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Prowl Nightwolf

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Everything posted by Prowl Nightwolf

  1. Yeah that is a really small picture. Had to zoom in 300% just to tell it was two Tahu, one in Power-up mode, and a Protector of Fire. It is good to see a Display of some kind at a Walmart. I have not seen a decent display at a Walmart for years. Target on the other hand has several Lego displays. My closest one anyway.
  2. Ok I can understand the whole lets get more females into the group and I can also slightly understand some of the choices for a second female and even having a full female team but who voted to change Gali's gender? I mean really? Instead of having at least 2 females (Gali and one other) you picked changing the only female to male... Anyway I voted to not change any because I guess I like them who they are. That would be like saying I want my son to be my daughter after 15 years of getting to know him and watching him grow up. Now if they bring in different Toa of the same Element that would be a different story. I could see a female Toa of Earth kicking butt and taking no names. Or a free spirited Amazon of a Toa of Jungle. Not sure I'd want a Female Toa of Fire due to the cliché of woman and their "Don't make me say it". Not a good idea to mix that with a hot headed element of fire.
  3. This seems so much like SPAM as I don't see it adding to the conversation and almost sounds like trolling with the "I would of voted against this nonsense out of boredom" type comment. Deadpool is cool though. Anyway topic wise I would say that more Female only Elements would not be a bad thing. While I am not sure what makes up the non-standard elements(Not-Mata) so not sure what ones would be better suited to be female only. Plantlife could be better if it isn't already female only. What with growing something and nurturing it seems a feminine trait. Not sure about Plasma though.
  4. OOC: Doseki & the Desert RAT (Venture group) IC: "I can run gunner for you." Doseki said over the radio in response to Elerc. "While it is easier to do with a man at the controls, My RAT can fire its Elemental weapon from the driver seat. I can provide cover fire should we get into trouble until you can reach your own weapon controls. Unless your beast requires two separate pilots?"
  5. Well after failing to get Suko to come back with me I will be posting returning to the group in my next post. As it stood you were who Doseki was told to follow anyway by the group. So even though he is not a "hired" part of the team I guess that would make Elerk and the Venture the one he would be following. Now that I know the story isn't ending. My last post had a radio transmission to the group by the way. Asking if you were a military regiment of sorts and if Suko was going to get Court Marshaled for desertion...
  6. So does that mean you do plan on making a Jam post or something that "time skips" us to the end?
  7. Wow that is a big hand. Is he ever got balance issues? Are those Chima Ultra Build Feet you used for the knee armor?
  8. I don't understand why you'd /want/ us to follow video game logic. This is obviously not a video game, thus video game logic cannot apply. -Dovydas The reason I'd /want/ to follow game logic is because it's based on a video game. back in my day, aka roughly the late 2000s, when we wanted video game logic to apply we'd make a video game. want to create a fan video game based on TES? go buy RPG Maker XP and knock yourself out. but my impression was that we want a /TBRPG/, not a videogame, so TBRPG logic has to apply, not video game logic. others have already put this into more eloquent words than me, but asking the logic of one medium to apply in another medium is nonsensical and signifies a basic failure to understand how either medium works. -dovydas While it is possible you are looking at one of them stat calculator required type of RPs. Something that seems to be frowned upon here as it appears that many of the RP community do not much care for over complicated number crunching in their RP experience. Also it appears that there is already one vote for the TES RP.
  9. Not really? The details on the new Toa's chests include mechanical details like vents. And while some of the Toa's shells certainly seem designed to evoke human clothing or armor styles, it's not like that's the exclusive domain of non-robotic characters—after all, the "boot-like" armor configuration for Gali was first used on several of the characters in Hero Factory's Breakout wave, most notably Evo. Well that is the thing about opinions. They are subjective and neither can actually be proven wrong or right. It is like them ink blobs in the crazy Office. What do you see? Would could it be? Really, because that is not what I see. Where one person sees vents possibly for cooling another sees speakers and once more a their sees armor mesh not unlike chainmail. The forth partaker may see it as the internal structure of rotting, rusted, or otherwise damaged flesh. Metallic or otherwise. There is a fifth partaker that says clothing. Gali looks to be wearing boots. Are any of these wrong? I say yes, the next poster will say no. That's why we have head-canons I wager. Even the original creator could have a change of mind. That's why we have ret-cons yes? The original creator could say... "Yes these are purely Metallic Organic beings. Meaning they are Organic beings with a metallic skin. Thus why they look robotic however they are not in any way robots." Fair enough? Well later they drop a note that says in reality the metallic components are not organic skin but a metal second-skin or exo-skeleton. Much like the Aliens from Independence Day.
