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Prowl Nightwolf

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Everything posted by Prowl Nightwolf

  1. Well welcome back. You leave again and we are going to issue a bench warrant.
  2. I suppose on a Mask collecting stand point the other sets are choice. If one wants to go that route. I guess I would get he set with the Mask of Earth for "reasons" but otherwise if the funds are not available then I'll have to pass. As it looks I'll be passing. I still have not grabbed me a Kopaka and I am not going to leave a Toa off my list this time around.
  3. Ultimately, I think that would be pointless simply because so many of the topics (whether they're about story or sets) are based on comparing the two. Where would those kinds of discussions go? Not to mention the fact that discussion of G1 sets in particular is dying off. Occasionally we have a topic about a rare discovery, but for the most part there's nothing left to gain by discussing sets that have already been discussed to death. *memorial music plays as BZP raises a salute* "Long live the Original."
  4. well for a reference for later. Just because I don't know what I am asking doesn't mean that somebody else doesn't or that I wont later down the line. It is good to say that this was already answered so we don't pitfall into that hole later.
  5. So I didn't exactly here a yes or no. I guess the Draconic rune halberd is a player chosen option. Not that I have any idea what that would be other then some large battle axe with a stone maybe in the pummel that has some effect. I'd hate to loose that because of some random scary mob.
  6. Yeah that is it basically. You don't get Proto by directly doing the things they suggest you get proto for. They basically give it at their discretion based on doing the things that they recommend. However loosing Proto I promise is much easier as I have already seen in my short time here on the board. I think in some cases I was borderline could have lost some. I have been graced with not from what I can tell. Also different actions have a higher chance of providing Proto such as becoming a news source. Reliably that is. Proto is not an easy gain. That's why they have titles for members who do achieve full bars.
  7. Four? Don't you mean 6? Eh, Sniped by T1S... Bugger...
  8. This is a cool image. what if the big reveal is that the Mask of Ultimate Power was in fact the Golden mask of Skull Spiders. What a reveal that would be.
  9. well I suppose it is easier to explain undead bone characters tearing themselves apart and combining into a giant monstrosity over the Toa and Protector's more organic(Alive) type feel. Though who knows. While the majority of the combiners thus far have simply been an armor/weapon upgrade. Not really tearing at the flesh of the individuals in the combined form. This could be why the Protector Toa combinations are not total bone and joint combinations. The Zombie villains on the other hand... lets go crazy and add multiple heads more than 2 arms or legs. let's even add in a split scorpion tail for good measure...
  10. Well having a larger Protector build could solve that to a minor extent. Has there been any actual work on how big Ekimu stands in relation to the other Protectors? I mean we know he is smaller that the Toa but by how much?
  11. SO then players can say they got some draconic rune halberd from that troll guy in this cave system under that abandoned castle in this random local(Yeah you can tell I don't play the games) and that is ok with the GMs?
  12. That perhaps and actually put half the mask on half the island.
  13. Quoting over here so don't break the rule a 3rd time... Sorry about that, reflex. I didn't even realize what topic I was in.
  14. So what would that entitle exactly? Monster encounters, Loot rolls?
  15. Is that actually in the set though? I mean they make personal stands for all these displays to create desired effects. Sometimes an object is shown flying or swimming pose. But buying the set does not have that additional stand option.
  16. I'd suspect not since we believe the only way to create a black hole is for a star of large density to collapse and die. Though isn't that technically what happened here? I have not ready the comic so not sure officially. The Bohrok's gravitational powers caused him to collapse in on himself in the form of a black hole? Also after a certain time as long as there is something to feed said hole it could become self containing. Something like the entirety of Aqua Magna. That is where this happened yes, on Mat a Nui. From how I understand it a black hole can become dormant when there is nothing left to eat but rarely if ever do they close completely. Being reactivated once a "meal" comes close enough. Wait are you referring to equal amounts of antimatter button and a matter button? Don't they just cancel each other out? Violently perhaps but extra amounts of either antimatter or matter would be safe unless they two come into contact with their respective counterparts.
  17. well it is your game and in your hands to choose. The Player base just has to deal I guess.
  18. Eh I could go either way. Spelling out a number works in some cases others it is better to post in numerical form. For example when addressing a height weight one normally sees a numerical value over the spelling. Same with monetary values. While it is true when writing checks you need to also spell out the value, most people would agree I'd think that the number listed in the top right is where most people's eyes naturally go first when looking at such a note. It is also normally easier to read a single numerical value in smaller values over the larger ones. What is easier and faster to read: 50.7 height, Or fifty point seven height. Or further Fifty and seven tenths height. now larger numbers such as 1,558,454,755 could read quickly as one billion, five hundred fifty-eight million, four hundred fifty-four thousand, seven hundred fifty-five. What would you really rather read? Me I'd pick the numerical value. Shorter and easier to read.
  19. *Follows link* Well the witch hunt is over. We know who killed Onua. Somebody read this guy his rights. You're going down Makuta sympathizer I'm going to enjoy watching you suffer. In all seriousness that is a cool get and I'd of loved one myself. It is no secret Onua is my Favorite out of the Toa Mata. Didn't really follow the other Toa teams so can't comment on them.
  20. Activity Boost total: 26pts I posted another of my videos. This time of Pohatu and the Protector of Stone. Part 1 +8pts Question after I've filmed Part 2 and if I manage to combine it with part 1 does that still count as another video or merely editing the first?
