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Sergei Rahkmaninoff

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Everything posted by Sergei Rahkmaninoff

  1. With the appointment of new GMs, we do indeed. Post a profile anytime, and we'll look it over and approve it (or require changes, if necessary).
  2. Without looking anything up, 3.1415926535896932384626. And your pi pie is excellent, but as it's also infinite, I am regrettably unable to finish it. I serve a watermelon pie.
  3. You say you're breaking your four-letter trend, but suspiciously, eight letters is exactly twice four... Looks fine to me, approved x2
  4. No chance of you rejoining us, I take it, Pohatu? Good to see you drop by, anyways. This game's persistence is indeed impressive. And speaking of keeping this game alive, given Wyrd's absence, Black Six has now approved a change of GMs. Strider!, Timageness and I are now officially GMs of Corpus Rahkshi. We'll try to have pressing matters of approving profiles and Palma posts done as soon as possible, and be discussing more interesting things like level ups and events for the days to come as well.
  5. IC: Vlad / Hallway Vlad nodded awkwardly. He did not feel particularly wanted, which was not unusual, but it had been his cautious hope that his intervention might have started a friendship, or at least a conversation. He thought about offering to escort the two back to the Library, but Canvas' uncomfortable squint dissuaded him. Instead he just turned to go. * * * IC: Gaever / Ruins on the Water Given Phantom's enthusiasm, it should not have surprised Gaever that he reached to drag her along. But somehow it still caught her off-guard anyways, and she almost flinched from his reach. Somehow she managed not to, though, instead easily accelerating with augmented appendages to Phantom's speed, such that he was not really even dragging her. "Indeed," she replied. She was not certain what was so special about it. Other than, perhaps, that it might be the sole structure remaining of Phantom-On-The-Water, and as such she would rather not mess with it.
  6. Flickr A combiner model, built only of pieces from 71308 Tahu Uniter of Fire and 71311 Kopaka and Melum Unity Set. This guy came about when I happened to have Tahu and Kopaka (and Melum) sitting on a shelf away from everything else, and it occurred to me that it might be an interesting challenge to try make a decent combiner out of those two apparently clashing sets. I even made it a goal to incorporate a function (in addition to the predictable swivel-waist), and was satisfied in managing to implement a concealable Korgot-style chest launcher. Let me know what you think, and enjoy!
  7. Yeah, we're going to try get to a point where new profiles will be approved soon. In the meantime, there's nothing to stop you from posting your profile for feedback or just to have it ready. I'd definitely be willing to step up to that. My free time isn't enormously abundant, but I don't anticipate having to leave anyone waiting on responses for more than a few days either. On how things should work, I still envision the role of interim GMs as relatively simple and minimal (as Wyrd's tended to be, really): they should collectively approve profiles, level up characters, and play the staff when necessary to do things like keep order, hold assignments, or appoint Prefects. I agree that there should probably be multiple interim GMs - probably three, five sounds like too many but it should be odd so there can't be vote ties. As for nominations, I think Timageness could do a good job, along with Scorp and Click if they're willing. I don't know about the idea of classes. Corpus Rahkshi seems like more of a place where students can seek learning, rather than have it handed to them. If we were to start them, it should probably be only one at a time (so everyone's at the same one), each held only once (as opposed to several separate lessons, because several lessons on poison or stealth would be boring), and participation-based - but that's pretty much an assignment. As for keeping law and order, that's basically what Wyrd was getting at in appointing prefects. So I think it would be consistent there to appoint additional prefects, possibly with more specific location assignments (or maybe set up some sort of system of shifts, where they rotate through locations). It's the tower the Matoran put a mortar on, right? I don't think it has any more significance to her than the rest of the place, really, though she might prefer leaving the one thing left standing in the ruins alone.
  8. IC: Shock / Gym There was nothing he could do at that point; his critical gamble had been on Percy not having time to lash out, and it was one he'd lost. His only consolation was the final painful shock he could inflict upon his opponent's leg as it propelled him back, beyond the edge, and into the water. * * * IC: Thurisaz / Gym "Shock and Percy's match is concluded, then," Thurisaz announced, their names on the board behind him scratched out and moved forward respectively, "with Percy victorious. Well fought, both of you." * * * IC: Gaever / Nynrah (Ruins) A smile fought its way across Gaever's troubled face at Phantom's enthusiasm. "Indeed, substantially more than we require," she replied.
  9. Yeah, those are basically the points I would have made. I'd just like to add, too, that the forum currently has 2 spots open for new RPGs. So it's not like Corpus needs to be closed down to make room for other games to start, either.
  10. With Wyrd's indefinite absence starting to really hold things up at times, especially for newcomers needing characters approved, some of us have been thinking it might be time to approach the forum staff and see about appointing an interim GM or two. Probably not for important story direction like assignments, plot twists or boss fights, but just to take care of routine things like approving reasonable characters, keeping order in the Infirmary with Palma, maybe occasionally leveling up a decidedly deserving character after a big event. What does everyone think of this - any objections, thoughts, approval, even nominations for the interim GM(s)?
  11. "The Visorak Horde must be governed by representative democracy!" Kollorak
