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GUARDIAN ---- The Temple of Time stood on an island a day’s boat ride south of Okoto. The island had no name, for the only thing of interest on it was the Temple. Only a select few knew how to find it. Some speculated you couldn’t find it unless you were told where it was, but no evidence had been found to prove this theory. On the other hand, nothing had ever been found to disprove it either. The Temple itself was an odd structure. Two walls stood parallel to each other, towering over the rest of the island. A massive pendulum was swinging back and forth between the walls, an impressive bronze construct the likes of which Okoto had never seen. Impressive though this was, the important part of the Temple was nestled between the two walls underneath the pendulum, out of site from prying eyes. Tonight the Temple had guests. Six cloaked figures, each about four and a half feet tall, approached the Temple slowly and reverently. Their movements were calm and measured, but there was an urgency to their every step. The six reached the base of the structure, peering between the walls down into the Temple. A stone staircase led down to a floor that ran between the walls to another staircase on the opposite side. In the middle of the floor rose a circular dais, decorated with rings of ancient runes that ran along its side. Two more staircases rose up its the short sides, providing a way to ascend to the top. The six entered the Temple in silence. They approached the dais with a measured pace, stopping at the top of the stairs. In the middle of the circular platform stood a figure clad in gold and silver armor. He was no taller than any of the six visitors, and yet he radiated power and strength that dwarfed them. In his right had he held a sword, in his left, a scepter. The six swear he had not been there a moment before. For a moment no one spoke. The visitors stared at this mighty figure from under their hoods. He stared back at them, unmoving. Then the first of the six visitors stepped forward. He pushed back his hood to reveal a mask that burned with the fires from which it had been forged. His eyes blazed with a fiery determination as he began to speak. “Who are you?” he asked the golden armored being, his voice echoing between the walls. “I am Umbra, Protector of Time and Guardian of its Temple.” Umbra’s voice boomed like a thunderclap, and one of the visitors raised his hands to cover his ears. “The legends made no mention of any Guardian,” the fiery one said. “As I wished it to be,” Umbra said. The fiery one turned to his companions and conversed with them in hushed tones for several moments for addressing Umbra again. “We are the Protectors of Okoto, and we have come to-” Umbra cut him off. “I know who you are and why you have come. Your errand is an ignorant one. You have not considered the consequences your actions will bring.” A second of the visitors pulled back his hood and stepped forward. His mask was as solid and his resolve as steadfast as the bedrock upon which the Temple was constructed. “And what do you know of such things?” he asked. “If you guard the Temple then you have never been to Okoto! You know nothing of our plight!” “I see all that is past and that which might yet come,” Umbra boomed. “There are few possibilities that do not end in death.” The fiery visitor raised a hand to silence his companion. “We will do what we must, Guardian.” Umbra bowed his head in concession. “I cannot stop you,” he said. “Mine is not to interfere with what is to come. But one day, when you see what destruction has been wrought upon your land, you will remember this day and that I warned you that day would come.” Then he was gone, vanished into thin air. His words hung ominously in the air as the six Protectors removed their hoods and took their places along the edges of the dais. In unison they lifted their arms and released a stream of elemental energy. The six energies filled the crystal in the center of their circle, then blasted up into the sky as one beam. From atop the Temple’s walls Umbra watched in silence. The deed was done. Toa had been summoned from the beyond, and they would be the heralds of what would follow, be it victory or desolation. They would decide Okoto’s fate. As the night fell away to dawn, Umbra prayed history would not repeat itself.
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Ekimu's emotions were mixed as he stood in his forge, looking at an incomplete set of masks lying on a table. Three of the six Uniter masks he had forged sat before him: the masks of Fire, Ice, and Earth. Shortly after his return from the Black Volcano they had been brought to him by their respective Elemental Creatures; the other three would be delivered shortly. Portions of the masks that had previously been silver had changed to a sickly yellow-green. A quick comparison with fragments of the Beast Masks had confirmed Ekimu's suspicions: the colors were nearly identical. Reasoning that the taint had something to do with the Elemental Beasts' powers, Ekimu hoped that he would be able to cleanse the masks, but if he was not then it would be best to keep them here. However his old friend Agil-who had reappeared following the banishment of Makuta-had brought an additional mask to him. Though parts of it had changed in color from green to red, Ekimu recognized the artifact from legend: Umarak's Hunter Mask. What had caused its change he couldn't say, though Umarak's transformation or demise seemed the likeliest answers. The question of the masks and the thoughts of Umarak's monstrous final form made Ekimu think of one adventure in which he had played no part. It had come after the Protectors had found opportunity to tally the Okotans for the first time since the Skull Spider invasion. Though many had been freed after the demise of the Lord of Skull Spiders, a sizeable number remained missing. With no means of tracing them, there was only one source of information available to the heroes of Okoto: Skull Basher, the only Skull Raider who had not been trapped underground. Still bereft of his Bull Skull Mask, heavily restrained, and surrounded by all six Toa and Protectors, the Skull Basher had been informed by Ekimu of the fall of his people. The Wise Master had then offered Kulta's lieutenant leniency in exchange for information on the missing Okotans. Whether the horned monster truly desired a new chance at life, or had decided Makuta deserved none of his loyalty after leaving him imprisoned, he had agreed. As such, Ekimu had granted him back his mask so that the Toa would not have to carry their "guide." Ekimu had elected to stay behind and help watch over the City of the Mask Makers with a guard made up of recruits from the various regions. The Toa were instead accompanied by all six Protectors; Harvali, the spear-carrying archaeologist; Melea, the Stone Tribe woman whose family the Toa had previously aided; and the unlikely addition of four children