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Sergei Rahkmaninoff

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Everything posted by Sergei Rahkmaninoff

  1. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Okay then. "A workshop is being built," she explained, as amiably as she could manage. It couldn't hurt do so, especially if this odd newcomer was as clueless as he seemed, and when the place was finished everyone would be able to see what it was anyways.
  2. Photok. The Av-Matoran set not mentioned in the last few posts.
  3. I can't think of anything to say.

  4. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Another almost useless answer. And again, unless the newcomer was acting or Gaever was badly misinterpreting, it was genuinely his best. That supposed to be the sound putting a block in place made, Gaever supposed. There wasn't anything else around making a thudding noise. "So... you are simply curious as to what is being done here, then?" she asked, less distrustful now that she was growing confident that he bore no ill will.
  5. Death by crab fishing. The plant Karzahni.
  6. Maybe write a fanfic about it or something. If your new dentist was Vezon...
  7. Tanma. Mistika Toa with whom the above was non-canonically promoted.
  8. IC: Gaever / Nynrah "Okay..." That was hardly informative. Oddly though it didn't seem like this Rahkshi was being evasive, but rather that he had genuinely given his best answer, though admittedly Gaever wasn't the best at reading people. She decided to move on to her next question anyways. "For what reason have you been watching me, then?"
  9. IC: Shock / Gym "Shocking, huh?" Shock replied, lightly sarcastic. "I would have thought my name was a dead giveaway." Determined to press his offensive, as he spoke he was already charging at Percy again, slashing his sword in an upwards diagonal at Percy's torso from the same side as his shocked hand.
  10. Karda Nui Leader of the Matoran living there.
  11. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Somewhat startled, Gaever whirled on the source of the sneeze. It was a white Rahkshi, apparently just sitting there watching her. "Who are you?" she asked, somewhat suspicious. "For what reason are you observing me?"
  12. IC: Shock / Gym Shock grinned as Percy's hand made contact with his arm. Those claws hurt a little, but the painful, numbing shock Percy's hand got in return was worth it. Then he surged forward, aiming to smash his similarly electrified shoulder into Percy's chest.
  13. IC: Shock / Gym Shock spun hastily aside, not quite fast enough to evade Percy's kick but enough and in the right direction to substantially lessen the blow, which caused him to stumble a little. Recovering as he came to face his opponent again, he whipped his sword at Percy's side. * * * IC: Thurisaz / Gym As his fights began, Thurisaz had the Gym remold his dias into a raised seating area, with a box for himself and his vassals and further excellent seating to either side for anyone who wanted them. Satisfied with this vantage point, he gracefully took his seat and looked over the duels, beckoning Tube and Aerahk to do the same. So far only a few had actually begun, but already blood had been drawn, that of Liar in his apparently lopsided fight with Exxan. Thurisaz would keep an eye on that one (along with all of them, of course); Liar didn't seem the type to gracefully concede.
  14. IC: Shock / Gym "Guess we'll see, huh?" Percy's enthusiasm was infectious, Shock found some of a manic grin creeping onto his face. "Anyways..." Suddenly, he lunged at Percy, swinging his sword sideways and down at the kid's shoulder as he declared, "En garde!"
  15. "What is the law? I dunno, but it sounds pretty boring." Brutaka
  16. IC: Shock / Gym Finally. Shock had practically been about to fall asleep. He strolled up ramp 8, which receded as soon as he reached the platform. "Percy, right? I'm Shock." he greeted his opponent as he readied his weapons - sword and Zamor launcher - for combat. "May the best Rahkshi win. Also may the best Rahkshi be me." * * * IC: Thurisaz / Gym Thurisaz sort of shrugged. "No, you can fly. Just keep to the airspace around your ring." He had extended the ramps as a convenience, not to deter flight.
  17. IC: Thurisaz / Gym "Gladly." The princely Turahk added the name to the list. "There, you're in." And that made 16. Thurisaz grinned triumphantly. Perfect. It was time to begin. "Okay everyone, we're going to get started!" he declared. "I'm Thurisaz, host of this tournament, in case anyone doesn't know. Good to have you all today." "First off, let's get the rules out of the way. Most importantly: there will be no death in this tournament. I will intervene to stop you from killing someone, if I must, and of course you'll be disqualified if you try. And I'm aware there are worse things in store if you miraculously succeed." An ominous finned figure was, of course, still vigilantly watching. "So don't even try. If this is a problem for you, leave now." For once there was no grin on his face; his expression was stern. It lightened again as he moved on, though. "Let's have no manipulation of the Gym, either. That just takes all the fun out of things, no? And as you can surely guess, stick to your own fight - don't try flying over to someone else's duel, that would just be ridiculous." "Each duel will take place on a platform of sorts - like this." He gestured smoothly to a circular platform he had just summoned off to the side. It was just higher than waist-high, and around the base was a pool of water just deep enough that you could fall off the platform into it without hitting the bottom hard enough for it to hurt. The platform itself was about a dozen good strides across, certainly big enough for a decent duel, and the floor was sandy. There were eight posts around the perimeter, pointing upwards and slightly out, presumably to try grab onto or something to keep from falling off. He left the platform there as he continued. "A duel will end in one of a few ways. You can, of course, concede, at which point you have lost and your opponent won. If someone's obviously getting pummeled and their chances of winning dwindle towards nonexistent but they still refuse to concede, I'll call the match over and declare the winner myself. So while I would encourage chivalrously conceding when you start to clearly lose, and doing so will save you some pain, you can be as stubborn as you want. Lastly, if someone leaves their platform - including being knocked off, thrown off, falling off, and so on - they'll lose, and their opponent win. So try to stay on it, or force your opponent off. In any case, I don't want to see anyone trying to strike their opponent after the duel ends, whether they won or lost. Anyone who does will be disqualified, at the least." "As for your pairings - they will be on the board." As he spoke the names on the list were rearranged, yielding the pairings 1. Rail vs Glass 2. Vyper vs Kaboom 3. Fountain vs Geuua 4. Orimnoc vs Torc 5. Slif vs Paladin 6. Diode vs Beat 7. Exxan vs Liar 8. Shock vs Percy for the first round. Then, too, he commanded the Gym to materialize seven duplicates of that first platform he had created, all arranged in a semicircle in front of his dias and numbered one to eight. At the moment each had a ramp leading onto it, to recede once both combatants made their way onto it. "And that's about it," he concluded, grinning excitingly. "It's time. You may find your platform, meet your opponent, and begin."
  18. With Orimnoc's arrival, there are 16 participants. Obviously that's ideal, so I'm going to get the tournament started as soon as possible. My apologies Timageness; seeing as you already have 3 characters involved, I figure cutting off a fourth should be forgivable, and worth it to maintain an ideal 16 participants rather than trying to work out something weird for an unwieldy indivisible 17.
  19. Need to build some cool stuff for Brickfair VA. You can throw ideas at me if you want.

