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Everything posted by Katanga

  1. If that happens, I suggest talking to your teacher about it. If you didn't intentionally write a similar answer in then I don't think it'd be such an issue. But then again, not all teachers are reasonable.
  2. This reminds me I really ought to complete this game on my 360. I've done so before on my PS2, but I do love me some achievements.
  3. Sent a request. Would totes join a PS4 community too. Especially considering when I'm not near my X1, I'm usually around my PS4 instead.
  4. I might be able to check my own Toa Mata Pohatu set around the twenty-first. I remember having one of those posters packed in with him, but I can't recall which exact one. I'll get back to you when I can verify though.
  5. Currently debating whether or not I should share the LDD file for my most recent MOC. Also thinking about building a MOC similar in fashion to it to serve as the original's buddy.
  6. "Matoran don't celebrate Christmas, but that's not going to stop me from getting festive before November is over on Earth."
  7. Can't kill progress. But you can most certainly cut it up into little pieces and sell them all separately.
  8. I never knew how much I wanted a set of Piraka teeth until now. Thanks for sharing. This is pretty interesting stuff! Wonder how much some of it is worth now. EDIT: If I remember correctly, those sea squid plushies were actually super soaker balls, not really plushies.
  9. I believe a 3D story game, similar in fashion to The Walking Dead or Life is Strange, would actually fit Bionicle considering how well MNOLG was done. Of course, I'd play it just because it would be Bionicle. However, I also think it'd have the potential to be even better than MNOLG. As for what sort of story the game could have, I would personally like for it be set in some point during G1's story. Although, if the developers were allowed a lot of freedom to flesh out the story they were telling then a G2 game could also be pretty neat. My question for you is this; would you play a 3D Bionicle story game akin to titles developed by Telltale? If so, what would you like the story to focus on? How good do you think the game would be?
  10. "Sticks and stones can't break my chassis, but words will always hurt me." - Optimal Primo.
  11. After some browsing, I just discovered that the inhabitants of Spherus Magna do have weddings. https://community.lego.com/t5/LEGO-General/Chat-with-Greg-Farshtey/td-p/6605180/highlight/true/page/869
  12. 1/5 Who are you? What are you? What is your destiny?
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