with a vested interest in the captives. These were Bingzak, the Jungle child taken in by Nilkuu; Ako and Oda, Melea's nephews whose father was among the missing; and Narmoto's son Balta, who hoped to find his lost mother. The four youths had pleaded so earnestly to join the expedition that their elders had agreed, on condition of their promise of strict obedience. The party soon reached their destination, deep in the Region of Ice: a fearful ruin known as the Place of Shadow. Here, as Harvali informed the Toa, ancient Okotans had dared to tamper with combinations of multiple Elemental Powers and in so doing opened a rift to the Shadow Realm. That ancient portal had long ago closed, but not before bringing a plague of shadows to Okoto that had forever altered their way of life and led to the passing of the sacred code only broken since by Makuta. Where once Okotans had been as tall as the Toa themselves, those who had survived the plague had been reduced in stature, and ever afterwards their descendants had remained so. Many of the ancients who had perished by the disease had later been those reanimated by Makuta to serve his twisted ends. Unfortunately, upon entering the Place of Shadow the group found not only traces of the passing of the captured Okotans, but were attacked by two foes the Toa had never expected to see again: one of the Skull Scorpios they had evicted from the Ancient City, and an elite Skull Warrior who had briefly claimed Kopaka's Golden Mask of Ice. The beasts struck quickly and retreated with their Skull Basher, leaving the heroes with little choice but to follow them. And so they made their way into the darkness, where they encountered three monstrous foes... Kopaka's shield shuddered as twin axe and sword blades slammed into it, testing even the powerful energy barrier. He had thought Skull Basher a hideous creature when they had first encountered the Skull Raider in the Ancient City, but the being now attacking him was even more horrifying. It had the Skull Basher's massive frame, Bull Skull Mask, and long horns, and wielded both of the warrior's axes; however, it had an additional set of arms that wielded blades like those of Skull Slicer. The remainder of the beast was a mixture of elements from Basher, Slicer, and the Skull Warriors, with green, orange, and blue bones and claws. Before the monster-whom Kopaka had unconsciously named Skull Crusher-could strike again, he was bulled aside by Onua, who swung his hammer at the towering enemy. However, that mighty weapon was blocked by the strength of all of Skull Crusher's arms, which even Onua could not overcome, and deflected. The weapon flew out of Onua's hands and hit the ground nearby, splitting back into Onua's Turbo Shovelers. Fortunately, Onua was spared a similar fate when Skull Crusher roared in pain, having been struck from behind by Lewa's Battle Axes. A short distance away, the other three Toa were occupied with a similarly nightmarish figure resembling the Skull Grinder. However, this beast appeared to wear the Mask of Creation and have pieces of Ekimu's armor added to his own, with bony legs resembling those of the Skull Scorpios emerging from his back. In place of Kulta's Mask Stealer Staff he carried a monstrous double-bladed axe in his right hand, while the other hand held a weapon with an axe-blade on one end and a sword blade on the other. Ekimu had warned the Toa that such a being was what Skull Grinder might have become had he not been defeated, and even given the monster a name: Kulta-Kal. With a roar, Kulta-Kal swung his larger weapon at Gali, who handily blocked it with her trident. He then attempted to swing his other blade at her only to have it blocked by Tahu's Fire Blades. Pohatu then struck from behind, driving his small blade in Kulta-Kal's side and producing a roar. However, the beast was not so easily felled, and swung around to engage Pohatu with such fury that Gali and Tahu had to run after him to prevent him from slaying their brother. Compared with these foes, one might have thought the Protectors had it easy-were it not for the fact that they were facing a Skull Scorpio. Sending Harvali and Melea to find a hiding place with the children, they faced off with the beast. Nilkuu fired his Sandstone Blaster again and again, though even his skill brought little harm to the foe; Skull Scorpios were well known as desert menaces who would pursue prey even through sandstorms. Fortunately he was far from alone, with Narmoto and Izotor pouring their firepower into the foe as well. The three were scattered as the Scorpio struck with its tail, and then quickly whirled and leaped upon Vizuna, who had been trying to get in closer for a point blank shot with his Flame Bow. His weapon was knocked from his hand and sent skidding across the stone floor, coming to a halt at the feet of Korgot. Fear for the Protector of Jungle and rage at the Skull Scorpio for daring to harm him filled her. However, Korgot had lent her launcher and throwing knives to Melea and her nephews, leaving her without a ranged weapon. Thinking quickly, she snatched up the Flame Bow and then hurled her Star Drill, yelling as she did so. "Vizuna, catch!" Already alerted to the incoming projectile by his Sensor Tail, Vizuna rolled himself into perfect position to catch it. Activating the weapon, he drove it into the Skull Scorpio's mask, causing the creature to rear up to evade the attack. It proved a foolish move, as the action got the Scorpio far enough away from Vizuna that Korgot didn't have to worry about hitting him. She thus opened up with the Flame Bow, sending bolts of green energy slamming into the monster. The creature might still have managed to overcome the attack and come after her, but a massive blast of water came flying in to strike it as well, and it collapsed into a pile of bones. Getting to his feet with a sigh of relief, Vizuna handed Korgot her Star Drill as she handed back his Flame Bow; their hands touched on both weapons, and the pair smiled at each other before each relinquished the other's weapon. "Seems that cross weapons training was a good idea after all-nice shooting Korgot. And you too, Kivoda, though I'm surprised you took so long." "It was a little hard to get into a good position with my Turbines," Kivoda replied. Nilkuu raised an eyebrow as he stepped over the Scorpio's remains. "Didn't you decide not to bring those along the next time we went climbing?" "We knew we were heading into a cave network," Kivoda retorted. "There was a chance-and still is-that we could run into underground water in these ruins, and if that happens these things could come in very useful." Before any further comments could be made, a pair of loud noises reached the ears of the Protectors, who turned just in time to see the fall of Skull Crusher and the false Kulta-Kal. Kopaka and Lewa had entangled Skull Crusher’s weapons on either side, leaving him wide open for Onua to hit him with Turbo Shoveler assisted double punch. Kulta-Kal, on