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Kovsorr the Collectinator

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Everything posted by Kovsorr the Collectinator

  1. IC: Mahara (Infirmary) "There, there," she says soothingly, and puts her hand on Xi's shoulder. "Calm down. Tell us what it is."
  2. S.T.U.P.I.D. people I, C, U, P assembled! I, C, U and P form the T.E.L.L.A.T.U.B.B.I.E. mega bot and defeat you. S.T.U.P.I.D.'s mask.
  3. I throw you through the hole you just made in the planet. My mask.
  4. IC: Whipcrack (Eclipse Station Tier 3) Whipcrack coughs loudly as he enters the docking bay. "So," he says to Xplode loudly, "Voltix sent me."
  5. So, my profile picture is some "art" I drew of Kovsorr

  6. I'm not calling you out or anything; I was just curious. No need to be nervous... I think. I'm pretty sure I kind of had a slight brain malfunction when I wrote that. Ah well, we'll pass it off as saying that she did, in fact, hear it from Phobia.
  7. IC: Mahara (Infirmary) "Who is your brother? What did he do?" she asks worriedly.
  8. Oops. Um... she heard it from Phobia. *nervous intensifies*
  9. IC: Mahara (Infirmary) "What happened to you?" IC: Romulus and Remus (Gym) "I am his cunning."
  10. IC: Whipcrack (Eclipse Station Tier 3) Whipcrack immediately shoves his way past the other villains, towards docking bay 17B.
  11. Wait, really? *checks* Well, not quite.
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