  10. Hey any Job openings? Prowl could be down for working with Legos for a career.
  11. Well I remember the larger group splitting recently and when Doseki and the Venture group went one way something happened and there was some dissention in the ranks. Suko bailed when he found out him and Elerc were going to be teaming up with the new guy who just showed up. Also I am not sure but I think Grēgorios and Hisuti planed on possibly shooting us in the back if we become an issue. So what happens if you guys actually loose? Does this story arch die? Maybe somebody else takes their place eventually?
  12. == Le-Wahi - Le-Koro Village - Turaga Talu's Hut == OOC: Po-Matoran Doseki IC: Doseki watched the lights reveal themselves from under some leaves illuminating the small hut. "That is a really cool effect." Doseki blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light. "You have a very nice hut here Turaga Talu. So where will I be staying for the time being?" ____________________________________________ OOC: Nui-Jaga Scorpio IC: Waiting silently Scorpio had been waiting like a shadow in the night. The time was now as one of the Gukku Birds left the nest and flew within striking distance. With a cry of victory like that of shattering glass Scorpio struck out first with his claws and then his tail snapped forward striking his prey behind the back of the neck and killing it. Dragging the lifeless body back into the canopy Scorpio started to liquefy his dinner and drink the fluids.
  13. Ta's had this quest for half a year at least. True perhaps but it seemed to quiet down after Doseki had arrived and then started picking up after he had left with Fulmen. Yeah there is a lot of riffraff that washed in that has become problematic for the "Good" team. There is a question that has been bugging me, With out boat destroyed how do we plan on getting off this blasted rock? I mean it is no problem for Orca she is a Ga-Matoran and a powerful swimmer. So is there an OOC plan seeing as how we don't actually know yet our but was turned into an unmanned Sub?
  14. Activity Boost total: 26pts Oh? What news was it?
  15. Hey an update Al right! Yeah I have no idea who these guys are. They must be part of the "lost years" of my Bionicle youth. Is the Ice guy the one that turns into a snake in that 2-minute recap video?
  16. Let's see, the build looks good a lot of silver. It doesn't have a face and barely has a head it seems. It is giving off a Bionicle Snake Eyes feel to me.
  17. Yeah the Amulet quest as taken a back seat right now it seems. I think Keeper(Necro) is planning to wrap it up soon though. Maybe with a Jam post or something.
  18. Yeah I want to play as Dinos too. Really looking forward to this and I heard it will be released on the 12. Plenty of time to be able to get it for my birthday.
  19. If that is why Ta-Wahi is so popular after I left that must be why. All the good stuff happens either before I get somewhere or after I am gone. So weird how that seems to happen.
  20. I am not sure since I came in late during the Rahkshi attacks. But this is what you posted regarding that I guess. So the group hadn't gotten a GM post in a while because there was no Staff NPC to post for. Or something to that effect. So the way I see it the larger group branched into two in order to divide their efforts to find both NPCs. About the same time Suko started walking towards some town... and that basically is it in favor of the other parts of the story. Liuth also posted this to help me get acclimated with the crew in the area. Referred to I guess as the Venture group.
  21. I go offline for a couple hours and you have a party that B6 had to break up? I feel so stiffed.
  22. Yeah we misplaced out staff NPC apparently some time right after I showed up. So no idea where he went. Or what he is doing.
  23. Well to be fair if you are only basing your aspect of "he's not a robot because he has a surf board" Then I guess I shouldn't direct you to this link: http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/33000/Robot-Surfer--33141.jpg Also I think you are slightly contradicting yourself. "Tahu 2001 looks somewhat robot-like" "but Tahu 2015 looks like a dude with a surfboard" Then right away you say "He doesn't look like a robot at all." How can you say someone looks robot-like and then say he doesn't look like a robot at all. I mean "If it looks like a duck; quacks like a duck" then is it a fox? That's would be like saying that creature looks dog like but doesn't look anything like a dog. What? You can't really have it both ways. Either it does or doesn't. Tahu's Mechanical features and Lego concept makes him robotic in nature to the average viewer.
  24. I think I am lets make sure though. Real Robots: Mechanically driven movements Generic Gundams from shows like Gundam wing(Basically the cannon slaughter fillers) Exo-force Mechs Chrome Hounds vehicles Basically anything designed as a tank though not specifically classed as a tank Super Robots: More fluid almost natural movement Transformers characters Zoids (maybe) The Protagonist in any Mech themed show. Basically any Robot that could be more human than machine if not for the metallic appearance. Am I getting warmer?
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