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Sergei Rahkmaninoff

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Everything posted by Sergei Rahkmaninoff

  1. Since some of the bombs probably fall in too, out comes an exploding phoenix! Especially deadly since after exploding it's reborn to explode again! Terrified, we push the exploding phoenix back into the pool!
  2. Out comes a Golden Mask of Fire. Everyone can feel the power. In goes Ikir.
  3. IC: Vlad / Library If he was able to defeat Vlad first, that was. The Vampire was closely following the two, more than ready to intervene when the despicable brute attacked.
  4. I don't see any reason you couldn't make your character now. Either way you have to wait. So whatever you prefer, probably. Don't worry about not knowing much about Rahkshi, it's easy to learn. Basically you'll want to carefully read over and understand the first post of the main topic, and the BS01 wiki's pages on Rahkshi, Kraata, and Kraata Variations. That should be most of what you need to know, and if you're left with any questions, we'll be glad to answer them here.
  5. IC: Vlad / Library Vlad nodded, and somewhat reluctantly took a few steps back. But he certainly wasn't going anywhere, not while this madman was still here.
  6. IC: Gaever / Nynrah "My power is plasma," Gaever answered, extending an arm and igniting it with glowing green plasma, lighting up the fog. "It is quite hot, enough to melt metals, making it of great use in smithing and metalwork."
  7. IC: Vlad / Library "I haven't been lecturink you about your brother! Why zer Karz does it matter vhat I know about him!?" Vlad replied angrily. "I know vell of bullies, brutes, unt tyrants. I know zer pain of ze oppressed. Unt I recognize zem here. Zat ist all I need to defend zer vuns who need it." "Unt zat doesn't mean I'm stoppink her from takink you to him. Just zat I vant to see zat she is done no harm in zer process," he added, glancing at Canvas for any direction she might give him. OOC: I see that I have to do Gaever, I just haven't had time yet. I'll get her up soon.
  8. IC: Vlad / Library "You don't have a clue vhat you're talkink about," a bristling Vlad replied. Canvas didn't look the sort to 'do away' with anyone, and even if she was, that didn't justify confronting Sepulchral. The presence of Lucid, who he knew to be a gentle if confused soul, cemented his belief in the relatively peaceful inclinations of the group. And Hollow's maniac shouting, intimidation attempts, delusions, and barrages of insults fully solidified his burning determination to halt the brute's aggression. Motioning surreptitiously to Canvas and others to maybe step back from potentially impending combat, he confined. "Nor have you done anythink but talk. You've sent dozens of insults unt threats at me, but nothink to prove zey more zan meaninkless. Vell, zey change nothink; for zer third time, I vill not stand aside! So enough of your pointless vords - either try to move me yourself, or leave!"
  9. IC: Vlad / Library "I already told you, I vill not stand aside!" Vlad reiterated irritatedly, moving between Hollow and his quarry, clenched fists at his sides. "If you vant me to get out of your vay, you'll have to make me. Or are you worried zat you can't handle zat?"
  10. IC: Vlad / Library Vlad's eyes burned too, a defiant righteous gold. "I don't care who you're lookink for. I vill not step aside unt let you intimidate or hurt people, let alone help you vith it. So leave zem alone." He didn't need to state a threat. It was in his stance, his voice, his eyes.
  11. IC: Vlad / Library The charred white Vorahk held his ground and met the brute's gaze, unperturbed by Hollow's attempts at intimidation. He had faced worse. "Vun who vill not stand for zer torment of innocents." * * * IC: Gaever / Nynrah "You are a Rahkshi of Weather Control," Gaever answered, glad of the chance to explain. "As such, the ability to summon fog is yours. And you will gain further abilities in time - the summoning of winds, then storms, and more."
  12. IC: Vlad / Hallways, Library Vlad had heard of the tournament, but that sort of thing didn't interest him at all, so he was just wandering the halls while everyone else (especially the violent, crazy people) were busy with it. Wait, not all the crazy people, apparently: as he passed the Library he heard increasingly frustrated, angry shouting. He almost just moved on, but that guy had to be yelling at someone, and that someone - in the library during a tournament - was probably not someone who deserved it. So with a sigh he made his way inside, to find a somewhat deranged-looking Cyclone Rahk shouting at not one but several less menacing students. Typical, at this school. Arms crossed, he asked assertively, "Vhat ist goink on here?"
  13. IC: Lucid / Library Lucid was sitting cross-legged on a table with her eyes closed, but she must have been paying attention, because without moving or opening her eyes she addressed Hollow. "Some of us have much to learn from buckets."
  14. Responses are noted and appreciated! I would say pronounce the name however it sounds best to you. The tongue is nothing particularly exotic - a 1x2 brick with axle hole, and two cheese slopes. The calves do work nicely for rolling up to sleep, I should have thought to take a picture. Glad you like it!
  15. 'Oh great, now that I'm a Toa I'm going to be famous, when all I want is peace and quiet.' Nokama
  16. IC: Gaever / Nynrah The fog slowed for a moment, then intensified enormously, making it almost impossible to work. Definitely Weather Control. Part of Gaever tried to be irritated, but it more or less failed. It was good to see Phantom discovering his powers, more than it was annoying to have to pause construction for a moment. Should she say something to him, though? Gaever wasn't sure. She couldn't think of anything, anyways, so she didn't.
  17. IC: Gaever / Nynrah At first, engrossed in her work, Gaever took little notice of the fog. As it grew thicker and impossible to miss, her first thought was that it was natural, but eventually she looked around and realized that it had a definite source - Phantom. He must be a Rahkshi of Weather Control, she realized. She almost told him so when he wondered aloud why, but stopped herself. For some reason it didn't seem like it was her question to answer this time, at least now.
  18. Thanks everyone! Good to have your approval and comments. Specific responses: Now that you mention it, yeah, that's probably right. I might try fixing that with some more customized limbs sometime. Glad you like the rest of it though! Yay, the tongue worked! I was a little worried it would stand out too much. The diamond pieces were abundant in the Mars Mission sets. Sorry this wasn't a crystal space cruiser, that does sound pretty cool. Maybe we'll see something like that sometime?
  19. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Gaever nodded again, even smiling faintly. "Well done." Phantom might be clueless - inexperienced - but he was a quick learner. Of course, Gaever wasn't going to let him do all the work. Soon she too moved to the edge of the stone construction to try a block, apply mortar, set the stone.
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