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Kovsorr the Collectinator

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Everything posted by Kovsorr the Collectinator

  1. I have made several edits to their profile. Hopefully this can help them be approved!
  2. But what if they were both Heat Vision?
  3. So I thought to myself: Tear was two minds with one body, Glaciem Ignis was two heads with one body, so the next logical step in the chain is two bodies with one set of legs! Henceforth, presenting Romulus and Remus: Name: Romulus/Remus Variation: Heat Vision/Heat Vision Level: 2 Gender: Both Romulus and Remus identify as being male Gear: Romulus doesn’t feel the need to carry any equipment, as his hands are oversized and massively clawed enough to do just as much damage as any weapon, not to mention his massive strength and toughness. Remus, however, is far more cautious (not to mention weaker) and carries a short sword to defend himself with, though he usually just relies on Romulus to defend him from any threats. Appearance: Romulus and Remus are conjoined rahkshi. Their kraata are entirely separate, but they themselves are not. Remus is attached to Romulus’ back, and unfortunately cannot walk and must rely on Romulus to do the moving for him. Romulus is a huge, bulky thermorahk, his yellow armour reinforced with metallic plating. His hands are far larger than most other rahkshi’s, and they even have enormous claws built in. Remus, attached to Romulus’ back, painted himself white and blue to appear as different from his compatriot as possible, and is quite weedy. His legs are useless stumps that may as well not be there. The sheer weight of carrying both him and Remus means that Romulus is extremely top-heavy, and therefore far likelier to topple over than any other rahkshi. This is not helped by the fact that his left eye is pretty much blind, due to an unfortunate run-in with *gasp* a fikou spider. Picture of the MOC here. More pictures here. Personality: Romulus is a true brawler, who enjoys fighting other rahkshi, and also a bit of a bully. Despite this, he is not very intelligent, can easily be tricked, and usually it’s Remus who does all the intellectual work. Remus is a conniving trickster, continually scheming to bring about others’ downfalls, and callously messing with people's minds. Some might call him manipulative and evil, but he would say he’s merely enjoying what he can do with life. For extra fun, imagine him with the voice of Lord Frieza from Dragon Ball Z Abridged. Neither one considers the other to be his 'brother' and Remus refers to Romulus as his 'compatriot', while Romulus refers to Remus as 'this/that guy on my back'. Bio: When Chirox placed two kraata in his energised protodermis to create two more rahkshi, he did not expect the two kraata to merge together for whatever reason, creating a hybrid of two shells. Chirox couldn’t be bothered to scrap this body and make a new one, so he simply placed Romulus and Remus inside it and called it a day, much to Remus’ annoyance. The two made their way to Corpus Rahkshi, where Remus intends to gather a group of followers, and Romulus intends to fight something a little stronger than a fikou. EDIT: Balanced significantly, although I couldn't think of an original debilitation for Romulus and therefore just gave him the suggested blind eye.
  4. Rahi (Sorry, I for one never meant any offence by spamming Artakha)
  5. Nikila (As before, there is always a way to re-enable the spamming!)
  6. On this, I don't actually think we have any Illusion Rahks at a high enough level to pull off something this complex. It doesn't seem to be a particularly popular variation among the playerbase. Oh. Well then, the plan must be RETHOUGHT!
  7. IC: Mahara (Gym) "Cool!" she exclaims, "What sort of sparring- and how dangerous is it?"
  8. IC: Mahara (Library --> [somewhere]) "Of course," she chirps, following Exigent towards the next place, wherever it may be.
  9. IC: Mahara (Library) "Luffy... that doesn't sound so bad..." OOC: Isn't Luffy currently in the Library?
  10. Don't worry, I'm cool with it. It's consistent with Phobia's character, and I've schemed a few deaths myself, so I can sympathize. Just don't expect Shark to go easy on you. Oh, I don't. I'm already cooking up a complex evil scheme that will help Phobia to win a fight against him.
  11. IC: Mahara (Library) "What's his name?"
  12. IC: Mahara (Library) She laughs nervously upon hearing Exigent's last remark. "So... what does your brother look like?" she inquires.
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