warriors is Jordrok, Toa of Fire. He is the solemn defender of that land and its rightful inhabitants, on every scale - from defending Matoran from unruly Rahi to commanding an army. Long ago he failed, but now any force he commands surely rank among the universe's most fearsome, in no small part for his grim mastery of the Tryna. My entry in the official BBC Contest #73. I admit, I wasn't very enthusiastic about this contest's theme at first, but it was actually a lot of fun when I got started on it. An interesting challenge, and maybe a little nostalgic. So anyways here you go; looking forward to hearing what you think!
  11. IC: Thurisaz / Gym "With pleasure." Thurisaz added the name to the list. "There, you're in." "Certainly!" Thurisaz assured her. "I'll just need your name." This Rahkshi seemed troublesome, and his wink at Rail had not escaped Thurisaz. He'd keep an eye on him, though his suspicions did not show. "Well, you'll have to supply the flax," Thurisaz replied with a wry smile, "but you have indeed found the tournament. All I need to sign you up is your name."
  12. IC: Thurisaz / Gym "Alright. I'm Thurisaz," the princely Turahk replied, introducing himself as he added Paladin the First to the board. Fountain's faux-intelligent affectations were somewhat difficult to comprehend, but Thurisaz was pretty sure he had it. "If anyone should inflict excessive or unnecessary damage to their opponent - strike them after they concede, for example," he explained, "they'll be disqualified. At the least." * * * IC: Lucid / Library Missed... what? "I don't think there was much to miss," Lucid replied.
  13. IC: Thurisaz / Gym Thurisaz added Torc's name to the list, telling him, "There, you're in! Glad to have you."
  14. Hey Ghidora, I'm afraid I must call you out on this part of your post. First off, it's probably something of a stretch to correctly and definitively conclude Exxan's higher level just because he's talking with an old friend. I doubt if Fountain saw Lucid and Sepulchral talking and he would make that same silly leap and assume they must be higher levels. It doesn't make sense that he would make it here either, even though it happens to be true. Secondly, I don't think anyone should notice anything odd about Shark's sword right now - not only because he's a good distance away, and an oddly shaped sword might just be shaped like that, but mostly because Shark has a scabbard for his sword in which it would currently be sheathed.
  15. IC: Shark / Gym Shark, too, had gotten word of a tournament. This was something a responsible Prefect should keep an eye on, and he personally found of interest, so quietly, deliberately, he made his way to the Gym. He took up a secluded position along the wall a fair distance from the crowd, taking it all in, a silent and ominous watcher. And there was much of interest indeed. The proud Thurisaz he had encountered before, over the punishment of Ezec, and it was not unexpected to see him at the center of this also. As a wonderful convenience he had a list of the participants up, allowing him to learn the names of what participants he did not know, and keep track of those involved. And of course, especially fascinating was the presence of one Exxan. It might have been an imitator, some young fool hoping to emulate his hero or capitalize on his reputation, but given how his legendary status had faded, this seemed as unlikely as the alternative. Fascinating... Prepared as always to act should he need to, he continued his impassive observation, as was his way. * * * IC: Thurisaz / Gym "Of course. I'll just require your name," the lordly Turahk told Paladin. The arrival of the foreboding finned Prefect did not escape him, nor did it bother him. No Prefect could shut this down now, there would be a riot.
  16. IC: Thurisaz / Gym Thurisaz wondered for a moment as Fountain glared at him if this Rahkshi was also, in his own way, delusional. Delusions of grandeur, these seemed. But, like most things, he didn't let it bother him. "Thurisaz," he introduced himself cordially, and added the name to the list, "There, you're in." Enough people were gathering around now that Thurisaz decided brought up a dais for himself to stand on. He grinned, excited. This was going great. "Done," Thurisaz called over to him, adding his name to the list. "Good to have you." "As many as people who want to sign up!" he assured Torc and the crowd. "Just need your name." The way this Exxan held himself, and spoke with Glass of laying low, gave Thurisaz some inkling that he might be significant - though it could just be more delusions of grandeur, too. Anyways, it certainly wouldn't change that he added Exxan's name to the board. "There you are. Glad you're here."
  17. IC: Thurisaz / Gym "Great. Name?" Thurisaz replied to Fountain, equally succinct.
  18. IC: Thurisaz / Gym "Good to meet you. I'm Thurisaz, if you didn't hear." He had Glass's name inscribed on the display. "There, you're signed up!" * * * IC: Lucid / Library Lucid hadn't been paying a lot of attention, and wasn't entirely sure what Canvas was asking about. "Um... Melody left with Sim," she started. "I tried to help a Rahkshi named Tear. The otters were dangling from the rostrum."
