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Toa Malachives

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Everything posted by Toa Malachives

  1. what a sight, nyoom. Mystery: how a mask can move without legs.Well, if you give it a slight push, I would imagine it cpuld activate the power and bolt in whatever direction it's pushed it. Or worse, if you grabbed it, it could pull your hand and slam you into a wall. Or slam itself into your face. Or the Ignika could make a bodyI could see them as sort of having personalities similar to their powers. Kakama would be hyper, Huna would be shy, Mahiki would be bi-polar (maybe?), ect
  2. What have you done!!!!!!! As an Aussie I never thought I'd say this; I love this here Kiwi (I joke, I joke) Aussies....... How I hate how Americans call us you Anyway, can't we just make an Olmak and go to the real universe? No. They shall be known as Roodaka and we shall kill them
  3. No I mean as in what if the bionicle fanbase got it's own country in the real world. It wouldn't be in the MU, but our country would try and build one ASAP. Also, I would be the Toa of Awesome. Just saying. Of course, if we use 2001-era names, we might get sued by the Maori. We'd have to either change the names or leave their jurisdiction. Don't worry, I will name you all. I'm a New Zealand citizen I object, Samand and a dark hunter both had a now lost love
  4. Please, where I live the "bigger prices" are the same in normal ones. $50 for Evo XL as well as Dragonbolt each, $70 for Queen Beast. The smaller Rocka is $20
  5. Yayz! What do you have in mind? Oh... ooh... (>O.O)> Sorry about that burst of non-canon.Lol still hilarious.
  6. Nuh-uh, we would clearly worship Velika. Or Greg. Greg would be our true ruler! Long live king Greg!
  7. You're right, they are a rehash of krana, visorak and infected masks. (Just kidding).
  8. *claps*. Good logic there. *claps*. Funniest thing I have read in a while. (Not sarcastic). #TeamRahiControl
  9. 2nd favourite of them, just after the jungle one because green is love, green is life.
  10. I get the less serious tone and stuff and I do think they will have a little more humour, hopefully not enough to make it very childish though.
  11. Entry here! https://sites.google.com/site/typhonpictures/ Name:Typhon Sorry about the inconvenient format of the pictures, glitches are a thing. Just give a 13 year old person some sympathy, O my lord and saviour lego (what?). Description (originally intended for gallery front page) PLEASE READ AS SIGNIFICANT: Welcome, the deadly Typhon based is off of Typhon the god/monster is here! I when more for the fact that he is based off a god more than a beast. Explaining of Typhon here: http://www.gods-and-monsters.com/typhon-in-greek-mythology.html. Though I don't have 100 snake heads for his head and body I do have some heads as a nod. The legs are actually snake coil things. BTW it's size is purposeful as Typhon was always described as being huge.
  12. Nocturn from the Mahri Nui storyline had four arms. Though he didn't get the biggest role in the story that year. And speaking of him, I always thought the Four-Armed OoMN agent to be one of Nocturn's species. Would make sense, unless they all died when Nocturn destroyed the island.....
  13. Who is your favourite character storywise? Who is your favourite character in terms of personality, things they did, powers, et cetera (it means "and the others" or "and the rest" in Latin if you care). Though the character's set may unavoidably influence your choice do not base it off that. My personal favourite is Brutaka because he has an awesome personality, character development, plot that revolves around him and just always says thing, all the time!
  14. I got Ultimate dume for less than $20 dollars though without the mask on eBay
  15. Lesovikk, awesome backstory and toa with a cool colour schem and awesomeness level over 9000
  16. Saw them at a friend's house, found pieces in my piece box, build, buy more Toa Kaita fight!
  17. A) Yes, more evidence includes a dark hunter who became one to find his love and Samand says that there is a woman he loved who died. B) NO! Makuta teleported her away! She had a whole Toa Haga revival and Federation of Fear thing. C) I'm not sure what you mean..... Helryx was the first, is that what you said?
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