the other hand, had fallen victim to an elemental assault, with Pohatu and Tahu combining their powers to cover him in lava, which Gali then cooled into stone by hitting it with a stream of Water. Just as the Protectors were preparing to congratulate the heroes, the forms of the fallen titans shimmered and transformed into pure shadow. These two masses oozed away from the Toa, leaving behind the lifeless forms of Skull Basher and another Skull Scorpio. With frightening speed the living darkness made its way deeper into the ruins, traveling in the same direction in which Harvali, Melea, and the children had gone. Without a word the heroes charged after them, though Pohatu and Lewa were prevented from flying by the close confines of the ruins. The corridor down which they ran soon opened up into a large chamber, and despite their urgency the Toa slowed to survey the awe-inspiring sight. Seven other doorways led off from the chamber, each with an Okotan rune above the door and a carved Okotan figure standing beside it. Pohatu recognized one of the figures, which had also appeared in sculptures at the Shrine of Stone where he had obtained his golden mask. These, then, were the ancient Mask Makers who had long ago attempted to create masks that utilized more than one Elemental Power...and in so doing, brought about the plague of shadows. Curiously, though each rune seemed to be indicative of a different one of Okoto's elements, there were seven, not six, and the figure above the seventh door-the only one currently open-wore Ekimu's Mask of Creation. However, the Toa and Protectors had no time to ponder these mysteries, for they had spotted their quarry. The two shadows had now become six, and had formed a ring around a trio of Okotans at the center of the chamber. Harvali, Balta, and Bingzak were standing back to back, with Harvali's gaze darting rapidly around to keep track of the shadows. Just when it seemed the shadows might take action, however, they were struck by blasts of Fire and Sand as Narmoto and Nilkuu charged in, astonishing their comrades with their ferocity. Driven back by the Elemental onslaught, each shadow retreated towards a different door, leaving only the curious seventh one unblocked. Then, as the heroes watched, the six other doorways opened, and each shadow began to change shape. In mere seconds they stood tall, strong, and armored, with their forms taking on color and definition. Much to the astonishment of the Toa, they recognized these new beings as themselves, but clad in unfamiliar armor and masks decorated with the same runes as the door before which each stood. The Shadow Tahu carried a pair of lethal-looking crystalline swords; Shadow Kopaka held a sword with two crystal blades and a launcher similar to Izotor's; Shadow Lewa wielded tonfa with metal or crystal blades at either end; Shadow Gali stood with a crystal spear; Shadow Pohatu's weapon was a flail with a crystalline blade; and Shadow Onua possessed a hammer that had a drill for one head and a launcher for the other. "Follow us if you dare, Toa! Come and see the power that could be yours if you would side with Makuta and not his prideful fool of a brother!" With this eerie challenge, spoken in unison, complete, each Shadow Toa retreated into their respective doorway. The Toa and Protectors waited a moment, wishing to be sure they were not going to return, before going to where Harvali and her two charges waited. Narmoto had knelt and hugged Balta to him, while Nilkuu had put a comforting hand on Bingzak's shoulder before turning to Harvali. "Are you all alright?" The obvious urgency and concern in his voice surprised the Toa, who failed to notice the tinge of red that came to Harvali's face behind her mask; Korgot was more astute and gave Vizuna a nudge that soon had him smiling as she was. The archaeologist finally managed to thank the Protector of Stone for his gallant action; her failure to thank Narmoto as well went unheeded. She then explained that Balta and Bingzak had stopped back with her to help her investigate the carvings in the chamber while Melea and her nephews went on ahead to search for the missing prisoners. They had taken the corridor marked by the statue of Heremus, a direct ancestor of Ekimu and Makuta's from whom Ekimu had inherited the Mask of Creation; this door, with it's anvil and hammer rune, signified the Element of Light. Harvali's trio had been examining the statue of Velika of Stone when the shadows had come upon them. "Now it seems those fiends have fled into the the Elemental Chambers, places where the ancient Mask Makers gathered Elemental Crystals from each Region in order to harness their power." Looking to each doorway, the Toa saw that Harvali spoke the truth, for through each portal was visible an environment resembling each Elemental Region. Rock and lava, ice and snow, dense jungle, a vast lake, desert sand, and a dim cavern greeted their eyes. "We must pursue them, or they will cause more trouble," Gali remarked. "But the armor they wore...those weapons...can we stand against them?" Izotor smiled reassuringly up at the Toa, then moved to Kopaka. "Makuta is a clever trickster-he has clad his creations in imitations of equipment that Master Ekimu has told me he intends to forge for you, noble Toa. I doubt you will have much more trouble with them than with the 'Kulta-Kal' we fought further back in the ruins. But to be certain, we shall gladly lend your our arms for your battle." Though Izotor hadn't shared this suggestion with his comrades, they were all quick to agree with the sense of it. Kopaka quickly place his shield on his back while the Protector fixed his own to the Toa's spear, before handing his launcher to the Toa as well. Narmoto fixed his own launcher to Tahu's shoulder, just as he wore it; he then joined his Flame Swords into a claw-like weapon. This Tahu took in his left hand, while joining his own Golden Swords into a double-bladed weapon and throwing the Lava Surfboard through the Door of Fire onto the lava in preparation to ride it. Vizuna handed Lewa his Flame Bow, while Nilkuu passed Pohatu the Sandstone Blaster after he had mounted the Stormerangs to his feet to create the Jetarangs. Onua joined the Turbo Shovelers back into the Earthquake Hammer and then took the Star Drill, though he was surprised when Korgot removed her shoulder armor and added it to his own. Kivoda offered Gali his launcher, but the pair realized it was rather small for her use; Gali solved this by splitting her trident and attaching the Shark Fins to either side of Kivoda's weapon. The Power Harpoon was then fixed to her back, and Kivoda then attached his Turbines to her shoulders; he stepped back to admire the sight before looking over at Nilkuu, who scowled. "You don't have to look so smug about being right." And so, with quick words of farewell, the Toa passed through the doors in search of their foes. The Protectors, after learning that Harvali had completed her studies of the