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Kovsorr the Collectinator

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Everything posted by Kovsorr the Collectinator

  1. IC: Mahara (Hallways) "Afraid of germs?" she repeats, "Wow, that's... a strange thing to be scared of."
  2. IC: Mahara (Hallways) "Thing? What sort of thing?" she asks. IC: Romulus and Remus (Gym) "Interesting, although I hardly feel a weapon is a work of art - more a simple tool to harm others with. After all, why lavish attention on something that will be spoiled with your enemies' blood so soon after?"
  3. IC: Mahara (Refectory) "Um, okay," she says, before turning to Exigent. "Sorry!" IC: Romulus and Remus (Gym) Remus withdraws his hand distastefully. "May I enquire what sort of weapon, and why?"
  4. IC: Mahara (Refectory) "Uh, no, not really. Is it by the Gym?"
  5. IC: Mahara (Refectory) "It's fine. And what do you mean, bitter?"
  6. IC: Mahara (Refectory) "Uh, hi," she says awkwardly, not wanting to be in the center of their brotherly conflict. But at the same time... she wasn't feeling very friendly towards this rude rahkshi. "And I'm not his girlfriend!"
  7. IC: Mahara (Refectory) "Oh dear!" she murmurs, before noticing something. "That rahkshi there looks like your brother," she observes, inwardly worried that she might be right. IC: Romulus and Remus (Gym) "I say, what is that strange rahkshi over there doing?" asks Remus, peering over at Leviathan, "He seems to be... forging something?" "Don't care," grunt Romulus. "Take me closer, compatriot, I wish to speak with him," orders Remus sternly. "Hmph. Tournament was boring anyway," Romulus says, and gets up to walk over to Leviathan. As he reaches the silver-and-teal rahkshi, he turns around to allow Remus to speak to him. "Greetings," says Remus, "I am Remus." He extends a hand in greeting, before saying, "What exactly are you doing?" OOC: Romulus and Remus attempting to interact with Leviathan.
  8. IC: Mahara (Hallways) "Yeah, but I didn't want to point it out in case you're as 'touchy' as me." IC: Romulus and Remus (Gym) Romulus steps into the Gym and strides purposefully towards the tournament, Remus hanging exasperatedly from his back. "Must you watch this dull competition?" asks Remus with a sigh. "Shut up, Remus. I have the legs, so I control where we go," his compatriot replies. "Pah, you know you were simply lucky to get the legs. You wouldn't be so pleased if I had control of them, now would you, Romulus?" "No I wouldn't. But unfortunately for you, I do have them." "Well, I insist you take me to the library afterwards for some quality reading time." Muttering a grudging agreement, Romulus sits down to watch the tournament. OOC: Romulus and Remus open for interaction.
  9. Luckily, you didn't miss me engaging in a cosmic battle of epic proportions with TwilightVezon, eventually crippling him with the aid of all my masks, and taking the Ignika- the one mask that matters. My glorious mask.
  10. (Well, I did mention I was poisonous a page or two ago.) Thankfully, my insane healing factor means that once Miras has finished draining all my blood (and therefore dying) I am back to peak condition! I then shank you and take the mask. My Mask.
  11. IC: Mahara (Hallway) "Well, I'm not sure there's really much to tell," she begins, "I'm Phobia's sister, obviously, although he doesn't want to me tell anyone which Makuta is ours for some reason (probably to be all mysterious), and I came to the academy shortly after he did. I like people who are nice to me, but I don't get along with anyone who tries to kill me, maim me or insult me. And also, I don't like people talking about my height, so don't mention it, OK?"
  12. I now feel bad for starting the bandwagon that killed poor ol' Ghiddy.
  13. IC: Mahara (Gym) "Well, I'm not much of a fighter, so I'm not going to worry about that anyway!" she proclaims, "Where else is there?"
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