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Prowl Nightwolf

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Everything posted by Prowl Nightwolf

  1. Ok, that's creepy... I don't think I like her she scares me. Like an evil poisonous Fairy.
  2. Well a good place to advertise if allowed would be in the Ninjago area of the Board. Not sure if RPs are allowed an advertisement topic in other places on the forum but if you want Ninjago enthusiasts that would be the best place to post. Not sure how many are RPers though. I am going to have the same problem myself. Come posting my CHIMA RP. Though I know there are plenty of CHIMA fans on the Board. They may not be RPers and therefore would not want to play in a CHIMA RPG.
  3. I'd be inclined to agree with the above post. Also what is this about an infected Golden Mask of Jungle? Is that what they are calling the two-toned masks in the Summer wave?
  4. that's kinda why they're called black holes, the void of light makes them show up... black. That's assuming that it is large enough to see. I doubt a black hole made by compressing Nuhvok-Kal would be be visible. Well the term "Black" is not an indication of their color but rather that they cannot be seen in the darkness of space. The only reason we know they exist is because of the belief that they are create from the collapse of a large star. Also based on equations related to the orbit of several celestial bodies around a center point. We don't know where Black holes are because they do not radiate light. So regardless of their location be it deep space or in your neighbor's front yard supposedly we'd not be able to visually say they are there. Relying on their effect in the environment. Well then you have quasars that are basically Black hole Vomit. that we can see. Regardless of size a black hole would not actually be visible. Only the effect it is having would be. Up until a point. So that is why I asked the question about being able to see past it. Would you see somebody on the other side of this hole as they normally appear or would the image be distorted due to the gravitational pull of the black hole between you? You -> '|' (( BH )) "|" <-Somebody Else.
  5. You know I read this Topic Title and thought there were several Tahu's. But this is talking about his Design. I guess it would be possible that Tahu and the other Toa Mata's Original forms could look something like this. After all if the Matoran canisters could change their form over the course of so much time from their Metru to Diminished forms why couldn't the Toa Canisters have a similar effect? I mean their minds deteriorated from being in there so long so why not the body as well? Still isn't Tahu's 2010 form smaller than his original Mata form? Or is that just in set form due to parts? Seems strange.
  6. Oh yeah curse them Comic Book physics. I've always wondered about what effect an actual black hole would have on the area around it. I mean could you even see or tell one was right in front of you? If light supposedly cannot escape it then there would be no indication anything was there save for random objects spiraling and being pulled to a single point in front of you only to vanish without a trace. For that matter if one appeared between the two of us would we be able to see each other being distorted visually? Would we be able to even se each other at all without looking around the hole? Then there is the whole time distortion effect of being in/near a black hole. Even a micro version on earth would be devastating yes?
  7. I think you did a good job. I didn't look at the back shot so if you hadn't said it was a brown mask I'd of thought it was naturally a silver one. Not only that but it matches the breastplate pieces flawlessly that one would think they were the same color. So the tint of the Sharpie you chose was done so brilliantly. Hey is he a BZPRPG character? I could use one who has experience hunting Rahkshi to help my Ga-Matoran with a task. Assuming he didn't cost too much.
  8. Lucina: ------- (684 Widgets) --- (Community Chest3). Properties:(6)(The Great Mine)(States Avenue)(Virginia Avenue)(Illinois Avenue)(Marvin Gardens)(Kini-Nui) With the end of Lucina's turn Round 7 is quickly coming to its Zenith. There is but a single Adventurer left to make their move. That Adventurer is none other than Toa Kapura. Are you ready to get going? Your roll is: Toa Kapura: --- (1128 Widgets) --- (St. Charles Place) Properties:(2)(St. Charles Place)(Kentucky Avenue) Say goodbye to your land and move on down the way. New York Avenue is your destination. The 3rd and final Orange piece as well as the only one left on the board to be purchased. It is however the most expensive to both buy and land on. You can purchase the land for a measly 200 widgets and secure yourself a prime Property. Possibly something to be traded for greater riches down the line. What's your choice?
  9. == Alamos Power Plant == == Yugo Doseki == == Pidgey (Airazor)(55%) - Sandslash - Charmander (Spitfire) - Joltik(Voltia)(15%) == IC: Yugo watched as the door slid open. "Well that worked surprisingly well." Yugo bent down and gave Pikachu a pat on its head to thank the Pokémon. Yugo then looked back to the window where the others should be coming through. "Do we want to wait for the others to come inside or move on without them?" Yugo was asking both Jake and Ruth who were the only ones who had successfully climbed the latter and came inside at the time. Yugo looked out the doorway and noticed there wasn't any lights on in either direction. "So what way do we want to go first?"
