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Kovsorr the Collectinator

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Everything posted by Kovsorr the Collectinator

  1. IC: Mahara (Library) "Well," she says, "He's kind of an average height turahk. I should probably mention that he glows orange too, similarity to how I glow blue. He's got two... wrist-axe things as well. His name's Phobia." Suddenly a thought occurs to her. "I've got to warn you, he's a bloodthirsty maniac though!" she says, trying to smile.
  2. IC: Mahara (Library) "Well, uh..." she stammers, not wanting to ruin a potential friendship but at the same time not really wanting to hurt anyone, "I... I suppose I could do that." After all, she says to herself, I can just avoid this brother of his, and it would be worth it to see Phobia get his just desserts.
  4. IC: Mahara (Library) "Oh, that makes... sense..." she agrees nervously, "I know what it's like to have a brother whose ideals... clash with my own."
  5. Not sure how Sergei feels about me Phobia plotting to kill his character... Thanks, though!
  6. I know, hence why Phobia shall be a sneaky rahkshi and probably stab Shark in the back. He's not insane enough to try a straight-up fight.
  7. IC: Mahara (Library) "What's him being related to you got anything to do with it?" she asks, confused.
  8. With luck. (insert emoticon for nervousness here, as I can't find one)
  9. IC: Mahara (Library) Mahara frowns. "I don't think there's anything wrong with choosing not to fight, or being a botanist."
  10. Yeah, I've been reading through the back pages of Corpus Rahkshi and I seriously don't remember a Wielder. He must have died quick.
  11. IC: Mahara (Library) "Your brother? What's your brother like?"
  12. Ah, but Phobia has plenty of reason (in his mind, at least). Also, who was said rahkshi who is now dead?
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