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Sergei Rahkmaninoff

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Everything posted by Sergei Rahkmaninoff

  1. IC: Shock / Gym Unfortunate for Percy that Thurisaz' announcement came right then. Shock didn't mind much though, since it meant that victory now felt within his reach. He charged forward again, sword slashing at Percy's shoulder. Probably it wasn't going to be as easy as just locking and pushing him again, he knew, but he had to start with something. * * * IC: Gaever / Nynrah That was one way to do it. "That is approximately correct," she approved with a nod, maybe even smiling a little. "It is better if, instead of breaking an ill-fitting stone, another can be found that fits already, and the ill-fitting one set aside to be used when it does happen to fit nicely, so each stone remains as large as possible. But you are essentially correct."
  2. Gallery These predatory Rahi dwell in deep caves, and keep hoards of the energy crystals so abundant there. This, alongside their excellent camouflage, makes mining such crystals a risky business - not only do you run the risk of incurring one's wrath if you steal from its collection, you also have to be exceeding careful the crystal you're mining isn't actually a sleeping Crystallovenator's tooth! Building to the 'fluorescent' theme, I decided the Crystal King's head was a good piece to start with, and for some reason a dinosaur-like body seemed suitable. So you get a rock-crystal-dinosaur-thing. Let me know what you think!
  3. IC: Thurisaz / Gym Somewhat surprisingly, Fountain himself answered Geuua and Leviathan by conceding, rather than adding his own objections to the list. Well, except for his complaint that this was a test of strength over integrity. "Well, it is a fighting tournament, not a debate on ethics. One would expect strength to be more important," Thurisaz replied. "In any case, I appreciate your participation even if this event was not what you felt ideal. You are of course welcome to stick around to watch the remainder," he added, if out of courtesy rather than expectation that Fountain actually would.
  4. IC: Thurisaz / Gym "Enough of this," the master of the tournament declared, standing and pointing to where Fountain was somehow still trying to fight Geuua. "Fountain, Geuua, your duel is over. By now Fountain has conclusively proven his ineptitude in combat, and I see no possible route to victory for him. Therefore I declare that he has lost the duel, and Geuua has won."
  5. Hmm. I knew G2 was going to end eventually, but that it suddenly does so now is certainly surprising. I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I find I'm not that disappointed. I was willing to give the story a chance, and 2015's was okay, but with Journey to One exclusive to Netflix I never watched it and lost interest. The sets were pretty good, but honestly I was only getting them for parts anyways, and I can do that with whatever succeeds Bionicle. Assuming, of course, something does - my one concern, I think, is that this might herald Lego giving up on constraction in general, or relegating it to subsets of other themes.
  6. IC: Thurisaz / Gym Thuriasz had not been expecting hilarity in this tournament, but he found himself laughing at a certain pretentious skirtless Rahkshi's antics. Fountain's bizarre attempts at noble combat were increasingly comical, from his rampant misuse of his weapon, to the patently absurd quasi-attack of throwing a chainmail skirt, to his current attempt to pound himself flat into the ground. You almost wondered if his performance was some sort of parody. Though you also had to pity Geuua for having to put up with it. Soon, he was sure, it would be over - certainly it was clear Fountain could not turn things in his favor, unless his opponent laughed herself unconscious.
  7. IC: Shock / Gym Rather than send another pointless swing at Percy, this time Shock got both hands on his sword, and stepping forward shoved it hard against Percy's, hoping his opponent would be unbalanced or forced back further. * * * IC: Gaever / Nynrah That was a yes? Probably. It might be somewhat difficult to explain to Phantom how this was to be done, though. "I shall demonstrate." Gaever went to where she had left off, where a stone and the supply of mortar waited. "Before two stones are placed together, mortar must be spread on the first." She kneeled, and began to do so. "It will harden, and thus hold them together." Once the mortar was well applied she pressed the new stone against it firmly, so it would stay. She had already drawn a rectangle in the rocky soil outlining where the foundation was to be; now she stood and gestured to it. "The edges of the building are represented by this line. The stones should follow the line as closely as possible." She looked at Phantom, hoping her explanation had been adequate (for now - more would be needed for eventual walls and the ceiling, or when they needed more mortar). "Does this make sense?" she asked hopefully.
  8. IC: Gaever / Nynrah "It is to be the floor of my workshop," Gaever said. "It is still in progress." She had already explained this, though. Was he wondering about something else? "Are you offering to assist me in its completion?" she inquired tentatively, hoping her guess was correct and not presumptuous. "You are under no obligation to do so."
  9. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Gaever took the empty bowl and put it back on the tray. She would have suspect Phantom's reaction to the taste was in some way sarcastic, except he probably didn't understand sarcasm. Just as well, she wasn't very good at it either. Then she stood awkwardly for a moment, not sure what to do now - coming up with conversation was hardly her strong suit, but just starting to build again while he looked on didn't seem right.