chamber, opted to travel through the Door of Light to see if they could find Melea, Ako, Oda, and the Okotans they had all been searching for. They hadn't gone far when they heard a sound that filled them all with dread-the sound of a launcher being fired and Okotan voices yelling. Without a word they raced towards the sound, with Harvali and Nilkuu hanging back slightly to keep an eye on Bingzak and Balta. Emerging from the corridor, the Protectors realized that Makuta and his minions had clearly altered the ruins to suit their own purposes. Certainly, the ancient Mask Makers would never have caused the Door of Light to lead to what was unmistakably a dungeon. Numerous barred cells were visible, and inside them the group could see Okotans in various ill conditions. However, the greatest horror was the sight of Melea, Ako, and Oda backing away from a monstrous figure that dwarfed even Kulta-Kal and Skull Crusher. The creature's legs, which were oddly short considering its great size, ended in three-clawed feet and were decorated with spiked armor. It's torso was a hideous mismatch, with green ribs falling beneath fiery muscle and sickly green and black armor. The arms were bulky and covered in glowing growths or armor, and ended in long savage claws of black and red or white and green. From the thick shoulders emerged a head with a twisted golden mask set above a gaping jaw, with a pair of massive tusks or horns emerging from either side of it's head. Melea was fighting gamely, using the launcher Korgot had lent her to pelt the beast with energy blasts; however, the massive figure shrugged off the blasts as though they were raindrops. To Narmoto's shock, it then set four of it's six claws aflame and swiped at Melea, forcing her back. It then stomped a foot, and Korgot felt the power of Earth at work as the floor beneath their feet cracked and buckled. Melea stumbled, and the creature advanced on her to the outrage of her nephews, who ran to her aid. "Leave our aunt alone!" Ako followed up his shout with a slash of one of Korgot's throwing daggers, while Oda employed his own borrowed blade from the other side. The beast responded by blasting them back with streams of water so that they hit the walls; the shadows of the dungeon then seized hold of them. The boys continue to struggle, with Oda calling out as well. "Just wait 'til we get free, you monster!" "Perhaps lending the Toa our weapons was not the wisest course," Narmoto muttered. "If I may, friend Narmoto, I believe we still command weapons that will serve: the Elements themselves," Kivoda replied. As before, the Protectors understood unconsciously what their comrade intended, and quickly moved to form a ring around the massive beast. Seeing them coming, the creature unleashed a wall of flames that Kivoda quickly extinguished, blasts of water that Narmoto vaporized, and boulders that Nilkuu shattered. Tentacles of Shadow lashed out at them as well, only to be shattered by blasts of Ice or entangled themselves by Vizuna's vines. Korgot then used her Earth power on the already unstable floor to trap the monster's feet. Now in position, the Protectors moved on to the next phase of their plan: unleashing pure Elemental fury against their adversary. From six different directions they struck, with streams of Fire, Ice, Jungle power, and Water flying through the air to converge on the monster. Not to be left out, Nilkuu and Korgot channeled their powers through the floor, creating fissures and waves of rock that slammed into the enemy's legs. For a few brief seconds the creature held firm against the onslaught: then it was consumed by blinding light, which faded to reveal the blackened form of the Skull Warrior the heroes had encountered earlier. The Skull Warrior's body crumbled to reveal a sickening form: a scorpion, much smaller that the Skull Scorpios and even Ketar, Creature of Stone, but with a sickly green and black shell and a single glowing red eye. Melea shuddered as she beheld the creature and recognized it for what it was. Many were the tales told of its more noble brethren, but the ones about it were spoken rarely and with dread. "Jaga, Creature of Shadow!" With a hiss Jaga fled, moving so swiftly and being so quickly enveloped by the Shadow to which it belonged that the Protectors couldn't even think of seizing it. As such, they contented themselves with smashing open the many cell doors while Harvali, Balta, and Bingzak helped Melea and her nephews to their feet. However, the boys of Fire and Stone were soon distracted as a pair of familiar figures emerged from the crowd, with Balta being the first to voice his recognition. "MAMA!" In seconds Balta and his parents were locked in an embrace, the often stern Protector of Fire gently embracing his wife. Ako and Oda had flung their arms around their father, while Melea began lecturing her brother with mock severity about going off and leaving her to handle his children. However, young Bingzak could not share in their joy, as he looked around to every face in the crowd but could see no sign of his lost parents. At last he looked to the nearest freed prisoner, a woman of the Ice Tribe. "My name is you know what became of my parents?" "Oh child," the woman said, her eyes filling with sorrow. "We were all forced here by the Skull Spiders, and were pressured to pledge our allegiance to Makuta. Those few who accepted were stung by Jaga and became Okotans of Shadow, and disappeared to join Makuta's hordes in the Shadow Realm. But many adamantly refused no matter how badly they were beaten or starved, even though they had been here for some time. These were eventually put to death...and your parents were among them." Bingzak's eyes filled with tears, his long unspoken hopes now forever dashed. Before he could begin to weep, however, he felt a strong hand descend on each of his shoulders. To one side of him stood Nilkuu; to the other Harvali. Wordlessly they walked with him, leading the way as the Protectors and other Okotans made their way back towards the main chamber. As they emerged into it, however, they found that one last obstacle impeded their mission. The Toa and Shadow Toa had emerged from the Elemental Chambers: four of the latter lay groaning on the floor while Tahu and Kopaka were still fighting desperately. Some victory had been enjoyed, it seemed, for the Shadow Lewa and Shadow Onua were not to be seen. However, the remaining four had unleashed a new tactic, melding their substances together so that there were now two of them. One was mostly the Shadow Tahu but carried a shield and weapon that resembled the chest armor and flail of Shadow Pohatu; fiery blades emerged from either elbow, and two more hung from its back like wings. The other was mostly Shadow Kopaka, but its sword and launcher had merged together, and it had strange armor on it's back that resembled Shadow Gali's and a curious sword held in a reverse grip in it's left hand. "Protectors, to your Toa!" This came from Izotor, who