  20. OOC: I'll get the tournament started as soon as Misery is in, then. IC: Gaever / Nynrah At last Gaever arrived at what was to be the location of her workshop. Blue was nowhere to be seen. Unsurprising, perhaps; she'd been left waiting awhile. It was a bit of a relief for the solitary Gaever that she was now left to work alone, but it also saddened her - Blue had understood her pain, and she might miss that. She would certainly never forget the debt she owed the Rahkshi of Chain Lightning for guiding her when the guilty memories blocked the way. For now though, she would get to work. She set the tray of slop down on a rock, and ate a bowl. (Tasteless, of course, but utilitarian, and this suited her - good food was not something of great importance to the mechanist.) She'd had plenty of time to work out the blueprint in her head, now it was just implementing it. First she set about gathering and preparing the materials prescribed to make a basic mortar - a mixture of sand, mud, even some plant matter, in (irritatingly) approximate proportions - and with that ready, began laying the foundation for the shop. A good piece of rubble for the cornerstone, the mortar, fit in a second piece of rubble, more mortar on the other side, another fitting block, and so on. It was almost meditative - somewhat to her chagrin, as for her in this place, meditation must mean haunting regret. Her part in the village's demise still gnawed at Gaever, as it ever would. Yet, almost to her surprise, she could find some hope - or at least distraction - in her actions now. What she was building was not merely a forge, but in repentance, a memorial. Or at least, that was how she was trying to think of it.
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