  21. Well having another Female on the team be such a bad thing? I mean Gali needs a girlfriend to starve off all the boys. You know for them private "girl only" things that the brash men of the group just couldn't understand because of being Men. Well the Bionicle version of Men...
  22. Could that add to the idea that they belonged to a certain elemental tribe prior to becoming Mask Makers?
  23. Agreed. While I think that the structure of the plot is just as simplistic as 2001's, the amount of story and characterisation is lacking. Don't forget that we're only 5 months in, and in August, we're getting a novel (and an activity book w/ a mask!). I wouldn't be too quick to judge the story when it hasn't even been portrayed in all its forms yet. EDIT: That's the second time today I've been Ninja'd. Got to be faster on the clicker there my friend. This is sort of my feeling as well. I've loved what story we've seen; I just wish there were more of it! A lot of the tidbits we've seen in descriptions of the story seem like they'd make a great foundation for new stories. Imagine Pohatu trying to hide his fear of the dark from the other Toa to try and keep up his appearance of fearlessness, and the Toa having to help him overcome that fear. Or Lewa getting mind-controlled by a Skull Spider and the other Toa having to free him. Or the Protector of Stone helping Pohatu to find the Golden Mask of Stone in the vast and treacherous deserts of the Region of Stone. Of course, part of the reason for these many story tidbits that haven't been used in the animations (and other details like the personalities of the Protectors that haven't even been addressed) might be to encourage kids to make up their OWN stories in the BIONICLE universe. One frequent criticism of story-driven LEGO themes like BIONICLE and Ninjago is that they are too scripted, having a strict official sequence of events instead of leaving room for fans to come up with their own adventures through imaginative play. So that might be part of what the 2015 BIONICLE story strategy is trying to address. Even the 2001 BIONICLE story kept things fairly open-ended compared to later years: we only ever got to see small snippets of the Toa's quest for the masks, which left plenty of room for fans to make up their own adventures to fill in the gaps. The 2015 story may be trying to emulate that more open-ended storytelling style. Certainly it doesn't seem so hung up on establishing a singular "canon", instead showing multiple versions of how the Toa obtain their Golden Masks of Power in the various comics and animations. See this I am inline with. I mean most of the arguments I see revolve around the entirety of Gen1 over the limited story we have so far of gen2. Also many of the opposing arguments are from fans since Gen1 back in 2001. Though some may have come in later. We do have to remember that we the Gen1 fans are not as young as we were some years prior. So our belief that the story and related media appears "dumber" to us because we have all aged and matured since then. Many of us are in college or high school and our inherent intelligence has spiked with that time. Think of it like how we all watched Barney the Dinosaur and Sesame Street. You can deny it all you want be we all know we've done it. We enjoyed it, and even looked forward to it coming on either in the morning before school or as soon as we got home. The same is true of other kid shows and media. Turn them shows on today after battling your finals midterm or that beat down you got today from work and see if you still feel the same way. Anyway I am willing to suspect that you think little of the content of these shows today. Thoughts like "How could I have watched this" or "Wow that was lame I use to think this was cool" Sadly this seems to be a similar case here. Many as stated above by other posters forget that this is a toy line. Toy lines are designed for kids. As suspected by the age restrictions on the packages. So while Lego has been doing this for years we have not. I am willing to suspect with the change of media in which we receive out entertainment has a major effect on the means in how Lego has presented it to us. Like was stated Facebook YouTube and alike were not openly around back then so the most common was TV(Enter movies) and the Bionicle website. Now we have Facebook, Twitter instagram, etc... So that is how the story is presented(Mask hunt, etc...). Adding in that some of these media have a limited character cap. Lighter is better. Sadly the argument that attention spans are dwindling is a strong one. While yes we have long winded media and some may argue that with everyone constantly looking at their phones their attention isn't smaller just refocused. This I to can agree with. When I hear that people can have conversations via their phone while in the same room and nary utter a word.
  24. What Gali is not feminine because of her Tahu build Shoulder pads? yellow is commonly associated with electricity, it can have a yellowish glow sometimes. :0 Lol, yeah Pikachu could have apitmized the concept of Yellow being associated with Electricity or Lightning respectively. Though Blaming Pikachu directly is unfair. Though he seems to be the mascot of Pokémon(I didn't pick him) All Electric types are branded yellow. To the point that yellow is the designated color pallet for the typing. So you want a color not associated with other Toa? Does this inclue the brown of Pohatu? Because just about if not every base color is represented within the Toa. Red = Tahu Orange = Tahu/Pohatu Yellow = Lewa Green = Lewa/Pohatu Blue = Gali Purple = Onua Black = Onua White = Kopaka. So what options are left? Silver? Well that is an armor color for most the Toa? Gold? Well you said that was out due tot he secondary Mask color... Pink? Well I guess you could try pink if you desired. Wait I got one... how about Trans? I mean the Toa would be the embodiment of the lightning element not even having a solid form...
  25. Well I think so. If it came with a buildable stand or Forge that would be cool too. The Skull villain is just a bonus. a Pawn for my Lord Of Skull Grinder Spider to manipulate and send after the Toa and Protectors. EDIT: I meant Spider. No idea how the name Grinder got in there.
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