stepped forward alongside Narmoto while Vizuna and the others rushed to their fallen compatriots. The two Protectors whose Toa still stood concentrated what strength remained to them and reached out to Kopaka and Tahu, linking their Protector Masks to the Golden Masks worn by the two champions. Though all four were weak from battle, the effect was more than merely a boost to the Toa. Their energies were almost immediately replenished, and then enhanced, with the power being such that they began to shine with it. Both Toa grew broader and thicker in their chests, as though their bodies needed extra room to accommodate their heightened energies. Tahu's Golden Sword attached to his back, while his Lava Surfboard split in two and came into his hands held in a reverse grip, with Narmoto's own swords attaching to the handles to become additional blades. Kopaka's shield came away from his back and attached to new growths on his shoulders to become wings. His spear found a place on his back, with with his hands he now gripped Izotor's weapon as the Protector did in battle. Izotor's shield allowed Kopaka to deflect the blasts from his foe's launcher, and he then opened fire with his own to blast the Shadow Kopaka's bladed launcher from his grasp. He then used the shield to parry Shadow Kopaka's remaining weapon before slicing through his adversary with a single blow; the monstrous Toa became a cloud of Shadow that dissipated like smoke. The Shadow Tahu fared little better, as it's shield was barely able to deflect the blasts from Narmoto's launcher where it still sat on Tahu's shoulder as he charged. One swing, and then another, of the Lava Surfboard blades rid the false Toa of both weapon and shield, and before it could reach for another weapon Tahu had slashed again, this time using Narmoto's blades. With their foes defeated, Tahu and Kopaka returned to their normal forms, and turned around to see their fellow heroes getting to their feet. Gratefully the Protectors accepted their weapons back from the heroes, who thanked them for their kindness in the lone. However, while Tahu and Kopaka still felt renewed, Narmoto and Izotor were drained from the effort of strengthening them and the other Toa and Protectors weren't in much better shape. As such, the Masters of Fire and Ice led the way as the Okotan survivors made their way out of the Place of Shadow. Emerging from the Place of Shadow, Tahu and Kopaka made one final exercise of their powers to bring down the ruin. This course had been suggested by the freed Okotans and agreed upon by the entire rescue party, including Harvali. Doing so, they knew, would not heal the pain it had caused nor bring back the fallen-but at least now the darkness within the place would be buried, and along with it the hated Creature of Shadow. And thus, with their task accomplished and their foes defeated, the party gladly followed Balta's counsel: "Let's go home." Ekimu smiled as he thought how the heroes had indeed come home, and celebrated the victory and its accompanying loss. They had soon had more cause for celebration, for Nilkuu and Harvali, who had grown closer ever since their adventures beneath the Ancient City, had decided to wed, and to adopt Bingzak as their son.The Mask Maker chuckled as he thought of the wedding, and how Nilkuu and Harvali had thrown their tokens of union, believed to identify the next pair of Okotans to be married. The emblems had been aimed towards Vizuna and Korgot, only to be caught by Izotor and Melea instead. However, Ekimu grew grim again as he regarded the masks that lay before him. Umarak's, in particular, reminded him of the Protectors' description of the colossus from Makuta's dungeon. Only now, after seeing the Destroyer and the Shadow Horde in action, did Ekimu see that his brother had been giving them a taste of what had been to come: an amalgam of the horrors he intended to unleash upon them. And he knew that, though Makuta's power to touch the world of light had been weakened by his defeat at the hands of the Toa, the Master of Shadows still lurked within his prison. "I imagine that you can hear me, brother-yes, I call you brother still, in memory of the bond we once shared. Your plans have failed, and your minions-whether revealed for what they were or cloaked in your shadow-have been defeated. Perhaps even now you scheme as to how you might find some other means of escaping the Shadow Realm. I do not believe that such exists-but if it does, and you find it, know that I will be waiting for you. If it must be so, the Toa of Light will walk Okoto again...and other heroes will always stand to defy you, even if I fall. "For that is the way...of the Bionicle..." Well guys, here it is: my entry to the The Legend Continues. I apologize if it's a bit wordy-I have more experience writing epics than short stories, and I have a tendency to expound a bit more than is probably necessary. I did go through it several times to get it trimmed down, so hopefully it won't be that tedious of a read. I did pack a lot into here: addressed a number of G2 canonicity issues with regards to both writing and unused models/set pieces/artwork, made some references to the much beloved (by me anyway) Revenge of the Skull Spiders, and threw in some G1 references with a little shipping on the side. Hope you enjoy and think it's worth your vote.
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These are my mods of the Protectors. First off is Narmoto Protector of Fire. His changes are 1. Arms are more like the ones from the animations and the feet are changed to red 2. Weapons are changed to Fire Tonfas using the fire pieces from Chima 3. Shoulder cannon is changed so it can fold onto the back Next of is Korgot Protector of Earth. Her mods are 1. More filled out chest and studs for blaster are changed to trans purple 2. Modified arm construction so its closer to body 3. Weapon changed to Star Mace Next up is Kivoda Protector of Water. His changes are 1. Changed up weapon to feature lights so He can see while underwater 2. Turbines mounted to back and on hinges to move around 3. Chest uses the same 5M shell like Gali has Next up is Nilkuu Protector of Stone. His changes are 1. More armored and more Dark Orange pieces. 2. Weapon is modified to be held more naturally. 3. White spikes replaced with silver Next up is Vizuna Protector of Jungle. His changes are 1. Transparent bones and green armor like Lewa 2. Smaller one handed crossbow and Katana for weapons 3. Long tail inspired from the 2 books. Last up is Izotor Protector of Ice. His changes are 1. Weapons are an Ice Sword. Ice Saw shield and handheld blaster. Ice Saw shield can move for cutting and blocking 2. White feet and more compact torso. 3. Light Azure upper arms and legs. Last picture is a group shot Comments and criticism appreciated
Has anyone had any luck with getting the Protectors to piggyback their respective toa? I keep knocking off the toa's masks and the protectors often fall off by themselves.
