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Prowl Nightwolf

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Everything posted by Prowl Nightwolf

  1. I guess that explains the extra orange tubes coming out of him. They must be the puppeteer's arms.
  2. Seconded. And you get the mask of the year, the Mask of Creation. It'll likely be the most expensive set this year, but I consider it worth it. Third. If I manage to get any of the sets on my own it will be this one. Both for the Protector of Creation and the Mask itself.
  3. Oh goodie. I was wondering what happened. It seemed to have just stopped posting for the quest.
  4. OOC: Doseki & the Desert RAT IC: "Silent treatment it is then." Doseki picked up the empty bottle off the floor and smelled it. "Now that is some nasty... How could anyone drink this stuff." Watching Suko vanish into the darkness Doseki shifted back into drive and threw the empty bottle out of the RAT before returning to the group. Popping back into the radio he asked, "Are you guys a military unit? Will Suko get Court marshaled for desertion? He seems to be on his way back towards Treize."
  5. I think we all are in one way or another Gears. Me I am still trying to get over something and most people have final exams they need to be doing. Not me mind you, I've been out of school for a while now .
  6. Enough though I came in at the end for what it's worth you may use Doseki and his Desert RAT if you so choose as well. Though at the risk of just following the herd I put a vote in having another GM until you can come back.
  7. You know this is known as a certain art style seen in some comics. Not everything has to be in High-Def these days. Story board art I believe is also like this. Mind you storyboards evolved into actual animations of some kind be them live action or CGI. That by no means these "have" to go the same route. These do look good and each has a unique feel to it. Nice work.
  8. Wow the Argonians are not a nice race in this RP. Anyone playing one would be hated by most of the NPCs.
  9. Yeah I never got into the actual game but I did play the version on Lego.com. Too bad they removed it in favor of the new season games. I really liked the original Ninjaga games. Unfortunately they seemed to crash or something on me as sometimes I could not save or proceed to new areas.
  10. this might get a bit off topic? but i love answering questions. :U space appears black because light, in wave form, is generally invisible until it hits a substance/matter, so while we can see the light's source (stars) stuff it reflects off of (venus, for example) etc, we cannot see space because there is too much void in between the particles for the light to hit any of it. (this is probs worded poorly, oops.) Well that makes sense. It also leads precedence to the idea of black holes actually appearing black regardless of what environment they form in. Even if only after the event horizon. It what point light can no longer escape and is effectively eaten by the hole. Ok, I think I am done now before the staff have to step in and put us back on topic.
  11. Well that is interesting. Was it suppose to be a Pohatu mask or something? Wasn't Pohatu's Kaukau strangely colored compared to his other masks?
  12. Somehow I missed that concept apparently. I think I realized that after actually posting. Though not 100% on the idea. I mean light is traveling through space all the time so why does it appear black to us? I don't have all the science on the subject. though that link you posted is really cool and a nice read. Me being a big fan of black. Black is the absence of color that much I know. But is it every color within the spectrum? Even the ones outside the visible spectrum?
  13. OOC: Doseki & the Desert RAT IC: Doseki did not care for being ignored. "What is this guys problem?" Stepping on the gas Doseki accelerated until he was ahead of Suko then turned to block the road. Waiting there he shifted his RAT into park and looked over his shoulder at the Ta-Matoran as he came up the road. "So are you going to talk or just keep giving me the silent treatment?"
  14. Did they start talking about the new movie? Wow glad I didn't watch too far in as I don't want to be spoiled either. That's for the heads up there Fishers.
  15. Um...I disagree. The "rock bros" (stone and earth) are individuals in the team because they are strong and independent! Yeah bonus points for Onua. Maybe he'll share some with Pohatu. The set is growing on me a little after I changed his arms around and made them a little more bearable to look at.
  16. Ok, you are going to have to explain this one to me. I understand the trans blue Kaukau and I want one myself. Why a yellow one though? On a side note I'd love Mask Packs with different colors for the other Toa. Problem with this right now is the elemental affiliation with each Mask's design. Doesn't really fit unless there drops a rule that says the Water chick can use the Fire dude's Mask and powers. While I understand the concept they went with they kind of screwed themselves for the possibility of different colored versions of currently released masks. The only think I can think of maybe the Protector masks since they are already under this effect. Maybe combining other colors while still holding true to being elemental. The Toa Masks however not so much. Now maybe if they released villager versions in the elements that could maybe work but with the lack of Mask packs of the ending years of Gen1 I don't hold out hope.
  17. I think it is suggested in another topic that it references the mask he is wearing due to the others not suggesting the same thing. Right along with the idea that the Protectors went to great lengths to seal and burry Ekimu so the same did not happen to him.
  18. Yeah the color(Or lack of color) Black is still a reflection of light off the object appearing black. Since light cannot reflect off a Black hole it can't actually be black. While agreed they are not technically transparent what are they then? I know from what I've seen and read(Avid Science/Discovery/Nasa/etc. channel watcher) Black holes cannot actually be seen; however their effect on the surrounding area can. For example the radiation the hole vomits back out. Also measuring the gravitational pull of nearby celestial bodies such as stars. So that is why I purposed the question what would one see if one opened in front of them? I mean what did everyone see what the Bohrok imploded into a micro black hole? Did they even see anything or did he just swirl out of existence like water down a drain? It is a weird concept since most actual black holes we know exist do so in the darkness of space. Being black to the visual eye black holes do as well. In the case of what Bones said with the "Besides that they show up as a distorted black region when something passes behind them". I theorize that is due to the space around the hole being black due to you know being in space. So a black hole would show a distorted image of whatever passes behind it?
  19. Yeah, I wont sit still and watch a 5 hour movie. As cool as this is, I don't think I could sit through watching somebody else build for 5 hours.
  20. This scares me, but that does make some sense if this was a thing they knew about. Seal away the bodies so that they could not be corrupted by the local evil wildlife.
  21. Wow Toa Kapura you have quite a bidding war going on for your new property. As you have not ended your turn yet you may trade with any one of your fellow Adventurers. Underscore's Offer: 300 widgets. Fishers64's Offer: 400 widgets. Lucina's Offer: Illinois Avenue plus 50 widgets. Until then here is the Deed to your new Property. You may trade it for one of the above offers; purpose counter offers; or simply keep it for yourself. The Choice is yours. Toa Kapura: --- (0928 Widgets) --- (New York Avenue) Properties:(3)(St. Charles Place)(Kentucky Avenue)(New York Avenue) Above is your current standing within the game in case you want to know to better make your choice.
  22. Oh so maybe they are going the way of Tai lung in King Fu Panda. Disgruntle former student comes back to seek revenge for his teacher putting false hopes in his head about becoming something he never could. So instead he takes it upon himself to usurp the mantel of the Green Ninja.
  23. I don't do blogs so that option is out. Could find room in my Sig but it is kind of packed right now.
  24. Hey drop me a PM when they do. I know you've always been helpful to me when I first got here. Even with my Tracker question. Come back soon and enjoy your break.
  25. So I have never heard of this Voriki but it does look interesting with its star shape and lightning extensions. Oddly it looks an awful lot like the Pakari. To the point it looks like you took a soft mold of it and shaped it into a star design then pasted the lightning bolts to change it further. Was this intentional to look like this?
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