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Kovsorr the Collectinator

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Everything posted by Kovsorr the Collectinator

  1. I spoop you with a Mask of 2spoopy4me, and you run screaming. My mask.
  2. My face heals from the grenade thrown at it earlier, and I come over to you, smack you sternly upside the head, an take the mask as a reprimand. My mask.
  3. IC: Phobia (Gym) Phobia growls, but he knows better than to resist, so he hands his wrist-axes to Shark.
  4. But my face is an anti-landmine face, and it reflects back upon you. My mask.
  5. But I cloned myself a long time ago, and my consciousness was transferred into that clone at the moment of my death. I destroy the bulldozer with a cleverly-placed land mine. My mask.
  6. IC: Phobia (Gym) "Ah," says Phobia, pretending not to have already known that, "Then I shall not do it again." Miserable fool, he thinks to himself.
  7. Death mutates into a new strain that you do not have the antidote for, and everyone save I catches it. My mask.
  8. You catch it too, unfortunately, as death is quite contagious. My mask.
  9. IC: Phobia (Gym) "What do you want to say, Prefect?" asks Phobia coolly, attempting to regain control of his situation.
  10. IC: Phobia (Gym) Phobia freezes, and turns around slowly. "You're a prefect?" he asks shakily.
  11. IC: Phobia (Gym) Searching for a way out of this situation, Phobia turns to Leviathan. "You there!" he says, "Are these two prefects?"
  12. IC: Phobia (Gym) Phobia momentarily pauses, that thought having never crossed his mind before. "I... you would've already told me or... done something," he says, a tinge of nervousness in his voice.
  13. IC: Phobia (Gym) "I'm not stupid enough to pick a fight with a prefect," he says.
  14. IC: Phobia (Gym) He chuckles. "I know you do."
  15. IC: Phobia (Gym) "True," he says, "Anything new to add to this conversation?"
  16. IC: Phobia (Gym) "A valid argument," he concedes after a few seconds, "But what are your opinions?"
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