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Prowl Nightwolf

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Everything posted by Prowl Nightwolf

  1. Yeah that is really creepy. So anyone interesting in bringing life to this additional tribes? I am thinking about a chima RP over in the Lego forum and need ideas and a player base.
  2. wow, much love for the ravens... I guess I could see why.
  3. Ok, not sure if I believe that representation of the difference as you'd think a Military Mecha could be forged from camaraderie or whatever you want to call it. So suggesting that Super Robots are created to combat aliens or "evil monsters" seems interchangeable with real robots. So it has to be more then that if there really is a distinct difference. Though just as likely I am just not understanding here. I think your explanation falls a bit flat. Sorry about that.
  4. Really? Oh come on. That is the last time I do math while under the influence. By that I mean a 100+ fever. Prowl Don't drink or smoke any kind of contraband.
  5. wait they are releasing the last of the Chima Episodes already? I didn't even know they had released the first episodes on DVD. Wow I am behind.
  6. Oh Regitnui you are so busted.... I think he was referring to the concept of what some may think who are not really followers of the franchise. At first glance somebody may see Tahu and being Lego product will think "red robot".
  7. Well for one, there aren't any mech-based RPs on this site that are alive and thriving right now. This one would aslo be more firmly a "real-robot" mecha RPG, rather than super robot. More realistic robots and stuff, not...uh, no Gurren Lagann style stuff, basically. Yeah you may need to explain to me the difference between "real-robot" Vs "Super Robot". As for active (While not all thriving) are the Exo-force Lego RP, The Matoran tank battle deal, and... Ok so there are only 2
  8. Sorry this almost got buried by posts regarding the ESRPG but I have one word... "Chrome Hounds?" Sorry I guess that was two words. So you don't want to make a Gundam RP but want concepts to carry over. Also how do you think this will be different from other Mech based RPs on site?
  9. Giant Monsters!!? What did I let myself get into with my jeep? I am going to die. So maybe will this Suko character who just walked off into the darkness. Ta-Matoran, so hot headed...
  10. wait Kaiju are not in this story are they? How did I miss that? Well with your 33.4% piece that leaves 62.6 to be shared between them. Equally that would be 31.3% for each. Least one wants to fight the other for a more dominate piece. Or they could combine their parts and stage a mutiny.
  11. Well on the plus side and minus is that Chima is at an end so there are no more need for resources to be spent on story arch there. Plus: More time for Bionicle story development. Minus: No more Chima story development. I know I can see your point about what set and story to follow as I try to do so with all of them and I am an adult. I've never actually purchased a Ninjago set to date though several peaked my interest.
  12. Well I suppose weirder things are possible. Though I wonder about some of the external shapes such as the extensions on Tahu and Gali's Shoulders or Pohatu's Spikes on his wrists/forearms. I guess they could be genetic adaptations. For what it's worth.
  13. Elemental Exo-Toa sets would be cool. Not really seeing a Nuva vibe out of Ekimu's revival due to the Toa Okoto already being decked out in Nuva-ish armor from the start. Where the Mata came basically naked with nothing but the dust from their capsule and a simple weapon for defense. The Okto variants however came well equip with armor along with their weapons. Cannot really improve on that unless they go full on knight motif. With maybe more Armor appearance to the new Masks Ekimu forges for them. So Ekimu is a mask maker but do we know if that is all he can do? I mean the Masks could have external effects to the body as seen with Makuta. Now to what extent can this possible transformation be controlled by the mask maker?
  14. Well it is not exactly suppose to be the crown of England here. It is a Golden Spider Body with limbs that attack to your face like them face hugger Xenomorph aliens from Prometheus and well Alien(s) movies.
  15. I did no such thing. I may have implied it at some point. I'll probably regret saying this later, but since this this is my first time being a GM, please don't hold back in telling me how much I suck if you find my posts unsatisfactory for any reason. If people don't think I'm doing my job properly, I'd like to know about it in order to improve. I may regret this post too but here goes. Right there you're making a mistake already. You are a GM now not some pansy off the garden path Grow a Backbone. That being said it is good you are willing to take criticism to help improve since it is your first time being a GM. Though how will you be able to improve when we don't yet know what you are capable of? You just may be a natural to rival some of the seasoned GMs. It depends on if you take what you have leaned from being an RPer under other GMs take what they have done wrong and your own experiences. This is why I think I would be a good boss. Problem is nobody respects me and I hate the idea of being in charge of somebody else. Like their job is directly reliant on me some how. Too much pressure. I don't know how Tiragath did it alone for this RP. Props to you man. Also glad to see this RP is going to be staying open a while longer. Does that mean you may be able to stick around or are these two replacing you until a time when you can return fully at the helm?
  16. I don't see why they couldn't. That is if they actually succeed in reviving Ekimu this year. Would seem strange that the main goal perhaps for the Toa is reached within a year of the story starting. Though with them only offering a 3 year reign I guess I could slightly understand that. Though if so what could they possibly have in story for the remaining two? I suppose saving Makuta in the end could be an option. Though I suspect that would be year three. So that leave story options for year 2. I mean Ekimu is the prized Mask Maker of Legend. If he couldn't make the Toa new masks then who?
