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Everything posted by Grungemeister

  1. *cough* I believe you mean anagram. Man, even this acronym is You should have an upgraded form called Cannonacquirer.
  2. "MASTER YOUR WII REMOTE BATTERIES ARE RUNNING LOW" "Gettin' real tired of this, Fi."
  3. The gearbox is somewhat complicated to put together, but once it's together you'll understand how it works. I agree that you should get familiar with how Technic works before trying to MOC with it. It can be confusing.
  4. I didn't know what that was so I searched it on Google. Beast Wars, apparently.
  5. Yes, that's right about Kopaka aka Master of Ice. I would assume the other one is Lewa aka Master of Jungle. You're basically spot-on with your descriptions of the pieces, so I'm pretty sure you know what you're doing in regards to the differences in pieces and how they go together. I don't think you would have issues with the actual physical building of the sets, since you can tell the pieces apart by touch alone. Lego pieces are meant to be put in any combination you want, but I'm assuming you want to put them together as intended. In that case, you probably should get someone to help you, as Imrukii said. That way they could help you organize your pieces (which makes finding parts when needed a lot easier) and tell you how they go together.
  6. I went down the weird music rabbithole again and ended up listening to some vaporwave and retro music. Com Truise came up eventually, so I listened to In Decay a few times. This is one my favorite tracks of his:
  7. I'm pretty sure the Kanoka numbers have actual significance. One number is the Metru (1-6), one is ability/property (freezing, reconstitution at random, numbers 1-8, 9 was reserved for the Disk of Time) and one was the power level (1-8, 9 was reserved for the Great Disks). That is coming totally from memory, so it may not be totally accurate.
  8. Yes. Another Vaporwaver. You have been blessed with the knowledge of Δ Σ گ Τ Η Ξ Τ Ι С. カワイイ W H A T I S T H E T R U E N A T U R E O F M E M O R I E S マイクロソフト アップルコンピュータ
  9. ಠ_ಠ VVVVVV is pretty difficult, especially the infamous Veni, Vidi, Vici level.
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