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Kovsorr the Collectinator

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Everything posted by Kovsorr the Collectinator

  1. Meanwhile, I win the mask in a dart throwing contest. My mask.
  2. IC: Romulus and Remus (Gym) "Well, I saw you over here with your forge, and I thought that what you were doing looked far more interesting than what I was being forced to do."
  3. My lord... it is Toa Time! *swag music plays with epic dance party for the Toa Nuva*
  4. Going for a different, less belligerent approach, I steal the mask while you are planning. My mask.
  5. Rite, OK EDIT: I just did the same with my post.
  6. IC: Mahara (Hallways) Mahara worriedly inspects Xi, before shaking him to see if he wakes up. IC: Romulus and Remus (Gym) "That makes sense," Remus concedes, "And I'm therefore assuming that you felt your weapon was no longer representing who you are, so you decided to forge a new one?" "Can I butt in," interrupts Romulus, "And say that I don't care?" "No."
  7. The Hulk is not as strong as Thanos, though. Thanos takes the mask. Thanos' mask.
  8. 3/5 I remember seeing you on a few topics.
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