Tried tackling some human-ish Protector designs with Korgot and Vizuna. Most Okotans adorn themselves with face and bodypaint; each tribe has its own unique pattern. (might dump some other bionicle related art if anyone's interested)
I don't know how close this runs to being against guidelines, but as long as everyone else is cool with their comments, I think it should work out. OK: so the protectors went to the Temple of Time, and presumably using the Mask of Time or something, send their "prayers to the heavens". G2's protectors "prayer" could be a few things: 1) Just a euphemism- maybe it's just their hopes their sending to the heavens -- "prayers" just being a symbol of that? 2) There's someone up there! That lightning-bolt/laser that shot into space may have been carrying a message- perhaps another as-of-yet unknown character who organized the Toa and shot them to Okoto. A G2 equivalent of a Great Being, or GSR perhaps? 3) The communication was to the Toa themselves, to come and save Okoto- Which of course begs the question of where they were in space to begin with- and were they conscious enough to get it? Thus, was coming to Okoto a conscious decision the Toa made, or was it another unconscious-in-the-canister-and-it-just-got-launched-automatically scenario? And, if conscious, what were they doing on the world(s) they came from? Geez, just one line in an internet cartoon gives ya a lot to think about, huh?
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Tribes of Okoto A Comparative Analysis of the Physiological and Cultural Distinctions Between Six Island Tribes ---------------------------------- An introductory Overview The island of Okoto is host to a number of unique species, including at least one extant sophant race and possible a number of others. It is, however, this singular race that is to be the focus of this research document, as most future contact with the world is expected to happen with them. The villagers of Okoto, who call themselves Morehu, were at one point in their history part of an island-wide empire of great wealth and mystical power. However, due to the mishandling of an artifact and the resultant tragedy, most modern Morehu live in scattered tribes on the island. These tribes are affiliated with the region of the island in which they live; the Jungle Tribes live in the Jungle Region, the Stone Tribes live in the Stone Region, and so on. Morehu are carbon-based reptomammals with metallic compounds throuough their body, most notably in their bone structure. They have an average height of 4.5 feet, exhibiting a basic bipedal dual armed body plan with a singular head and no extended spine. Their hands have five digits, one of which is opposable; while this is also true of their feet, two of their digits have fused into a large “middle toe” and the opposable digit is usually used for balance. The smaller scales on a Morehu’s hands, feet, head, and chest usually appear silver, but as they grow larger on the limbs and main body they take a more blackish hue. The musculature of their barrel forms a distinct synthetic abdomen appearance, with a circular pattern over their heart and piston-like veins running from their ribs to their pelvis; almost all Morehu wear chest armor that mimcs and exaggerates these natural qualities. Morehu faces can best be described as a strong-jawed, hollow cheeked scowl with their eyes exhibiting refractive qualities and ranging from ice-blue to pale yellow in color. Their diet, while technically omnivorous, appears to be mostly plant based with the occasional lucky kill thrown in. This is largely out of necessity rather than preference, as the infrastructure for supporting different diets has collapsed with the empire. While they do have a noselike bone, the nostrils are rather simple; a combination of scent organs and taste buds can be found on complicated structures located on their cheeks. The hearing organs of the Morehu are drumlike enclosed ears, located just under a pair of “port” organs that allow limited telepathic contact. Most Morehu will consistently wear masks to protect these “ports” from access, and a number of masks actually incorporate a level of telepathically controlled mystical power. While the above is true of all Morehu populations, the varied regions of Okoto have resulted in minor divergences, both culturally and physiologically. The following sections are designed to elucidate on these differences, and furthermore examine the reasons they exist. ((The above is the first part of a seven part series, based on close observation of the Protector models.))
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Why is there no use of the word 'matoran' to refer to the villagers in the setting? I can understand not using turaga to describe the protectors, but matoran was an original word and strongly associated with the setting. I can see no reason for it not to be included. Does anybody know why or even have an idea?