  12. IC: Shock / Gym Disappointed but not defeated, Shock lurched forward, rolling rapidly on his side away from the ledge and right towards his opponent, behind the swing of his sword and at his feet. With the combatants' already close proximity, Percy would have little chance to dodge or counterattack this maneuver, leaving him to stumble over a shocking Shock or maybe jump over him - either of which suited Shock perfectly fine. * * * IC: Gaever / Nynrah (Ruins) Okay. Well, as long as there were no painful inquiries, his presence was not objectionable, and Gaever could bear the ghosts in this place. She began to gather up rubble, and when she had an armful headed back to deposit it so she could go to gather more. If they had to do much more of this she'd probably devise a wheelbarrow or two - mental blueprints began to materialize at the thought - but as it was they needed little enough that it wouldn't save much time.
  13. IC: Vlad / Hallway "...Good to meet you," Vlad replied, feeling awkward and bad for failing to offer the expected standard nicety of a handshake. "I am a Vorahk... shakink hands ist not ideal for me," he added for explanation. * * * IC: Gaever / Nynrah Gaever had observed the pile's diminishment, and Phantom's call prompted the action over it she had been delaying. "Indeed, more will have to be gathered," she agreed. "Though not a great quantity. The aspects of the building for which stone is required are nearly complete." The simple building was indeed coming along nicely; the walls (with spaces for a door and window, and the beginning of a chimney, implemented by Gaever) were almost complete, and the roof would be more wood than stone. But again, somewhat irritatingly, there was not quite enough to finish completely. Gaever finished setting the block she was working on in place, then headed for the village ruins, expecting Phantom to follow. Though she might feel less uneasy if he did not, or at least if it were with some delay or at some distance... questions of the village's destruction - destroyers - were not what she wished to face from him, least of all at the very scene. * * * IC: Shock / Gym That failed completely, and now Shock's chances were looking pretty slim. There was time and space for one last-ditch maneuver, though. In a movement fast and fluid fueled by desperation, he moved forward, spinning back towards Percy, sliding sideways to the ground (so close to the precipice he could feel his knee extend minutely beyond it, grains of sand falling away beneath) with his sword hand on the floor to brace himself, all facilitating some escape from his opponent's blade and his free hand shooting out like the lightning within it to grab for the wrist of Percy's extended sword arm and pull his opponent out and down, hopefully over him towards and into the drop and the water below.
  14. Flickr My self-MOC, more or less. He's been in progress for months now, so it's gratifying to get him posted here at last. Enjoy.
  15. IC: Thurisaz / Gym The princely Turahk nodded. "Yes, Tube here will help you to the infirmary," he told Paladin and Slif. "You both fought well," he added sincerely. To Tube, he specified, "Do be careful. I don't want Slif further injured on the way to the Infirmary. That means don't rush him there, take it slow, and try to support his arms or shoulders or where he isn't already hurt. And if Paladin, the other, has advice, follow it. When he's safely there, return promptly. Alright?" OOC: It's late, I'm not an expert in carrying injured people myself, and haven't really kept track of Slif's exact injuries, so if I got anything wrong or not specific enough cut me some slack or let me know. * * * IC: Vlad / Hallway Vlad nodded and smiled grimly at the (apparently) Chameleon Rahk. "Anytime. I can't let brutes like zat vun go pushink around anyvun veaker zan zem on any stupid vhim." It occurred to him some sort of introduction might be good. "...I am Vlad, by zer vay," he added, maybe somewhat awkwardly. He didn't, of course, extend a hand to shake.
  16. IC: Shock / Gym Shock jerked his arm back when he saw Percy's sword moving for it, but couldn't do so fast enough to avoid a nasty cut on his fist. Karz. Well, he wasn't going to take that injury without getting anything for it - while Percy's sword was busy with his hand he was swinging his own blade at Percy's side, and driving a foot in a kick at his opponent's shin. * * * IC: Gaever / Nynrah Gaever, too, returned to work. It was her thought that going into detail on Rahkshi variations with Phantom some other time might be good, though, for his sake - if he were to survive among other Rahkshi, he would need to have a handle on what sort of powers they were going to be throwing at him. Maybe it would be good to get him a book on it, the Library held many. ...Well, except that he probably couldn't read. Someone would have to teach him that too... Such was Gaever's contemplation as progress on the forge continued.
  17. Out comes the Mask of Ultmiate Powr, which is sort of a prototype Mask of Ultimate Power and not really that ultimate or powerful. Though it is on fire. In goes your greatest foe.
  18. I can't think of anything to say.

  19. IC: Thurisaz / Gym Thurisaz nodded. "Aerahk, please help Rail to the infirmary," he directed his vassal politely. * * * IC: Shock / Gym Shock turned to continue facing Percy as he stepped backwards, parrying Percy's attack with his sword in one hand. As he did so he swung the other, curled into an electrified fist, hard at Percy's head and towards the platform's edge.
  20. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Gaever nodded, though it was probably pointless in the fog, and let the plasma on her arm began to burn away. "Rahkshi come in 42 unique variations." She sort of hoped he wasn't going to ask her to list them, though she guessed she would if he asked. * * * IC: Thurisaz / Gym Another match ended, and this one without him having to call it, thankfully - Glass' macuahuitl was brutal, things could have gotten bad quickly. He had a line inscribed through Rail's name and Glass' moved forward, as he had done for Fountain and Geuua's names respectively. "Well fought, both of you. If you'd like, one of my assistants can help you to the Infirmary," he offered Rail, gesturing to Aerahk. OOC: I'm aware that I need to do Shock, but I've been busy and combat is the hardest to work out. Sorry, I'll try have him up soon.
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