  17. I think that was Smitty or Prowl (could be wrong, though, so don't quote me on that. ). On the other hand, Fordian, why not convince your sister to make an account? Unless she's just really young, in which case, you most likely can post it so long as you say that it was your sister's work. Yeah I've posted before that I've allowed my son to build a couple of my Sets. Pohatu he build himself and Onua we built together. I don't remember posting an image though. I did mention him building it in my Pohatu Video Topic. As for your enquiry. I would say that giving your Sister credit is a good move but since you have already stated she had done so it isn't directly plagerizing because you have already admitted that you did not build it directly. However you also stated it was a collaboration of sorts. So there is that... I don't see much reason for your sister to make an account just to post a single image though if she is an avid Bionicle/lego fan and wants to join the community at large then I agree with T1S and she should totally make an account. More fans the better.
  18. Aw the Bidding has ended already. Not that I have the money to burn on such an item it would have been cool to have. I think there was someone else on the board who made a life sized mask. Though his was not for sale. I think it was the Vahi.
  19. Well a Bow's ability to fire and at what power has to do with both the quality of the bow itself and the strength of the person pulling the draw string. Though after a point either the Bow breaks under the strain or the drawer cannot pull back any more. Not sure exactly if tensile strength has a direct correlation to projectile speed or simply power. That being said Crossbows do not have this characteristic as they are mechanically drawn and fired. So unless there is a magical or mechanical aspect to the bow or bolts I don't really see in an RP here where there would be an increase in power from one design to the next. The same above with Melee weapons such as Swords or Axes as with a normal drawn bow. They can be improved upon based on quality and the output of the user.
  20. Was the LoSS hard to build? I hadn't noticed. There was only one small filler piece that I didn't even notice I did or rather didn't do in my actual build over my LDD version. Yeah somehow I managed to correctly build it in LDD but missed that one inconsequential piece in my actual build.
  21. Very true but I think it is a bit more than simply because that branch of the story has been told. Keeping in mind that Toa Mata is directly derived from being Toa of Mata Nui. So naturally that name would not carry over. Unless somehow they call back to the reality that these are the same individuals from Gen1. (No hate mail I'm not suggesting gen1 and 2 are connected in this way.) This I think is more plausible due in part to other species/villager names of Gen 1. Glatorian for example are not Matoran just because they are both villager types. Gen 2 has a different species within the Bionicle Universe. As different as the other smaller Species we have already seen from Gen1. Though this begs the question, Could we get Turaga in this Gen? Mind you Matoran may be out but we have Toa and Toa could become Turaga once their destiny has been fulfilled. Or however that works. While I can agree to an extent the story doesn't loose anything directly by not calling the Villagers Matoran(They are not after all). Or calling the only real wildlife we've seen Rahi. After all Rahi is a Matoran term and with no Matoran there is no reason to have Matoran terms. Though not sure if Konohi is directly Matoran in dialect but that could explain the missing term as well. Keep in mind that this is saving Lego a lot of money since they don't have to go out and get copyrights on the unique names used in the story. This could very well be true. I mean think about it. They are bringing Bionicle back possibly on a whim due to the outcry of the fans. Well if the fans are more bark then bite they could loose a lot of unnecessary money if they invest more than they are willing to.
  22. I would think so yes. Do you really think they would simply end the short lived animations with an undead hand bursting forth like a daisy in the snow. Anyway Could it be possible that while not story significant the reason we don't have a Gali and Tahu is because they had a set number of masks they could release. With the release of the Mask of Creation and others in the Summer wave they had to cut somewhere. In this case Gali and Tahu. Now it is true this doesn't mean they wont get a later release in 2016. Seems weird that they would wait until 2017 to finally release them if at all.
  23. Activity Boost total: 26pts Ah ok good to know. So after I've completed the video. By that I mean if I manage to actually combine all the videos would that count also as completing one for points? Like in Epics or something?
  24. == Alamos Power Plant == == Yugo Doseki == == Pidgey (Airazor)(60%) - Sandslash - Charmander (Spitfire) - Joltik(Voltia)(20%) == IC: Yugo herd a thump from behind them and noticed Arius Jacobson entering the facility. "Welcome to the party. What took you so long? I was beginning to think this was just the three musketeers." Yugo turned back to Ruth who was discussing the condition of some machinery down the way. "Tampered with how?" Yugo asked as he started down the hall his Charmander in tow lighting the way. Yugo started to see what Ruth was talking about mind you a bit easier with the light from his Pokémon. "These wires look cut. Why would anyone do this?" Yugo though back to the exposed wires that Joltik was chewing on to get some energy. "Could a Pokémon have done this too?" Yugo asked aloud. They looked different than the wires his Joltik was chewing on but maybe that was because someone had already cut them...
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