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The thing I hate most about G2 is the complete lack of any backstory of the island. So far, the only story material we have are the brief blurbs on each Toa and Protector on and the videos, which doesn't provide much. Of all of the villagers on all of Okoto, the only one with some hint of characterization is the Protector of Fire. This is precisely why everyone loves MNOLG so much. It gave a look into the lives of the everyday villagers, the ones who fished or sailed or sold or who could fight off the Rahi just fine without the Toa's help. The Toa weren't the only heroes of the story, fighting for some villagers smacked in only to have something to fight for. So I've been thinking about it a bit in my course of drawing and building characters. What exactly could this character's personality be like? Let's start with the Protectors. Of course, this is all my own headcanon and is in no way official, but until we get something clearer, I'm treating it as canon. Protectors: These elite villagers of Okoto are called to be guardians of their people and culture. Each Protector is chosen from the family of the previous, typically the first born, though special circumstances have occurred in the past. When the current Protector reaches a certain age, they select their successor and pass on their mask and weapons in a grand ceremony attended by the whole island. Their names are replaced by their title, a show of their commitment to leave their previous life and turn towards their people. Each mask was crafted from sacred materials by Ekimu himself, distinguishing them from the typical villager masks. Protector of Fire: One of the most experienced Protectors, the Protector of Fire has seen much of the world. He has been fighting for his village for decades, always looking for the time when the Masters would come to liberate them forever. He has searched every prophesy and is filled with much ancient wisdom. In battle, he is fierce and unrelenting. His large frame is surprisingly agile, able to twist around enemy blows, yet deliver punishing strikes with his swords, just like his element. His Mask of Fire was forged from crystals found in the heart of the Okoto volcanoes. It is rare to see one come to the surface of the lava, and rarer still to obtain it. It is said the very essence of fire is captured within those fractals, a power the Protector of Fire uses to great effect. His flame swords are mounted on swiveling handles, allowing him to twirl them around in combat to redouble the force of his strikes. A slow spin is usually enough to frighten away the creatures that lurk in the dark, but when Skull Spiders come to battle, they are met with the white-hot blades as they whirl in blazing tornadoes in his hands. Protector of Earth: The eldest of the current Protectors, the Protector of Earth is brash and loud. His rumbling voice is often heard echoing through the caverns of the Earth Region. Despite his... rough personality, his devotion to his people is unquestionable. He is always at the forefront of every battle, blasting away with his chest cannon or shredding through opponents with his drill. When the village is at peace, he can often be found in the mines, digging away alongside his fellows. The Protector of Earth's drill, armor, and mask are formed from the rarest of Okoto's gems, a hardy and lustrous purple stone found only in the deepest caverns. Some have questioned if they bury themselves there, pushing away from unworthy hands with powers of Earth. If his launcher ever runs out of energy, he has throwing knives in ready supply and has become quite adept at their use. Protector of Stone: Though rarely seen in his home village, his skills with his staff are not to be questioned. Since the current Protector of Stone was instated, not a single Skull Spider has been seen within the village boundaries, though occasionally a villager will stumble upon an old carcass, killed in one blow with his deadly accuracy. When he can be found, he barely speaks, and only then in a hoarse whisper. The Mask of Stone was forged from the purest sand caught in a rare phenomenon: arcs of pure energy that cut across the Stone Region's deserts. Perhaps it is caused by the heat, but many affirm it is some ancient magic of the land. His staff-mounted elemental sandstone blaster is effective at close and long range. The long energy prongs, formed of the same energy that created his mask, are able to slice through most substances, though he rarely needs to use them. Protector of Ice: No one expected her sudden calling to be the next Protector of Ice, least of all herself. Even before taking on the mantle, she was shy and unsure of herself. Her aim with anything was shaky, her carving skills were cringe-worthy, and she couldn't seem to manage to get anywhere without falling on the ice. Her new responsibility has helped little. Though her new weapons make things slightly easier, she can't help but feel she was the worst possible villager for the job. Perhaps her purpose will only be apparent in time. Truly, it is only her weapons that give her hope of success, for it is difficult to fail with enchanted ice at your side. Legends say the mask, ice blade, and shield appeared from the ice at Ekimu's approach. They are bitterly cold to the touch and show no signs of melting even after generations of use. Protector of Jungle: The fastest gal in the land; Brynn was known as a messenger long before she took up the title of Protector of Jungle. She knows half the island like the back of her hand, and the other half well enough to get a message to anyone. Some of the other Protectors claim she shirks her duty to her people in favor of exploring the island or socializing, but whenever there is an attack, the Protector of Jungle is always there, appearing as if from the jungle itself. Her Mask of Jungle is carved from the sacred wood of the Jungle Region's Spirit Trees. These great monoliths are said to twist the junglearound them, only allowing those who are worthy to approach. This same ability to control the greenery is contained in her mask, and its wise guidance whispers to her through the vines trailing from her form. Her bow, the weapon of every Protector of Jungle, at first appears to be merely a tangle of vines and thorns, but with the assistance of her power, it is able to fire straight and true with greater power than any crafted before or since. (Yes, this was inspired by Bynn the Breaker from Bastion, as well as gk733 on DA) Protector of Water: The newest of the current line of Protectors and by far the youngest. She almost seems too youthful and naive to possibly save anyone, but she has proven herself a prodigy in swimming and combat. Her new tools only enhance her already great skill. She would be a formidable force to reckon with if she could just stay focused. Far too many times she has swam off to explore the sea floor, only to return to find a battle had been fought and won without her. Though she is young, the people can only forgive her curiosity so many times. On closer inspection, one would find her seemingly solid mask ripples softly. Its entire shape is formed by water, held together by some unknown power. The villagers had watched Ekimu as he walked through them wordlessly and stood at the shore as if waiting. Then, the Mask of Water washed up to him on a wave, and he handed it to the first Protector of Water. Her torpedo launcher and turbines pull her through the water at seemingly impossible speeds, and she had grown accustomed to using the new weapons.
I'm back with another poll! Here, we discuss the best Protector, best Toa, and whether or not you like the LoSS. Please vote*, and feel free to discuss your answers below. *I say this because for some reason, people like to look at polls, but then leave without voting. Looking at some of my previous polls, the percent of viewers that voted is disturbingly low: "What years' waves were the best?" 12% "Which original Toa of each wave was the worst?" 9% "Protector of Water: Male or Female?" 12%
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To celebrate the return of Bionicle LEGO Russia arranged an event for children to build a moc, and the winner of a moc contest could take it home. As an invited Bionicle expert, my time wasn't as much limited as the children's, so during the last day of this event (which is today) I built this chinese dragon in a couple of hours. It's made of the protectors' pieces only. The guys from LEGO were nice enough to let me take it home. New pictures:
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Gamut Hello everyone, this MOD of the protector of Earth is part of my quest to mod every protector. I now present Viper, the main antagonist of the six. His story is linked to the other protector mods. You can check them out at Protector of Earth - The Viper's Background story The protector of fire led the six to protect okoto while the tao slept, and he prayed dearly for their coming. However, the one who hoped most for the toa was Viper. In the beginning, he fought alongside the six, but nearing to end he saw villages being decimated, with the protectors unable to defend all. "When will the toa come?" Viper reminisced a question to his mentor and sworn sister, asked a decade ago. "Soon. They will come before hope is lost," she answered. Now, 15 years passed since then, and the forces of darkness had pushed his people to despair. Viper stood at the charred grounds of another lost battle, with his sworn sister dying in his arms. Viper looked to the sky "Where are the toa, WHEN WILL YOU SEND THEM? MATA NUI, I - CURSE - YOU!" He then looked down at a lifeless mask "they will come before hope is lost? Very well.........very well. Curse me not my brethren for that which I am about to do......" Viper bowed his head in prayer to Mata Nui, "Send your warriors, before I, destroy all hope." Build Of the six, Viper was the most cunning. He utilized hidden weapons and acid; and favored lightweight but sharp blades. He could hide in the shadows and disappear unnoticed. He has two claws and two sets of daggers sheathed at his sides. A protector without a launcher? His acid shooter is hidden. "Would I fight him if he was unarmed? A ridiculous question. No matter the situation, he will have a blade ready. Never, ever, expect a fair fight from the likes of him." - Yeti on Viper
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A while back I decided to make this: He turned out pretty good, except for his staff-shooter. It's pretty sensitive due to the way it's built.