  10. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Gaever went to grab a bowl of slop, and offered it to Phantom. "It is not especially delicious, for which I apologize," she said. "Still, it contains ample nutrients, and will assuage hunger."
  11. OOC: The pillars are sloped, but rather steeply. Probably about like a slash ( \ ). So I'm not sure how plausible stepping onto one is, something more like climbing might be needed. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Okay, good. Gaever stood awkwardly watching for a moment, not exactly sure what to be doing, until it occurred to her that Phantom was also probably hungry. "I also have nourishment here; you may have some if you like," she offered. It was, regrettably, Refectory slop, but it was at least something.
  12. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Gaever sort of tapped the stone appreciatively to acknowledge the gift again, then turned her attention to the obviously tired Phantom. "Are you fully intact?" she inquired. It would be sad if he had injured himself in the gesture. Or did the return of that smile mean that such a question should not have been unnecessary?
  13. OOC: Yeah, no need to edit, referencing names unknown to a character in third-person is totally fine. Just wanted to point it out in case you didn't realize. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Oddly enough, the childlike enthusiasm with which Phantom clumsily bowed or rushed away was actually starting to bring half a bemused, if fragile, smile to Gaever's face. She suspected he might have gone to get a stone, and when he returned struggling under the weight of one she sprung over to help him with it. "You are thanked," she told him, relatively grateful for the thoughtful gift.
  14. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Gaever nodded approval. "An excellent decision." Phantom - the name of the village she had helped to destroy. Was that a good omen, or a bad one? Or, more probably, neither. She didn't want to think about it too much. She realized then that she hadn't yet told him what she was called. "My designation is Gaever." * * * IC: Shock / Gym Shock brought his sword around to send a diagonal strike down from the other direction, simultaneously putting away his Zamor launcher (it wasn't likely to be useful at close range, and had already proven ineffective against Percy from farther away) to free up his other hand.
  15. IC: Shock / Gym Oh well. Shock surged forward, swinging his sword in a wide horizontal sweep at Percy. Already he'd retreated twice, and Shock hoped to force him to move even further back, towards the edge of the platform. * * * OOC: No big deal, but I don't think Gaever has actually given her name yet. IC: Gaever / Nynrah Gaever raised an eyebrow again. Missing? This guy was probably missing a good deal of things. What would he realize he was missing? Momentarily it occurred to her that when she had initially asked who he was, his only answer had been 'me,' and it had seemed his best. "Do you lack designation?" she asked. Then, though it came awkwardly to her, simplified, "... a... name?"
  16. IC: Shock / Gym Shock rapidly fired off a Zamor at Percy as he got to his feet. * * * IC: Thurisaz / Gym Thurisaz was keeping a close eye on the lopsided fight between Geuua and Fountain. If Fountain hadn't dodged, albeit barely, that last halted strike of Geuua's, he would certainly have ended it himself; even as it was he was pretty close to doing so. But it wasn't quite there yet; he'd give Geuua another moment or two to definitively demonstrate superiority. OOC: Thurisaz is watching this closely and prepared to intervene quickly if necessary, so please don't inflict any fatal blows without giving me a chance to stop them.
  17. IC: Shock / Gym " - oof." That hurt. (At least even that brief contact inflicted a few more sparks on Percy.) Shock rapidly retaliated with a sharp electric kick at his opponent's knee. * * * IC: Gaever / Nynrah Smiling was not Gaever's forte, but observing the newcomer do so she raised an eyebrow, and sorta half tried to reciprocate. Those muscles were stiff for her, too. "Indeed, you have the capacity to be multiple things."
  18. IC: Shock / Gym "Again? Really?" Shock said, as Percy once more received a nasty shock upon contacting his arm. Sure, he'd stopped the blade, but that couldn't be much better. As for Percy's incoming pommel, he moved to stop it in almost the same way, throwing his other forearm against Percy's to halt the strike - and as a bonus, that was another point of contact through which to pour the voltage into his opponent. * * * IC: Gaever / Nynrah This guy really was confused. Or... very new. Oddly enough dealing with someone so ridiculously inexperienced was almost refreshing for Gaever, in the sense that there was little need or sense in comparing herself to him, and perhaps it was why she was relatively willing to explain things to him. "Yes. Rahkshi is our species, and I am one who is a mechanist - who deals with mechanisms."
  19. Don't worry about it. I think Surel and Certavus both fit this one. Of the above, the one with wolves.
  20. Well yeah, I did say set. Gavla. Av-Matoran liable to be confused with a certain brutish Piraka.
  21. IC: Shock / Gym Shock jumped over Percy's blade, bringing his own straight down at Percy as he landed. * * * IC: Gaever / Nynrah So it was the newcomer's turn to ask questions. Well, she could give a better answer than the ones she'd been given. "I am a mechanist. Devices, equipment, modifications, and similar are things I create. A place is needed to create them, so I am building such a place, to be free of distraction and well located for the collection of resources."
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