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Posts posted by masterchirox580

  1. What I watn to know is, why exactly is LEGO seemingly falling behind now a-days? The stuff they make is good, but for some reason people aren't very interested. I honestly have no clue why that could be, and I want to know why it is.

    Well I happen to be one of those people who isn't very interested in their current offerings and for me I think it's a number of factors. Part of it is down to money. All the sets I might want are way too expensive and I don't want to lose out on so many other things that I would have a lot fun with. It's also due to the fact that the way Lego handled their themes seems to have changed post 2008 I think. Back before then you had a lot more focus on creating personality for the characters in each theme but as less focus was put into creating comics and other forms of media for each theme I felt less attached to the themes over time. And it's also because I had been collecting the stuff for so many years (roughly 11 by the time I stopped) that the enjoyment just died for me. It was more an expensive routine by the end. I doubt these reasons are why most people don't gravitate toward Lego the way the company want them to but I thought I would throw that in as something to consider.


    On the subject on the movie.... I called it. When I heard the film was being developed the first thing I said was "this is a bad idea". Lego seem to overestimate how iconic their individual IPs are. Simply put Lego is only iconic for the individual plastic bricks they produce and not their characters and themes. Ask a stranger in the street about bionicle and they won't know much about it. I expect the same to go for Ninjago. The film seems to have no appeal beyond ninjago fans. Whilst yes the bionicle movies saw some success you have to take into account that the films were direct-to VHS/DVD. Meaning they were cheaper than going to the movies (especially if you got the VHS version) and parents didn't have to watch it. My parents had very little interest in those movies and I'd usually watch it alone. So really I think the film should have been direct-to blu ray/DVD (or is it direct-to netflix now?).

  2. What the graph seems to prove was my idea that the only people this theme appealed to was more dedicated fans who grew up with the original series. If there were a decent sized number of kids involved then the number would be higher than the 2010-2014 years by quite a large margin. But as the graph showed the reboot made barely a dent in that steady decline. Simply put the kids weren't into it. What is responsible for this I doubt we'll ever get a concrete answer to. However I think bionicle G2 may well have been the first Lego theme where it was mainly bought by adults and older teenagers.

  3. They appear to be using new dialogue rather than stock dialogue from the (terrible) reboot. Seems to be a plus. Second I get that team pack I am rebuilding that smartphone into the old style phone from the original PPG. The fact they make reference to the line "fighting crime and the forces of evil" (something that I don't believe has occurred in this reboot seeing as their is any barely any crime fighting) gives me hope that this will be based more on the original/good series. 

  4. Chances are it would not be good at all. The current TV and film climate demand comedy for children's entertainment. That's what the studios want. Due to that climate a bionicle film or TV series would likely be very similar to journey to one (if not even more watered down). The world building aspect and the action would likely be pushed to the side in order to have comedic writing based on characters. What makes this even worse is that bionicle characters usually aren't that comedic in personality. So the characters would have to be drastically different in order to fill the demand for comedy. This could be seen in journey to one where the characters made jokes like the TMNT with their personality traits occasionally shoe horned in in order to give some distinction. The only way this could work is if bionicle was adapted into a video game. But Lego stopped dealing with third parties outside of TT games a long time ago. So if this were to somehow happen today it's unlikely to end well.

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  5. Part of what really drove mocists between 2015 and 2016 was to build models of things Lego wouldn't create. Things such as rahi and matoran. These were things that Lego didn't pay much attention to in the lore of G2 so part of the appeal was to fill in those gaps with fan work. Now that G2 is over there really are no more gaps to fill in the lore because no more lore is being produced. So I imagine that will lead to less mocs being made for G2 and thus people like this guy won't be as motivated to make new models. I mean he could return of course but expect a decline in mocs now that G2 has ended.

