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Posts posted by masterchirox580

  1. IC: Eloise Thumper - Quark Qruiser


    "Fire? What fire?" Oh, golly, this was not going the way she expected it to go. She was expecting a fun, whimsical story, not one where secret books get burned up. Quiver liked books. "Um, never mind. Do you know any nicer stories? What about your planet? Is it nice?"

    IC: Kavok Quake


    "What do you care about Cyclate? It's a planet you've probably never heard of. It was poorer then here but it was definitely a lot worse after the HF got involved there..."


    IC: Kavok Quake


    "Who did I kill exactly? And besides, your kind destroyed my entire planet, killed many in the process. WAIT! The secret archives..."

    IC: Quark Qrew - Quark Qruiser


    "Who did you-?! Did you not notice all the police officers you killed?!" She didn't'the know the finer details, but Quiver had sent her a quick outline of their part of the mission for a preliminary report. The thought struck her, briefly, that she might not have to hand that report in after all. She shoved the thought aside. "And as for that other nonsense- Do you know what? No. No, I'm not getting into this argument. I owe myself that much."


    The craft touched down. She unbuckled herself and stood before the other Heroes. "Thumper, Quiver, stay on the ship and guard the criminal. Wolfe, with me."


    She opened the door and marched out. Thumper glanced at Quiver; she'd been able to find out some parts of what happened from Quiver's sobs and muttering. Though worry and concern filled her core, she decided that maybe she and Quiver would feel better if they talked about something else.


    "So, uh..." Thumper glanced in the direction of the villain hold. "Secret archives, huh? That sounds... nice."


    IC: Kavok Quake


    "Would have been my proof of what happened to my planet. But the fire will probably be burning all the files as we speak"


    IC: Kavok Quake


    "Well are you gonna let me go, I mean there's nowhere to store me anymore. Besides I think you've got bigger things to worry about then someone who just wants to go home now"

    IC: Dorothy Quark - Quark Qruiser


    Quark heard Quake this time. She yelled back, "You'll be transported to an off-world prison. I don't care what's happening outside, you killed people! You are not just 'going home'! I am not letting a murderer loose on top of everything else that's happened today!"


    OOC: Sorry, I just noticed- how is Quake seeing outside if Thumper punched his eyes out of whack earlier?

    Also, sorry about Quake being stuck in a hold. I can't really release him or anything, because, you know. He's a villain under arrest. But rest assured I'm not keeping him in there to be mean.


    OOC: I'm not desperate for him to get freed. I'm just seeing where the dialogue goes (plus I wanna point a huge obstacle for all the heroes), And I thought the eye problem was only a temporary thing. Plus I don't know how long it's been so I assume it's cleared up. 


    IC: Kavok Quake


    "Who did I kill exactly? And besides, your kind destroyed my entire planet, killed many in the process. WAIT! The secret archives..." 



    IC Wolfe - Quark Qruiser:


    Giving Thumper a small smile of amusement, he tentatively replied, "No," then grimaced when he realized that Quark was going to make him finish the story. He struggled to find the words, although it wasn't as though he minded. Perhaps they would reach home before he could finish...


    "Look, I was young, and whatever upgrade I had gotten at the time wasn't syncing with my system or whatever, and I wasn't prepared to be dumped so suddenly, and--" He stopped verbally flailing and took a breath, then narrowed his eyes at Quark and sidetracked. "That was some dang good poetry, I'll have you know..."


    Turning back to the girls, he continued, "Let's just say Diane was too embarrassed to even speak with me, let alone be caught in the same room..."


    Kavok piped up just then, causing Wolfe to give the others a puzzled look. "What are you rambling about?" he called back.



    IC: Kavok Quake


    "Well are you gonna let me go, I mean there's nowhere to store me anymore. Besides I think you've got bigger things to worry about then someone who just wants to go home now"

  5. IC: Kavok Quake


    He peered out of the window of the ship he was locked up in. Through the corner of his eye he could see part of the wreckage that was the assembly. He shook with happiness and then laughed a little. He then yelled:


    "So what happens to me then?"


    In the hopes his captors could hear him.

  6. Speaking of Pokemon, anyone else find it weird there aren't any Japanese licenses among Lego's offerings? ######, Harry Potter is the only non-American license I can think of. Still, I'd buy a Lego Mew on principle alone.

    Well that would be an interesting idea. Although due to the more rounded look a lot of them have I think it might be difficult to pull off. And I think the reason Lego don't have any Japanese licenses yet is probably because I hear they're still an emerging product in Asia.

  7. IC: Kavok Quake




    He said in a rage, attempting to do anything to inconvenience his captor. 

  8. I'd say the fact that they primarily use European plastic means there is less likely to be worker's rights issues. But it's kinda difficult to avoid these things. Most products that guarantee that the production was completely ethical are usually expensive. I must admit though I give the user props for bringing up something that does really need to be talked about. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. Watching the Journey to One character videos, I'm surprised by how much Okoto writing there is. The only one I can make out currently is this from Onua's video:




    Which says, unsurprisingly, "[Onua] Earth Unity." Interestingly, the 'H' symbol is reversed to what it normally is. iI'l see if I can make out what the others say.

    I'm still waiting for lego to release the Okoto alphabet on the bionicle website. 

    • Upvote 1
  10. OOC: Booya, green light for Wolfe's mid-life crisis nerd-mobile ship!


    Also waiting to hear back from Masterchirox (via Zippy), but I may just have Helen call everyone back to the Tower...

    OOC: Sorry about my disappearance. I couldn't find any posts relating to Quake (must have looked harder). Anyway so what's going on exactly (at least in terms of what will happen to my character)? 


    The new sets are starting to grow on me but I'm still annoyed by the lack of new molds. I mean come on last summer had a load of new molds but we only get one new armour piece in this wave.

    Indeed, it would have been nice to get a few more new molds. I think we're just getting four:


    -Corrupted Mask of Control

    -Beast face piece

    -Beast jaw piece

    -Spiky armor thing


    A new weapon mold would have been nice. It would bother me more if there weren't so many sweet re-colors, though.


    Well I'm hoping that due to less money being spent on the summer wave maybe they'll double the budget for the winter 2017 wave. It would make sense as that's probably going to be presented as the big final battle with Makuta. 

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