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Sergei Rahkmaninoff

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Everything posted by Sergei Rahkmaninoff

  1. Gallery “You are an absolute in these uncertain times. Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer.” - Turaga Nokama Takanuva is one of my favorite Bionicle characters, and the Avohkii one of my favorite masks. So at Brickfair I commissioned a pearl gold Mask of Light from Modalt and set out to do a reimagining of the Toa of Light, fittingly coinciding with the end of an onslaught of contest Makuta. I've tried to go for the feel of an adventurer, rather than an armored warrior, reflecting the affinity for exploration Takanuva has and the chances he's got for it now on Spherus Magna. It was also pretty fun using translucent pieces to represent his versatile elemental powers. I hope you'll let me know what you think, and enjoy!
  2. Yay, it's Phantom! I've been hoping to see her in plastic for a while now. The custom torso looks solid and the larger CCBS shells on top of smaller ones for the thighs is a cool technique. I also like how you did the hands. The heavy system usage is nice, and although the eyes look a little odd from the front, the brick-built head mostly works well. The spines are simple, but I think that fits the character. Overall, great work! It's good to see your vision of this character.
  3. GM IC: Palma "I'll be right with you," Palma told Luffy. As if day-to-day violence wasn't enough Thurisaz' tournament had brought the healer additional work, and she bustled from Slif to Rail to others, dispensing healing and advice to rest. Shortly though she worked over to the three new arrivals, inspecting Xi to find, unusual to her patients, an apparent lack of injuries to heal. "What happened to him?" If he had some hidden wound it would help to be pointed at it.
  4. IC: Vlad / Hallway Vlad nodded. "Vell, just follow along zen. First ve're headed to zer Armory, in zer Gym." He set off in that direction, making sure the others were close behind. He wondered what Ivan would think of that Gafna, if he were around. He probably wouldn't go get him to find out, though; prevalent violent maniacs left him preferring to leave the Ice Bat in his room or some other relatively safe place as of late. * * * IC: Gaever / Nynrah That was a quick decision. But, though Gaever herself had put much thought into hers, that was hardly unusual. And... it worked. "You would be female?"
  5. IC: Gaever / Nynrah The querry was not unexpected. "In many species, males and females are distinguished between based on some anatomical or psychological differences. -That is, differences of body and mind," she amended for simplicity. "Rahkshi all have approximately the same characteristics, so there is no reason they must have gender. However, most choose to identify with one anyways, as a part of defining oneself."
  6. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Gaever nodded. "Good." Phantom understood that much - well, there had been no questions when she'd used that pronoun before, after all. "For living entities, it is the same, only with different words than it." "Some beings, such as the Rahkshi who was just here, are considered male. The word for one of them is he. So for example, 'Tombstone has gone' could be rephrased 'He has gone.' Other beings are considered female, such as myself. One of them can be referred to as she. For example, 'Gaever is here' means the same as 'She is here.' Does that make sense?" Hopefully the linguistic aspect was grasped, anyways. Gender, Gaever suspected, would require further elaboration.
  7. Isn't her demotion to slop-server only supposed to be temporary, though? I would consider a Prefect who happens to be suspended at the moment still one of the Prefects in general. And probably if Draco were to kill someone, I imagine she'd be reinstated: someone would need to pick up the slack while he endured punishment, and her punishment for her less significant crime is probably approaching finished.
  8. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Hmm. She would have to go through that more slowly. "If I say 'it is heavy,'" Gaever tried, pointing at a stone, "you understand that to mean 'the stone is heavy,' correct?"
  9. I don't think Draco will kill Pyle. He knows certain other Prefects *cough*Sliver*cough* would be only too happy to hold him accountable for that, and doesn't have good enough reason to risk it. Also, there is a Dodge Rahkshi who could probably outpace both Sliver and Draco, but she's not around at the moment and hopefully will never need to.
  10. Out comes the sequel, in which we decide we liked our old pool better and just needed to put better stuff in it (after all, energized protodermis is all linked or whatever anyways, why would finding a different pool make any difference?) and return. In goes Onaku, annoyed that I just undid his enormous journey.
  11. IC: Gaever / Nynrah He? Hmm. "The word 'he' is used to refer to a male being, in place of their actual designation, for brevity and convenience. It is the same as using 'it' to refer to an inanimate object, like a stone or building. For female beings, the word 'she' is used." Wait... did Phantom even have a sense of gender? * * * IC: Vlad / Hallway Well, better him than someone else. "I suppose," Vlad answered Blossom. "Did you vant somethink specific, or just a tour? Ve vere headed for zer Armory."