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  6. It is sad to see such little faith in this community. G3 will happen. It is inevitable. Even if it takes longer, it will happen. All good IPs come back. Look at Transformers. It nearly died, until someone came in and brought new life into it. Look at the Resident Evil games...they were dropping in popularity, and then RE VII happened. Perhaps the things I'm a fan of have taught me more faith and patience than most, but that doesn't excuse us from not having faith. So what if G2 was essentially botched? That doesn't mean that G3 will be bad or that it won't happen. The problem with G2 was that, as Milla Jovovich recently said in regards to the reboot of the RE film series, "I think a lot of people with these franchises kind of put the car before the horse. There's a danger to that". LEGO put the cart before the horse, expecting it to sell well by default. Milla also went on to say "There’s some real fans in the sci-fi/action/horror world, and they’re not idiots. They can smell when something is done because people love it and when something is done just to monetize an opportunity". Bionicle G2 was likely done for the money, to be quite honest. Milla also said, "I would suggest that you find people that have that same passion for the property before you talk about reboots", which I think is honestly perfect advice for LEGO when Bionicle G3 does eventually happen. 

    You're forgetting how Lego have historically operated here. Hasbro stick to certain franchises and endlessly re-use the same characters. Lego on the other hand don't really focus that much on characters in most of their themes (except the big ones). When it comes to reboots bionicle was the exception to the rule. And the only way it was able to do that was by having exceptional good sales during it's life-span. However it went down in sales as the 2000s progressed until they cancelled the theme. When they brought it back the sales became out-right awful. What message will that send to Lego execs? That the new generation don't want bionicle. I don't see them trying out bionicle again until a new generation comes around (which won't be for another 20 year at least). And even then I doubt they'll do it as other themes have already surpassed bionicle's sales meaning those would be more likely to get the reboot treatment by that point. Lego don't tend to reboot things. Unless a consistent trend of direct reboots becomes a thing in the near future G3 is an IF not a when.

  7. G2's greatest failing was that Lego didn't go far enough with CCBS, they could have replaced Technic with it if they had the guts.

    Yeah they wanted to mesh technic and CCBS together but it didn't always end well (skull scorpio). I think if they had done a better job of incorporating technic style pieces into CCBS it could have done better. Like for example instead of having leg and arm molds being a bone and armour piece they could have had one mold with lots of detail and texture and maybe some room to add an extra piece. This could have been expensive but I think if they had used more technic pieces to build say, torsos, we could have have had something that may have been more pleasing to the kids who (these days) have a lot of detail in their regular Lego sets.

  8. It's not really a "financial cataclysm" seeing as Lego barely poured any funding into it to begin with. I think they should have focused more on the story rather than making 14k gold masks to give away to people who took pictures of a trashcan and called it a mask.

    Whilst I don't deny that Lego should have done more with the story I don't think the failure can be solely pinned on poor marketing. I mean I went into a toy store late last year and there were still 2015 sets on the shelves. For a theme to tank that badly it's clear that it must not have caught on with the target demographic. For something like that to happen it's clear that kids must have seen these sets and just not shown interest in them. That can't just be due to marketing. 

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  9. Really appreciate this. I remember seeing trailers for the Lewa mata stage on an old minidisc back in 2003 and wondering where I could play it (it looked like such an awesome game in the trailers). This game had such potential but it got ruined by time constraints. I find this to be the case with all bionicle games. They all had such potential beyond the world of adobe flash but developers never took advantage. Such a shame.

  10. I would say yes. Because from what I've seen action figures in general are down. Kids seem to prefer play sets these days over single action figures. However it may come down to Lego's handling of HF and G2. HF was under-developed in terms of world and story and I imagine this meant kids didn't get very invested in it. G2 was this weirdly conflicted story which tried to be both ninjago and G1 in style at the same time. I imagine due to the lack of access to story materials kids were once again turned away from getting invested. If they can fix both these issues in their next constraction theme (which from the sounds of things is being developed) then I guess we aren't in a dark age. It really depends on how the next theme does.



    Took this picture yesterday.  The store was a Toys'R'Us different from the one in my last picture.  As you can see, we've got all the summer 2016 sets (including lots of Umaraks and I guess excluding Quake Beast), a couple Creatures, Skull Basher and Skull Slicer (those two just do not seem to want to sell for whatever reason), and Uniter Pohatu, suffering eternally from the Curse of Brown.


