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Everything posted by McNugget

  1. More pics! Top https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLODNqZ0VZNEM3WGs/edit https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLQWdERi1UWWZwdGc/edit Bottom https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLaUlYTnBFLWxpdXM/edit https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLMTFFUU0yMkJwcnM/edit I made sure eye color was correct for purple Nui-Jaga https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLa0s4Y2NKbGhEVzA/edit Tail is more technic because i ran out of bones that were not trans neon green. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLdE9UUExKVFY3Mms/edit Full body pic https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLcW5ucUtScDV0T00/edit He caught some prey! notice the centipede isnt keeping itself off the ground, the claws are! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLaG5SRE1UNmlOcE0/edit view of most of the side https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLRGdVM24wQU0zSzA/edit Done with photo shoot eh Nui-Jaga? https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLWG9yVFNTbTl3dmM/edit
  2. Thanks, I didn't expect any 2015 Rahi but I was disappointed that we didn't at least get some Rahi combiners, hence this project. Maybe we'll get some in the future, since they're still releasing combiner instructions. I considered making a Nui-Jaga, but there's not enough purple to work with, so I made the Tarrantis instead. Glad you like them. What d ya mean! if you do it properly, there will be more than enough! my nui jaga moc is an example
  3. It was inspired by joev14: for making remakes of old sets Nescent: for making rahi out of new sets I was thinking of making a blue one, but that would require more new sets than i have(I have 1 of each)
  4. Im not good at photography, but I'll try, get it out soon
  5. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLS2JxcHc3M25nS2M/edit https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLMjVhVmphSW5oNmc/edit https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLTExxUHd4Y1MzWlk/edit Is that enough? sorry, I didn't take many pictures
  6. thank you, Ill post pictures of him along with a little story Thats a custom cape
  7. 6 tohunga are walking to the disk throwing competition when they encounter... https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLUmFkLWU4TUQ1c2s/edit Nui-Jaga! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLN3RTVUN5c0ZrNWc/edit Look at the tail! Much more pose-able than '01 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLbDVOWGtGS1hUMVE/edit Ah the components! and all from Protector of earth, Onua, and Protector of stone! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLNGVxczN0OElCd1k/edit A challenger approaches! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLM3FYaTNDTTVXczQ/edit Nui-Jaga vs. The Wanderer! Tell me what you think in the comments!
  8. Can you tell me instructions to deep link it on google Drive
  9. Its a .jpg Sure! heres one of them, https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLdWh3NjVMWldUX1E/edit, Its a Nui jaga
  10. Okoto: Before the Toa Part 2 Rise of the Skull Spiders They thought, It could never get any worse than it already was. They were wrong It got much, much, much worse. That morning, Jaller, Vakama, and Takua returned to Ta-Koto, The venture through Ta-Wahi was dangerous, but when the got home, Jaller was announced lead of Ta-Koto guard, oh, but they were too late, Ekimu foretold exactly what happened, The dead rose, Exactly as expected, but not Exactly as expected, The skulls, had mutated by the meteor, and turned into skull spiders. The Ta-Koto Guard fought, and fought, and fought, until there was almost no Ta-Koto Guard, in the midst of the battle... "What is this?" said Jaller, as he ran to a skull spider, carrying a mask, "What do we have here?" hissed a raspy voice, "A villager, it seems master, son of Vakama." said another voice, Jaller turned around and saw something horrifying... "Hello, Son of Vakama" said the first strange voice, "I am lord of skull spiders. I thought it best me introduce myself before I slay you." Horrified, Jaller turned around hit the mask that the skull spider was carrying, rather than smash into the ground and shatter, it sunk into the earth. then ran back to Vakama "Stupid Villager!" Hissed LoSS "Oh well, our plans are too far forward to be stopped, yet so long until complete." (Up north in Ko- Koto) "Nuju! Nuju! Nuju!" yelled Kopeke from upstairs in the observatory "Yes Kopeke?" said Nuju "I think Matau is here! Either that or Matoro is really good at hand puppets." yelled Kopeke, once again from the observatory "Why do you say that?" Said Nuju, Walking upstairs to the observatory "Why would my son be making hand puppets, he's much too old for that." Nuju thought "Look in here!" said Kopeke Nuju was terrified by what he saw, Was this what Ekimu spoke of? (Onu-Koto) "SPIDERS, SPIDERS, SPIDERS!" Yelled Nuparu, running through the village "I thought you