  10. Did you give yourself whiplash with that change of thought? lol. If they did come from a Chima Set I would think Maybe the Croc. He has Tan on his chest and maybe they changed it to the arms as well. Unless The Lion one sports some tan to go with the Brown and yellow. The Star Wars Ultrabuilds aren't out yet. Let's just say my uncle works at Lego. Yeah I stuck the spare spikes on his other arm. They were there. I'm ok with a bit of asymmetry, but I never liked how his trans-lime bones were unevenly distributed, so I made them more even. Maybe the silver does clash with the tan, but sadly the new armor add-ons do not come in black or gunmetal. I ended up replacing the tan torso with Pohatu's original silver, not sure if it evens out the colors more. Are you admitting that you are in possession of unreleased set pieces due to a parent using their position to procure you said pieces? That seems so unfair and maybe a little illegal. Also do you plan on posting images of Pohatu with his Original Chest piece so we can compare the differences? See what one we may think looks better? The Silver or the Tan.
  11. == Le-Wahi - Le-Koro Village == OOC: Po-Matoran Doseki IC: "Thank you very much Talu," Doseki said as he accepted the offered open door and walked inside. He couldn't see anything at first as the lights were off. Standing inside the threshold Doseki waited for the Turaga Talu to enter and turn on the lights. _______________________________________________________________________________ OOC: Nui-Jaga Scorpio IC: Scorpio had been watching the comings and goings of the Gukku Force for some time now from the safety of his hiding place within the canopy. Soon enough he would make his move. He had not eaten since his trip into the Jungle. He wanted to devour the Muaka that attacked him but sadly the big kitty had managed to get away while he was looking for his master and the new Matoran morsel. As it stood Scorpio could not pass up the chance to feed again. These fowl Rahu were too tempting. His mandibles drooled with desire as he waited for his chance to attack.
  12. This is really good. Now I can see why it has 5 up votes. Then again you did basically copy the actual animation near to the letter. I've never done green screen style animation. How did you get the shots where he was flying, jumping, kicking?
  13. Good idea! I might add it in my next book! Hehe it is a Digi-bash for my character over in the BZPRPG. Be cool if you have something down the line. I'd love to read it.
  14. Well the syntax can be a bit different in English. Some of the other languages sound backwards in some parts of a sentence structure. This I think is true in translations of French to English and back as well. So I understand your plight. Keep practicing and you'll get there in no time.
  15. That's ok GSR. I'll see about posting up something soon I hope. The lack of interest could be my problem as well. While there were several posters in the "What tribe would you like to see" Topic I don't know how many of them would like to actually RP in CHIMA.
  16. Well ok. But then the Ninja would be upside-down as well right? What are they Ninja Hitmontops?
  17. Really? Well if he noticed the LoSS coming after them maybe he does need to change his armor. Also did not make these with separate pictures but a stop motion camera function off my 3DS. Unless you mean the thumbnail image I picked. It was the only one offered by YouTube that had both Pohatu and the Protector in it.
  18. Well I am not sure who told you that but your English seems good to me. For a non-native speaker. "Google Traduit cela française si elle vous toute aide. Eh bien, je ne sais pas qui vous a dit cela, mais votre anglais semble bon pour moi. Pour un locuteur natif. Aussi, bienvenue à BZPower."
  19. Well I know some of the Star Wars CCBS are coming with this tan color. Didn't know they were out yet though. As for the arms. It looks almost as if he is sporting the extra parts that came with the set. Mine too has the same build with the trans green as the forearms with the brown armor panels accented with the extra spikes.
  20. How is that? do you think his animation was a bit choppy or something?
  21. Wow, besides the color swap this looks like how I did my Pohatu in my latest video. I guess great minds think alike.
  22. Ouch... France is "So Far..." *reaches in vein* Guess that counts me out for now. These really are cool looking and I'd love to see what else you have done if anything. So I guess I am going to ask. Is English your native language or is it French?
  23. Do's 1) Posting your own MOCs in their own Topic for others to review. 2) Posting critiques about another's MOC in their respective topic. Dont's 1) Creating a New Topic for somebody else's MOC. 2) Posting in a Topic that is over the allowed Time of 60 Days. 3) Posting your own MOC in somebody's Topic unless specifically asked or gained permission Prior. 3.1) "I did something similar could you help me out?" 4) Posting duplicate Topics for a MOC that either has not reached the 60 day cutoff limit or has no changes. Hope these help you out. Further more there are several areas for specific style MOCs. You can check some of the topics in any area to give you an idea what types of MOCs go where.
  24. So... The new Spinners are in capsules to what: Keep the Ninja in or something?
  25. If he is he's either Wu and Garmadon's uncle or brother that they forgot about until now. Oh yeah lets forget about our Brother until his zombie soul attacks the ninja and possesses Lloyd wow these Sensei really drop the ball there too didn't they.
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