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Status Updates posted by Dallior

  1. Here I go, here I go, here I go again.

  2. I have a Huna now? Awesome!

  3. Finally read BZPGOT Season 2; so good!

  4. y o y o p i r a k a

    1. ToaTImeLord


      The gang on the loose

      Nothin' you can do

      The Beast on the move

    2. Erasmus Graves

      Erasmus Graves

      Bully comin' through

  5. Hola senor, soy Dalliora

    1. Bonkle


      Hola Dalliora, como estas?

    2. Tahu3.0
    3. Dane-gerous
  6. How's it hanging, Tahu?

    1. Tahu3.0


      Its ok even if the website itself has been very inactive how about you?

  7. Hola soy Dalliora

    1. Ghidora131


      ghidora the explorer

  8. I just realized I haven't been on 3 months. Huh. So... hello?

    1. Ghidora131
    2. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      What kept you away for so long?

    3. Ghidora131


      His fear of BZP tbh



  9. Quickly discovering the perks of babysitting for a senior editor of PC Gamer.

  10. BIONICLE MAFIA XXXI: Extra American http://tinyurl.com/jbn4x9h

    1. Bonkle


      I don't play Mafia but I lol'ed at the Frenchmen and Vladimir Hitler roles.

    2. Dallior


      Then play, you un-American fiend! :P

    3. Bonkle


      NEVER! *tips over barbeque and runs*

  11. I can haz pizza?

    1. Ghidora131


      No. You bad.


      Go lick the corner.

  12. I got a new laptop again! It's name is Grover.

    1. Ghidora131
    2. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      Grover Cleveland?

    3. Dallior


      Actually, yes Imrukii.

  13. TFW you get Batman: Arkham City for $7 but you can't ever play it in front of your sibs because it's "too explicit"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dallior


      I wish there were censors... for video games.

    3. Ghidora131


      lol it's called the power button

    4. Bonkle


      I usually don't worry about gore or violence if it's for the greater good, i.e. Batman

  14. When does Makuta wake up? At the kraahkan of dawn! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      That pun is bad enough that I like it. =P

    3. Ghidora131


      If it's anything, it's guar gum

    4. Erasmus Graves

      Erasmus Graves

      Release the Kraahkan!!! ;)

  15. New blog contest yaaay

  16. Sorry about my not attending the last BZP Crabs Adjust Humidity; when's the next time that

    1. Dallior


      *'s happening?

    2. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      effectively, when I feel like it / have the time

  17. Time to shoot comics: 10 minutes. Time to edit: 10 hours.

    1. Bonkle


      Writing an epic: twenty minutes


      Typing it into BZP: twenty hours


      Waiting for someone to read it: Twenty decades

    2. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      Writing a Short Story: Five Minutes


      Typing it on BZP: Five Hours


      Waiting for Soemone to Read it: Five Years

    3. Ghidora131


      Writing an epic: one hour. I write as I type.

      Waiting for someone to read it: Without bribery, 200 years.

      Writing a short story: varies heavily.

      Waiting for someone to read it: Without Bribery, 300 years.

      Shooting a comic: 1 minute. Editing: 4 days of laziness. And nobody reads my comics, are you kidding?

  18. And let the work on the final chapter of Dallior's Comics: Season One begin!

    1. Ghidora131


      Wait, what?! You're ending season one already?

    2. Irrie


      Yeeeaaahhh boi!

  19. Since I'm going to be going by John Stamos until May 15th, I wonder what Stamos would look like with a fez...

    1. Ghidora131


      Please no.


      Spare us.

  20. How dare you steal my fez

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dallior


      *GASP* You monster

    3. Taria Pakari

      Taria Pakari

      Bruh I've been rocking the fez since 2011, 3 years before you joined. :v

    4. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      I've worn a fez now since 2010. Fezzes are cool.

  21. Welcome to the forums, Icarax16!

  22. ...use the kf avatar...

    1. Master Inika

      Master Inika

      I can't find it. Can you or whoever has access to it resend it?

    2. Dallior


      Lemme check the wiki...

    3. Dallior


      Allow me to PM you it.

  23. But how can you be a zebra when your birth certificate clearly states that you are a llama?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dallior


      Well said, Jaden Smith.

    3. Petewa


      Go to the office and pay the fifty or so dollars to get your name legally changed.

    4. Dallior


      OfficeMax: Selling office supplies (and name changes) since MittRomney.

  24. Are you going to be making combi models for the 2016 sets?

    1. Nescent


      I started a new project, but haven't had time to work on it in a while. You can see a preview for it here, though: http://www.bzpower.com/board/blog/1600/entry-135025-preview-creatures-of-okoto/

  25. Hahli looks like she's either about to break down, or break something.

    1. Rahkshi Lalonde

      Rahkshi Lalonde

      that'a our hahli. *lauhgtrack*

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