loved your pet Keelerak." Said Onepu "These are different!" Screamed Nuparu, almost destroying Onepu's Eardrums Suddenly, Several hundred Skull Spiders started crossing the bridge they were on... (Le-Koto) Tanma was swinging across vine to vine, Blowgun in his hand, he spotted a target, he loaded a dart, and said "Hello Dinner.", put the blow gun up to his mouth and was about to blow when a creature jumped on his face, and took control over him, he changed target to Kongu, the villager who Tanma always brings along on hunting trips, and let out all his air into the blowgun, disoriented Kongu, and a blue skull spider hopped on, who's strength enough to stop the poison. "To take the village!" both Kongu and Tanma yelled in unison... (Ga-Koto) Several Ga-Kotans were in a school, when came crashing through the window at extreme speeds, was water, and skull spiders Dalu, Macku, Hahli, Vhisola, they were all taken. "With this army, Nothing, and Nobody can defeat us!" Yelled Kyrehx "Wait! We need a plan, we can't just charge into the heart of Ga-Koto!" Yelled Dalu "Always about plans Dalu! who needs plans, when you have a dagger!" Yelled Vhisola "Thou'rt mad Vhisola! Dalu! Don't trust the blacksmith!" Yelled Idris "Don't listen to Idris, Dalu!" Said Vhisola "STOP!" Yelled Macku "I have a pla-" "NO PLANS!" said Vhisola "As I was saying, I have a plan that includes Daggers, and Strategic attacks." Said Macku "I'm liking it already." Said Vhisola... (Po-Koto) "Will you look at that." Said Dekar "What?" Said Ahkmou, hoping Dekar didn't notice the vial of poison "Well one, There's a bunch of little blue scorpions," said Dekar "Blue! Thats an odd color!" said Ahkmou, reaching into his pocket for a syringe "And, two, This" Said Dekar taking the syringe and vial, loading the syringe, and throwing it at a skull scorpion "Its for your own good Ahkmou." said Dekar... Part 3 coming soon! "They are rising, And there's no way to stop them, You have failed Jaller!" -LoSS
  11. Okoto, Before the Toa, is a series about the time between Ekimu's death, and the toa's arrival. Link: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/17142-okoto-before-the-toa/ Comments are welcome, and yes I know Ekimu is in a coma, but would the protectors and villagers know that? Part one is the night of Ekimu's funeral and all the island has attended, after the ceremonies, Takua starts talking to his father...
  12. Okoto: Before the Toa Part one The Comet The people of Okoto were on a rocky road to recovery after they pronounced Ekimu dead, the funeral was quite long, and thousands attended... "Father," Said Takua "what shall we do now? to make sure the evil that afflicted Makuta shall not hurt us?" "Your child is correct, Vakama, we need to defend our villages from disaster." Said Protector Nokama "I know, Nokama, and my village is in need of a new leader of its guard-" "I shall do it father," Said Vakama's oldest son, Jaller "I will do my duty to defend our village." "T'would be wise, Vakama, to let your son do it, he has similar leadership skills as you, as well as great skills with a blade." Said Protector Nuju That moment, something happened, something odd, something beautiful, something amazing, something horrible. "TO THE SHELTERS!" Boomed the voice of Protector Whenua Then that "Something" mentioned Struck, Several were injured, many got to safety, though it t'was late at night, it seemed to be Bright of day, the most horrible part, was something was unleashed from the cemetery, its as if this Meteor was a warning, Ekimu himself foretold this event, a long time ago... (FlashBack) "Vakama, Nuju, Onewa, Nokama, Whenua, and Matau," Said Ekimu "Prepare for this day, where in dead of night, it will be bright as day, the sun will be blackened, and Stars will fall, The dead will rise, so take this golden mask, and hide it, for when the day comes, you will need it to survive, For when the day comes, it will stop the dead from destroying all of us, and everything." (Current Time) The day after the event, There was a solar eclipse, all day, all night, its as if the one of the moons of Curpitha Magna had stopped right in front of the sun Ah, but this day, Is another story. Part 2 coming soon!
  13. I like that theory, Im going to fit it into a little story I created
  14. What exactly is "corpus Rahski?
  15. I tried it, and it said "This Image extension is not allowed on this community" I was using google drive
  16. Granted, It ran away I wish this wish I went back in time 5 minutes to stop me from making this wish, therefore i could not have wished it, causing a paradox
  17. Fall, less bees then WYR Die from the bubonic plague, or be horribly mutilated, horrifically Tortured, and then eaten alive?
  18. I go vomit, then go give Knowledge and tech to that third world jungle savage country, so there are no more third world jungle savages, and I win a prize WWYDI your pet old lady ate a fly?
  19. Red eyed knight, roman soldier, the joker, vs, executor, king, the tenth doctor, and mata nui great being robot
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