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Everything posted by sydorack

  1. Pohatu's 2015 mask is definitely the toughest looking one of the bunch, and I do think it's a pretty good evolution of the kakama. The only masks that I feel don't resemble their original forms are gali's and lewa's, but I still very much like their new masks. I like that onua's is more or less the same just smaller and more to scale with the rest of the masks. Edit- regitnui already said half of what I said. Oops.
  2. The fact that people think lego owes the bionicle fan base something is pretty ridiculous. They didn't have to bring it back. They brought it back because we so desperately begged for it to come back. Bionicle is their creation though, not ours, and therefore they have the right to do whatever they want with it. They didn't need to bring it back to save the company a second time. If anything, they brought it back because they're doing so well that they were willing to take the risk of reviving a dead toyline. Hopefully the new generation will sell just as well as the old one. If we're the only people who buy g2 sets, then it will be dead at the end of three years.
  3. Of course tahu's stats are boosted and then gali and lewa are way short handed. 10 for luck? The fire spitters are supposed to be the ones who act too quick and mess everything up in battle. This doesn't make any sense to me. Someone enlighten me please.
  4. The mechdragon for sure. Everything about the set rules. His saw blades rule and his built in prison cell is so cool.
  5. Am I missing something here? Yeah, that's like a quarter of the size of the G1 stuff. It's actually more than half the size of the Toa Mata statues above, by the looks of it—I'd estimate Tahu as being about four feet tall and Onua as three feet or less. I've seen the Mask of Creation and I'd estimate it as over two feet tall, and extremely solid. Besides, I literally don't see how the size has any bearing on anything. Considering you're comparing ten years worth of models with four months worth, I think it's a little premature to assume G2 won't offer anything comparable to the classic Bionicle (though of course, that's the case with almost every "G2 doesn't have this" complaint). Heck, of the pictures represented in the initial post, only two of them date to 2001! But 2001 was before Bionicle was big. 2015, Bionicle is already an established franchise, plus it has HF as a frontrunner. It shouldn't need years of momentum to start up again if they've only got three scheduled. Yes and no. The children who will be buying bionicle sets were not around for g1. Even though there is hero factory, bionicle is still something new and different to a lot of people. Lego needs to market it to the children of today. As much as we're all nostalgic about g1, we have to remember that for probably most of the people buying g2, it's a new thing to them. The fact that they've only signed on for three years means that they don't necessarily want to spend tons of money on it, and want to see if it has potential to sell like it used to before they pump tons of money into it.
  6. My mother didn't know I had already bought the entire wave and went out and got me another tahu. I've wanted a mask keychain for a while so I figured I'd use my extra hau to make it. This is actually the first time I've altered a part, aside from gluing broken friction joints and what not. I don't think this exactly violates the general purist rules, since I wasn't altering it to build a moc in a certain way. I was doing it for a strictly non building purpose. I'd totally be willing to turn masks you supplied me with into keychains. I don't have many doubles of masks Id do this with. PM me if you're interested!
  7. I'm not sure if this the right page to post this on, but it made the most sense to me I'm tempted to make more.
  8. So far I love 2015. I'm not too worried about the lack of a story so far. The books will come and so will the details we all so badly want. The sets are pretty awesome. The masks are all awesome, even the new miru which a lot of people apparently dislike. The ccbs system works really well and makes them even more like action figures than the sets of the past. Granted I loved the individuality and mechanical look of the pieces from gen 1, but using the ccbs for gen 2 breathes new life into the bionicle world. I think gen 2 has all the same potential as gen 1 did. Can't wait for the skull villains and subsequent animations. Counting down the days till August.
  9. I have everything on display in my living room, just sitting on shelves.
  10. Dang these are so cool looking. You can totally see how they got to the bionicle sets from there.
  11. Got an infected hau in one of them. Pretty stoked on that. Thanks again cas!!
  12. The reason mask packs don't make so much sense to me, is that the toa didn't have to go and gather each mask in their color. The idea of having different colored masks is awesome, but it wouldn't fit into the story and doesn't really make sense for lego to do. But who knows, maybe the books will reveal a more in depth story where they did have to go and seek different masks. We shall see.
