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Kovsorr the Collectinator

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Everything posted by Kovsorr the Collectinator

  1. IC: Mahara (Hallways ---> [wherever]) "So where are we going first?" she asks excitedly.
  2. IC: Mahara (Hallways) "Could you show me around, Mr Exigent?" she asks.
  3. y this gif tho It's a great gif, why not? It's best used for those posts with the slowly shortening text to highlight a ridiculous situation, such as the one above, or the earlier one about Frog getting a level.
  4. Oh OK. It's going to look like this: Although I think the biggest reason it might fail is that Phobia is really not that good a manipulator.
  5. IC: Mahara (Hallways) "My name is Mahara," she smiles, "Pleased to meet you."
  6. Is Shark really that focused? (Also, dat epic GIF doh)
  7. IC: Mahara (Hallways) "Oh. Okay." She momentarily seems disillusioned, before regaining that bubbly smile. "What's your name, friend?"
  8. Shark is goin' down... eventually

  9. IC: Mahara (Hallway) *epic gasp* Mahara is shocked at this statement. "Aren't there, like... people to stop you from killing each other?"
  10. (You like that GIF, don't you?) Bah, all Phobia has to do is convince an illusorahk into projecting an illusion of something in Shark's way. Then BAM, he shall pounce.
  11. IC: Mahara (Hallways) "Why not 'pleasant'? Is everyone trying to kill you or something?" she asks.
  12. Artakha (It never left, it was merely waiting for the chance to strike)
  13. Well, you never know. An assignment outside of school grounds, or something where no-one is there to see it. If Shark is distracted... Phobia shall POUNCE and make good his revenge!
  14. IC: Mahara (Hallways) "Hi!" says Mahara, "Yeah, I am new!" She looks over the rahkshi in front of her. "Hey, you're a gravirahk like me!" she grins, before asking "What's it like being at Corpus Rahkshi?" OOC: Overly optimistic and naive rahkshi meets evil-murder-rahkshi. This is going to go swimmingly.
  15. IC: Phobia (Gym --> Armoury) "Thank you, prefect," says Phobia through gritted teeth, before turning on his heel and leaving, heading to the Armoury to pick up a shield. I am going to kill him, he thinks. First chance I get, that interfering idiot is going to die by my hand. IC: Mahara (Entranceway) Mahara steps through the doorway, and breathes in the air of Corpus Rahkshi. Corpus Rahkshi, she thinks to herself, the place where rahkshi become better rahkshi, and dreams come true! She walks forward, and looks around the hall. OOC: Mahara (aka overly optimistic rahkshi) open for interaction.
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