  12. Some of it spills onto the ground. He is momentarily disappointed, but soon moves on, thinking nothing of it. When Hahli comes to visit later, however, she slips on the puddle of melted ice cream and falls into a pool of lava to die a fiery death. A hot dog stand opens in Ko-Wahi.
  13. Hey, that's not fair. Shark did profess his feelings for Rain. ...Then he shanked her. (Also, while it can probably be inferred, I'd like to note for the benefit of those new to Corpus lore that this and most of Shark's history is unknown to all but himself IC.)
  14. IC: Lucid / Roof "It's okay," Lucid told Helkyrie, discerning her uncertainty. "You don't always have to understand."
  15. IC: Vlad / Hallway "Probably," Vlad answered. It didn't speak highly of the school or its students that the guy with someone else's head mounted to his shoulder was a better welcoming committee than most of the rest, did it? "He's vun of zer Prefects, chosen by Icarax for 'ability' unt 'accomplishments.' In other vords, beink really good at hurtink people, unt villink to do it." He thought about that for a moment. "...Vhich I guess is somevhat good, since zeir job is to stop other maniacs from killink anyvun... at least, as long as you don't annoy vun of zem."
  16. IC: Gaever / Nynrah "Yes, we are now safe," she answered. Maybe not indefinitely, but for now. * * * IC: Shark / Gym As Phobia stomped off, surely thinking none too favorably of Shark, the Prefect strode silently over to some of the Porters stationed in the Gym. "That Rahkshi," he told them, indicating Phobia, voice low, "should not be allowed to reenter the Armory until I say otherwise. Until further notice, block him from doing so." The machines chittered assent, bound to do as the Prefect directed by the authority of Icarax. Should Phobia attempt to return to the room after leaving with his shield, he would find a cluster of Fohrok blocking his way.
  17. Don't worry, I'm cool with it. It's consistent with Phobia's character, and I've schemed a few deaths myself, so I can sympathize. Just don't expect Shark to go easy on you.
  18. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Gaever stood defiantly as the interloper took flight, and as he receded into the distance relaxed with a deep breath, or maybe a sigh. As ready as she had been to fight him off, it was still better that he simply left. She was left with another concern though. What would Icarax think of this place, if he were told? Would he leave them to their exercise of enterprising initiative? Or drag them back to the Academy reprimanded for slipping from his rule? (Worst, might he establish Tombstone as... her neighbor?) But little could be done about that, so focus was misspent except on here and now. "He has departed," she announced, moving back to Phantom.
  19. IC: Vlad / Hallway Vlad nodded. "Yeah..." Grim was intimidating, in stature and authority, but actually he probably would be a better, saner welcome than much of the student body. * * * IC: Shark / Gym Shark took the wrist-axes carefully. "I do not intend to leave the Armory open to you, so if you would like a shield, you should get one now."
  20. IC: Gaever / Nynrah "The claim is my own, and I will fight to defend it from any individual who disputes it." Gaever spat back. "Which, unless you leave now, I will consider you." Her augmented hands were clenched, and her stance anticipated combat, steam rising off her armor in the thickening mist. One way or another, she was going to be rid of infuriating smug grin. * * * IC: Vlad / Hallway "Er... yeah, somevhat," the vampiric Vorahk agreed, shrugging. Grim wasn't someone he felt like detailing his inverted affinities to. "Anyvays, er... thanks. Now, ve vere goink to zer Gym..." He started to move away, though not quickly in case he still had something to say to one of them.
  21. IC: Gaever / Nynrah That was hardly clarification, and now the arrogant invader was strolling around like he owned the place. "This area, however, is my claim," Gaever pointed out stonily, striding up to him. Her hand shot out to knock the stone - one she and Phantom had gathered - from his hand when he picked it up. "So you should seek these things elsewhere." * * * IC: Shark / Gym Shark was not so easily deceived. Phobia was not new nor quite stupid enough not to realize murder was discouraged, and pretending he hadn't gained only distrust. "No, you will not," the Prefect agreed. "Because your weapons are being confiscated." He held out an open hand for Phobia to hand him the wrist axes. "After some time I may accept requests for their return. For your protection, you may obtain a shield - only - from the Armory in the meantime."
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