  13. As a system, I think ccbs is pretty cool. It's allowed lego to take the bionicle concept of a buildable action figure, and accurately apply it to any theme they want now. As far as buildability, I feel like it isn't as customizable. The specificness of the parts seems to limit what you can do with them. That being said, I'm sure there are many ways around these limits that just need to be thought up. My gripe with bionicle 2015+ being ccbs is that it takes away from the "specialness" of bionicle. One of the things I always loved so much was the mechanical look of all the parts, and that you could also only get them in bionicle sets. Now you can get most of the parts under a variety of themes. I also hated hero factory, and when I look at my new bionicle figures, I kind of see hero factory sets in my head and I don't like it. That being said, I still do love the reboot and I do like ccbs. It just makes the new generation of bionicle a little less special. Hopefully we get more cool weapons masks in 2016 and on.
  14. This is a tricky question. My very favorite forms are the phantoka, while the mistika kinda suck. The nuva for the most part kinda suck. The mata are highly nostalgic for me and hold a special place in my heart. The reboots are all pretty awesome, but I miss the very tech look from the past. The exclusivity of bionicle pieces is what kind of made it so great to me, and now most of the 2015 parts can be found in other themes. Before this, most bionicle parts could only be found in bionicle sets. In the end, my favorites by character would come to this Tahu-mata Gali-mata Lewa-phantoka Kopaka-phantoka Onua-mata Pohatu-phantoka
  15. Everything is awesome. Except mistika canisters.
  16. This was so hard. Ultimately, I had to pick kopaka. His attitude and personality always really really clicked with me and his mata form has been one of my favorite sets since the beginning. Nuju and matoro are awesome too. All ice characters have always really appealed to me. Maybe that says something about me. I don't know. Either way kopaka and nuju are two of my favorite characters by far, and their mata and metru forms are two of my favorite sets by far. Nujus ice pick hook things are one of my favorite weapons/tools of all time.
  17. My parents say they had me playing with duplo as a toddler but the earliest stuff in my memory is the mid/late 90's stuff like rock raiders, aquazone, ufo, life on Mars, roboforce, exploriens, and all the other space stuff from then. I recently bought a roboraptor, still sealed from 97. That was one of my favorite sets as a kid and my original set had been disaasembled and lost among many bins a long time ago. To OP, those are some awesome finds, the real og space stuff is awesome. I never had any of it as a kid but I certainly want to get some at some point.
  18. Thanks for the words everyone. Means a lot to me. At some point when I have time I will definitely do more sheets with the different waves masks.
  19. I remember trying to get my parents to fight with tarakavas with me. I also remember everytime a new wave came and my mom would bring me to toys r us, I would freak out as soon as I could see the shelves they were on. I was usually only to get maybe one or two a year for a while until I was older. Now I've since been filling in gaps in my collection and those are definitely becoming fond memories, everytime I open a box with a set I wish I had when I was a kid.
  20. What runes are you referring to?In episode 01, where PoF tells Two-kua the legend. They brave trials, find their masks, and then at the end are shown placing the golden masks on pedastals... I might be remembering that wrong... I have my Tahu, sitting with his Golden Mask of POWAA and holding his swords in the surfer's position. Took me a few minutes to get it right. I'm happy with the shoulders, when they're turned down against the arms and not left horizontal, and I've covered the back of his legs with some of the armour from CHI Fluminox. Adds to the flared impression on his lower legs without limiting posability. The legend shows them finding the masks on pedestals and then wearing them in the following panel. I believe the pedestals are representative of the pedestals they actually found them on, not something they're supposed to put them on after using. At least that's how I see it.
  21. For protector I chose ice. I love his color way so much and I like the shield/saw function. He poses well and his shooter attachment is cool and not obtrusive. For toa I chose lewa. His lack of head movability is annoying, but overall I love his design. He looks balanced and strong. His shoulder pads are my favorite part. His weapons are cool, the double arm function is cool, and his new mask is awesome. My favorite mask from the new wave is definitely pohatu's, but my favorite overall is definitely lewa. As for LoSS, I like him. I like that his face is a chest plate and I like the trans-orange highlights. It gives him a halloween-esque look and I back it. His function is pretty cool as well. Not super pose able but whatever, he's a big toa crushing spider. That's dope.
  22. Wouldn't you say the skull spiders are small villains like the bohrok va?
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