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Kovsorr the Collectinator

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Everything posted by Kovsorr the Collectinator

  1. What happens when the Doctor regenerates while in the Matoran Universe.
  2. Thankfully, I don't need oxygen. I stab you. My mask.
  3. I allow them to kill me, unleashing a feedback loop killing all but one of your bodies. I then self-resurrect and begin hunting down your last remaining body, with the mask. My mask.
  4. I explode into a fine red mist, but then suddenly I'm back. This doesn't make sense, but what fun is there in making sense? I click my fingers jauntily and your head is suddenly replaced with a turnip. My mask.
  5. I turn into smoke and drift out of the pile of yous. I then proceed to drop a nuke on 'em (from a safe distance, of course). My mask.
  6. 'Tis but a chest wound! Meanwhile, I stab the you behind me and melt the one that's made of rocks. My mask.
  7. I grow a spare head, and headbutt you so hard your head splits in two. My mask!
  8. You have beaten Kovsorr the Collector. Wait! He isn't dead! (Collector Surprise!) There's a gun to your head and death in his eyes! My Mask.
  9. I do not need my skin to function, so I merely regrow it. While TwilightVezon is busy with his sealing, I sneak up behind him and throw a sack over his head, before hurling him off a cliff into oblivion. My mask.
  10. I give up cannibalism, then unleash magma from beneath the crust, causing the tidal wave to end up as a brittle mess of rock. I shatter it, and by extension the whole sea (because that's how logic works). Your power is broken. Mwahahahaha! My mask.
  11. You're walking in the woods. There's no one around, And your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye you spot him, Kosvorr the Collector. He's following you About 30 feet back. He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. He's gaining on you. Kosvorr the Collector. You're looking for your car, But you're all turned around. He's almost upon you now And you can see there's blood on his face! My god, there's blood everywhere! Running for your life (From Kosvorr the Collector.) He's brandishing a knife. (It's Kosvorr the Collector.) Lurking in the shadows BZPower superstar Kosvorr the Collector. Living in the woods, (Kosvorr the Collector.) Killing for sport, (Kosvorr the Collector.) Eating all the bodies Actual cannibal Kosvorr the Collector. My mask.
  12. IC: Mahara (Hallways) "Oh, that explains why you rubbed your left shoulder," she says, then suddenly gives a cry of alarm as Xi collapses ahead of them. She rushes over to his and worriedly asks "Are you all right?" IC: Romulus and Remus (Gym) "I can understand why you'd think that, but I paint my armour to distance myself from my compatriot here as much as possible," retorts Remus He shudders. "I can't have anyone thinking I'm anything like him, now can I?" Romulus growls, "Thanks, Remus." "You're welcome, Romulus." OOC: Ghiddy, can you PM me a link to Xi's profile as I can't find it with the search function.
  13. Name change: first one EVER! Also, Kovsorr is TCoM's real name in the BZRPG

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