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Posts posted by masterchirox580

  1. The latest Club magazine is now up online, and there's a one-page BIONICLE comic in it. However, this time it's in a very familiar art style...




    The webisodes may not be totally dead yet, folks.

    The art is still good but man they screwed up Tahu's personality in the comic strip. I really hope that's not how they represent him in other media. He's a hothead not a fun lover.

  2. Well then, looks like someone should submit this to the lost media wiki. This sounds quite interesting and I'm surprised no one has brought it for nearly 20 years. I suggest looking at any archived lego forums from 1998 (assuming there are some) to find some kind of information on it or proof of it's existence. I'll check brickset on the wayback machine.


    UPDATE: Darn it. Brickset only goes back to 2000.

  3. I really don't like the whole robotic voices thing. I mean they're supposed to be robots that are like humans. I'm not sure what to think of Kopaka's voice. It's deep but not as stern as I'd have liked. I think the voice would suit Onua better. Lewa I actually like. It sounds easy going without making him sound too high pitched (like Berix) or that weird hippy thing they went for in MOL. And Umarak needs to have a deeper voice. Hopefully Makuta's voice will make up for it. 

  4. I do wonder how netflix are gonna handle the series they're making. I wonder if they're gonna take cues from the earlier direct-to-DVD films. I also wonder if netflix are picking up the series to appeal to people's nostalgia. I mean they got Peewee Herman and full house so I wonder if they're gonna try and pull off a nostalgia thing with bionicle. 

  5. Well the current is actually pretty good when compared to lego's other trends. If you look at lego's other lines they give even less explanation. The current line has got some backstory. Although I don't think it's as good as G1 I'd still like to point out that lego are currently handling it quite well what with how they currently run their themes. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. I've heard so many conflicting reports regarding sales. Though to be fair if the theme is ending that might explain the lack of new molds in the summer wave. I'm pretty sure with the netflix series we can expect to see a 2017 wave as lego is still trying to push G2. However though I'd say the possibility of an end after 2017 is looking increasingly likely. I think the continuation of bionicle G2 (and most likely bionicle as a whole) is dependent on the success of this year. 

  7. Whilst it's a cool idea of a story it doesn't seem to play into lego's planned out version of events. For one thing the theme is currently planned up to 2017 which means the final battle (at least in the current story arc) will most likely be then. The idea of Umarak being a matoran is possible. I don't know how the labyrinth of control works but I think it wouldn't be a good idea to have it powered by the mask of control as it was created to keep people away from the MOCR. I mean I don't know if Makuta can still control it but he could have a connection with it. I've heard of the idea that MOUP is conscious but I'm not sure if lego would go that route. I mean Makuta has been built up for a while now so I doubt they'd just throw him out. And hordika whilst not completely out of the question would require a number of new molds that I think current CCBS just couldn't create. I like the idea of that happening but I'm not sure if it could anymore from a cost perspective (things were different back in the mid 2000s). Again I think it's a good idea and I would recommend maybe writing it as a fan fiction but I just don't know if lego would do it with the way they're handling things at the moment. 


    IC: Kavok Quake


    "Mean?! It's simply truth, I mean what are you going to do now that the quaza recharging chamber is gone?"

    IC: Eloise Thumper - Quark Qruiser


    "We can use normal chargers. It just takes longer, that's all."


    OOC: According to the books, Heroes can use normal chargers too. My best guess is that normal chargers take longer, and time can be critical when you're a Hero. So, the Quaza Chamber charges a Hero near-instantly, rendering them ready to take on evil in a matter of minutes. A normal one charges a Hero over a longer span of time, and so would be used in instances of non-urgency.


    Heroes have used normal chargers in this RPG too, from memory. But they were most definitely referenced in the books. If that's not correct for this RPG and I've misremembered them being used here in that fashion, let me know.


    IC: Kavok Quake


    "Blast it. Either way at least no more of you monsters will be made for a while. And it will be kept that way"


    IC: Eloise Thumper and Mara Quiver - Quark Qruiser


    Quiver's sobbing, which was starting to calm, picked up again. Thumper frowned in Quake's general direction. "That's not a nice thing to say. Just because you lose your files, doesn't mean you should be mean to other people. You can think whatever you want, but I know Hero Factory was made to help people. I help them every day, and so do all the others. You hurt people. You hurt all those police officers, and you shot at them when they didn't do anything to you."


    IC: Kavok Quake


    "Mean?! It's simply truth, I mean what are you going to do now that the quaza recharging chamber is gone?"


    IC: Eloise Thumper - Quark Qruiser


    "They must have been really good phonies!" Thumper nodded. "I don't blame you for being tricked. But I've never heard of a guy called 'Silver Knuckle'. I bet they were a villain who wanted to make you think Hero Factory is bad! We don't do any of the stuff you were talking about."


    IC: Kavok Quake


    "Of course you'll say that. You're part of this disgusting organization. Sadly I can't prove what happened anymore. Again the files will probably be gone by now. No mater, you'll be dead soon anyway"


    IC: Kavok Quake


    "Oh really? The entire reason for the attack was due to the refusal to except HFs influence. When the governments refused to connect to that factory they sent in an squad of heroes to destroy the government and forcibly set up a communication line."

    IC: Eloise Thumper - Quark Qruiser


    Her brow furrowed as she considered this information. "That doesn't sound like Hero Factory at all. We're the good guys, we don't do things like that. Are you sure it was Hero Factory? Maybe you got mixed up, or another villain tricked you. That's okay, though, it happens to me all the time. A while ago, someone tricked me by calling me and pretending to be the Mission Manager. It was really clever! I would never have known if Quark hadn't checked."


    IC: Kavok Quake


    "They had the hero cores and everything. They were some sort of "delta squad" led by someone they called silver knuckle. They had some pretty high-tech weapons as well. It must have been a pretty good fake if it was."


    IC: Kavok Quake


    "What do you care about Cyclate? It's a planet you've probably never heard of. It was poorer then here but it was definitely a lot worse after the HF got involved there..."

    IC: Eloise Thumper - Quark Qruiser


    "Well, you're right about me never hearing about it. Have you, Mara?"


    Quiver was still shivering, though her screaming had softened into sobs. Thumper patted her shoulder, seeing that she wasn't going to get a reply. "I'm sorry about anything that happened to your planet, but I think you're mixed up. Hero Factory helps people, that's what we're made for."


    IC: Kavok Quake


    "Oh really? The entire reason for the attack was due to the refusal to except HFs influence. When the governments refused to connect to that factory they sent in an squad of heroes to destroy the government and forcibly set up a communication line."

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