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If I'm remembering correctly, the MU inhabitants in the Old!Bionicle were stated by Greg to be 85% mechanical and 15% organic, while the inhabitants of Bara Magna were the reverse. This had a lot of implications for how BM inhabitants could eat, sleep, drink, et cetera. The latest videos for New!Bionicle, however, have me thinking that the Protectors and villagers on Okoto might be more toward the BM side of things than the MU side. Other than the stuff that could be chalked up to '01-era weirdness (fishing, "clothing," etc), Baby Fire Villager is explicitly called "Son" by "Not-Vakama." This might be a figure of speech, granted, but it's still a term that was to my knowledge never used before in the old storyline. Same thing with the term "ancestors" when referring to the Protectors who found Ekimu originally. Might this indicate that families, relatives, etc. do exist on Okoto, and by extension, the Okoto inhabitants are much more organic than their MU counterparts? I doubt we'll get a definitive answer anytime soon, but it's fun to think about at least! Lewa0111 Nuva
In the Mysterious Island of Okoto, The Protector of Fire used the Mask of Time,and looking up to stars than he close he's eyes and dreams about a mysterious elder with red and orange than Protector says to the Mysterious Elder, “Who are you,and where did you come for?” than all see lose the Elder spoke to him, “I am Turaga Vakama of Metru Nui,and I was a Mask Maker like Ekimu and Your Makuta. My Greatest Creation was the Legendary Mask of Time, than with my Toa Team, The Toa Metru defeating Makuta,The Dark Hunters,The Visorak,Sidorak, & Roodaka. Than I and my team mates used are Toa Powers to free the Matoran than to give us the transformation into Turaga than are light turn to darkness when Makuta infered are Rahi than a Matoran named Takua surrounding the Toa Mata to defeat Makuta they did defeat him,but also the Bohrok Swarms and their Queens the Bagrag,as Nuva their defeat The Bohrok-Kal than Makuta's Returns with the Rahkshi than out of no where Takua,the same Matoran that surrounding The Toa, become a Toa of Light, Takanuva,and he did defeating Makuta that leave us back to Metru Nui,but with bad news of Mata Nui's Dying leaving The Nuva to Voya Nui their they need to reclaimed the Mask of Life,but they got defeating by Ex-Dark Hunters The Piraka so Takanuva's Friend, Jaller with Hahli,Hewkii,Nuparu,Kongu, & Matoro go to Karzahni to get new masks with stuck by the Red Star become the Toa Inika,and they defeated the Piraka,but the Mask traveling down to Mahri Nui where the Evil Warlords,The Barraki wanting the Mask for themselves,but The Toa Mahri go down to the Mutagen Ocean that ultimately Matoro gives he's life to free Mata Nui,but The Nuva with new Armor and help for The Order faces their final battle to faces The Brotherhood,but then Mata Nui finally awakens than didn't last with Makuta take full control of the robot,and Mata Nui's Spirt in the Mask of Life traveling to Bara Magna where the Evil Skrall Empire rules the Agri and Glatoran only fighting,but Mata Nui appears to them,and defeated Tuma. Than he is off to he's search of Bara Magna's Past to found the Prototype Robot,but than Makuta shown up the Ultimate Final Battle between Mata Nui and Makuta begin with Tahu,Takanuva,Glatoran, & Agri faces Armies of Skakdi,Rahkshi of Heat Vision, & Skrall it was a powerful fight,but Makuta was killed by a piece of rock are worlds unit as one for many years to come.” After herd Vakama's story he was glad to bring he's Tahu to he's Island than he woke up when a villager named, Kaparu say “Protector something is falling to sky.” than he knows that Tahu had arrival thanks part of Turaga Vakama of Metru Nui.
- Protectors
- Turaga
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From what we've seen in the recent story videos, the islanders aren't exactly characters. Sure, we have the young villager who has been widely celebrated for his cuteness, but the islanders are still, quite literally, copy-paste characters. If the story team wants to diversify the island and culture of Okoto, they should pay some attention to the islanders. Now, I'm not saying that every single islander should have a different personality, body-build and mask design, but rather just make them matter in the Okoto society by giving a handful of them names and occupations. It'll work as well as it did on the island of Mata Nui, trust me. I don't have very much to offer up, so tell me what you think.
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Alright, so after doing some research, I discovered the Protector's masks are slightly different from the other villagers, as in the Protector's elemental masks have two tones. My question is, do standard villager masks have limited elemental power? Or are they powerless? I imagine that a standard villager mask would have a small bit of elemental power, but it would be weaker than the Protector's elemental masks. What are your thoughts on this? Any other theories?
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- Generation 2
- Masks of Power
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You can find pictures of the Protector sets here. I think that all of them were well designed, despite the fact that they all have the same face. But which is your favorite? Vote away! Edit: Technically, it's the Protector of Jungle, not Air. Fixed.
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