  19. OOC: Yeah Ghidora, Thurisaz' display in the Gym is not a poster, not even paper. It's a huge stone display board. IC: Thurisaz / Gym With his guests countering Hollow's manic assertions, Thurisaz just shook his head. Some people were so delusional it was hardly even funny. At least the words Hollow muttered as he stomped off were not technically incorrect, since they applied rather well to Hollow. "Correct, death will not be a part of this tournament," he assured Diode and everyone. As enthusiastic and friendly as if Hollow had never been, he turned to welcome Glass. "Great to have you! I'll just need your name," he told him.
  20. IC: Thurisaz / Gym Thurisaz couldn't help but let out a short burst of laughter at Hollow's delusional antics. His allegations of weakness and incompetence were simply too ridiculous to dignify with words; only the most colossally imperceptive or perhaps asininely stubborn could gaze upon the princely Turahk without power and nobility at least coming to mind. And Diode was pointing out the one thing he would have. "Precisely, thank you," he said, nodding gratefully to them.
  21. IC: Thurisaz / Gym "No need," Thurisaz told Diode; their name was not a word unheard of. He had it added to the participants list on the board, along with Percy and Geuua. "There, you're all signed up! Glad to have you," he told the three of them, with a satisfied smile. His board had just gone up, and the posters might not even be up yet, and that was four participants already - this was going excellently. Except maybe for the one dull and distrust arrival slinging nonsense at him, at which Thurisaz looked merely bemused. "I think you have been misled," he told Hollow, good-natured. "Excitement, vigor, adrenaline - the feelings of being alive - these are very much entertainment, among its worthiest forms. And why should you think that is not what I seek, for myself and others? You don't even know me yet."
  22. IC: Thurisaz / Gym "Dueling, basically," Thurisaz specified. "Nothing horribly complicated or deadly. Even relatively chivalrous hopefully. Just a good chance to try your prowess in combat." Thurisaz at least was paying too close attention to those approaching him not to hear. "Wonderful! Can I get your name?" If this Rahk's apparently gentle nature gave him second thoughts, he didn't really show it, except possibly with a somewhat more supportive tone. "It'll be fun," was the noble Turahk's simple answer, as if it were obvious. "This place could use something invigorating, don't you think?"
  23. IC: Thurisaz / Gym "I'm Thurisaz," the princely Turahk affably introduced himself in turn. "Good to have you, Vyper." He glanced up at the board for a moment, directing the engraving of her name at the top of the participants list. He turned his gaze to other new arrivals - one excited Dodge Rahk stood out, in particular - with an easy, welcoming grin. "Well, who's next?"
  24. IC: Thurisaz / Gym That hadn't taken long, already several were coming over. Thurisaz greeted them with a friendly grin. "Gladly!" Thurisaz replied sincerely. "Could I just get your name?" "I'm holding a tournament, of course," he explained, the statement obvious but, in its delivery, exciting nonetheless. "Prove your strength and cunning in a gallant competition with your peers, sort of thing. Want to join?"
  25. IC: Thuriasz / Library, Gym Satisfied that his vassals had departed diligently towards their task, Thurisaz himself strode out of the library, headed for - of course - the Gym. Throwing open the doors, his lofty gaze took in the room for a moment. A few scattered Rahkshi practiced their skills, but it was easily far from crowded - excellent. He selected a good spot not too far from the door or the side wall, and as he approached gestured for something to arise, not strictly necessary to asking the Gym to materialize something there but making it much more fun. Rapidly the rising form took the shape of a large display board, easily visible across the most of the Gym. Another thought from the regal Turahk, and it went from blank to engraved with a header of TOURNAMENT, what was obviously a tournament bracket, and a series of underlined blank spaces to the side. (This was how things were supposed to be, he thought with a grin - service at a thought, a whim.) He'd fill in those blanks with the names of participants as they signed up. The bracket, he knew, would probably have to be changed based on the number of participants he got. For now it was essentially symbolic, and served the display's current purpose - advertising, unambiguously, the existence and location of his competition to all who entered the room. Satisfied, he leaned against one of the board's supports, eagerly awaiting his vassals and entries to the tournament.
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