    Also, apparently Ekimu IS $15- online.  You can get him for that price in person as well, but you have to ask the cashiers to match the online price or they'll just go with what's on the tag, I think.

    Wow. Those sets haven't moved in like a year. That's sad. Seeing what was once a huge franchise come to this. I don't think we're gonna see bionicle for a long time. If ever...


    I personally wouldn't take it as that much of a bad omen... all it tells us is what we already knew (that the theme was not as popular as anticipated), and is not entirely unlike what we frequently see for many other cancelled themes. Heck, I remember Bionicle G1 sets lingering on shelves in some places for years after the theme was discontinued. That didn't stop it from being brought back in 2015.


    But we got numerous reports this time about sets not moving. It's like that where I live. I went to a toy store a couple months ago and they still had sets from the first wave. It was also like this in another city which is quite a big tourist area. The kids didn't want these at all. I don't think it was the same with G1 seeing as I remember stores were still willing to stock the things and sets did move (although a lot slower). It's a sad sight to see either way. I still remember going to shops back in like 2002 or 2003 and there would always be at least one canister that was sold out. For something that's fairly trivial this admittedly makes me sad seeing.

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  12. Took this picture yesterday.  The store was a Toys'R'Us different from the one in my last picture.  As you can see, we've got all the summer 2016 sets (including lots of Umaraks and I guess excluding Quake Beast), a couple Creatures, Skull Basher and Skull Slicer (those two just do not seem to want to sell for whatever reason), and Uniter Pohatu, suffering eternally from the Curse of Brown.


    Also, apparently Ekimu IS $15- online.  You can get him for that price in person as well, but you have to ask the cashiers to match the online price or they'll just go with what's on the tag, I think.

    Wow. Those sets haven't moved in like a year. That's sad. Seeing what was once a huge franchise come to this. I don't think we're gonna see bionicle for a long time. If ever...

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  13. The concept art looks very good. It's clear that you have a passion for building these things and I think we can all appreciate that. But your idea simply won't happen. Lego aren't ones to give up rights to things. If you wanted to bring this into existence the way you want it you'd need actual investors and a company. You clearly have very good art skills and I would suggest you make this into a comic or flash animation. I know bionicle meant a lot to a lot of us but I'm afraid it's time to let it rest.

  14. Back in 2002 a very young boy started playing with a line of toys known as bionicle. That boy would someday become me. I feel there is no one person you can thank for this theme. So many people worked on it to make it what it was. And now that's it's gone (possibly forever), I feel the need to thank them. My childhood wasn't the easiest. However this theme was a light through all of it. It was something that always made me happy. No matter what it did. It was a thing that defined my taste in story. Ever since the days of viewing promos on mini discs the theme always left me awed to some degree or another. Even as a near adult I look at my old canisters and sets and think of a time long before now. Of different people, different places, a different me. In a lot of ways a happier time. And this theme was present throughout that time. It was always such a great feeling to get a new set and open it up, see how it all goes together. And those characters were genuinely inspiring to me. Some of the earliest heroic characters I can recall. So I would like to thank everyone involved in G1 for all of this.


    And I also thank the G2 team. We may have had different ideas on how to handle the theme but you were clearly doing your best with what you were given. You wanted the kids of today to grapple onto bionicle like we did. And although it may not have been a success your efforts will not be forgotten.


    Thank you for reading. Feel free to post whatever you like here. 

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  15. This is such a strange move on Lego's part. Their own highly secure chat system that parents can leave their kids on, gone? Maybe it just wasn't active enough. That might actually be the case seeing as with the fleeting glances I give that website these days I noticed it's a lot of the same older users who are still using it. Oh well. Although I'm not really sure if I want LMB users to flood other Lego communities. I know there are some mature users on that site but a lot of them are young children who spam a lot. Call me harsh but I think it's probably for the best that those less mature users don't enter the other websites. Then again I'm not sure how much longer I'll be active in any Lego communities so it's not my problem. Still though R.I.P old Lego website. You were way better then the current one. 

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